Originally Posted by shaggylive
I really belive wm7 is much like the pc counterpart; a slimmed down core with tones of options for interfacing.. I'm supprised more discussion isn't happening about the kin, cuz eventhough most of us will never get one, it does look very much like a m$ experiment that will shape what wm7 actually becomes
ohh, and the freedom bit.. android isn't free. it comes with a cost; privacy. (although once rooted, the shackles can/could/have be(en) broken.)
WP7 USED to be the PC counterpart, it's broken now. A PC can run whatever you write on it. It's called having access to it's native code. That's been taken away from us, which makes the OS useless to most. Goodbye, wififofum, goodbye anything that Microsoft doesn't want us to have or use, they even crippled the APIs to what they feel we need access to. Not only that but wait till the carriers themselves ask Microsoft to remove an APP because they don't like it. You lose the same freedoms that Apple users lost when the iPhone came out. Android for now is the only platform right now (except for select AT&T versions) that still give you a choice.
Also what cost are you referring to about privacy? Google holds data big deal, who doesn't? Google is probably just being more forthcoming then it's competitors. Who really knows if Microsoft is deleting the data when they say they will. It's a phone, it's linked to a phone number, if Google, Microsoft or Apple wants your information they can probably easily obtain it. This isn't FERPA, HEPA or government regulated in any form, should we really trust any of them with our data? We do it anyway so I just don't buy into that concern...