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  #2221 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2011, 05:59 PM
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Re: [HSPL-UNLOCKER] - - Rhodium W HardSPL

Originally Posted by Hugo381 View Post
I am trying to unlock a Touch Pro 2 that has no service on it. My kids use it with Android on it to download game from the Market. I am trying to run Android from NAND and want to flash it to the phone so there is no need for Haret. In order to flash Android as a OS on my phone I have to be unlocked. Everytime I try to unlock it it tells me there is a fatal error and starts asking if phone is still connected or synced and to make sure the RADIO is on, and then tells me to download a cab file which I have and installed. I am guessing since the phone has no service and it requires the RADIO to be on, which it is but with no service, then it detects it as having the RADIO off?

try putting it in GSM mode.

if that doesn't help, then it seems like a more unique problem so send a ticket to our support site to get this solved.
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  #2222 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2011, 09:25 PM
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Re: [HSPL-UNLOCKER] - - Rhodium W HardSPL

cmonex, great goddess of all things SPL. Quick question for you

Is there any possibility of unlocking the SPL again from the SD card? I know this has been a no in the past, but now that the TP2 is kind of at the end of its life, I'm hoping this might be changed. A No is fine, just thought it would be stupid not to ask

I've been working on our NAND Android builds, and LMiller recently lost his USB functionality. He managed to relock via SD card and it restored USB for him. I'm concerned that my issue may be hardware related in which case I would never be able to unlock my phone again. I've never tried to relock via sd and unlock again out of fear that I wouldn't be able to continue development.

Thanks for all your work!

Edit: Well, looks like I'm done with NAND development unless you have a way to unlock via SD card. I went ahead and tried it, but the USB must actually be broken on my device

Last edited by natemcnutty; 04-20-2011 at 05:56 PM.
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  #2223 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2011, 06:10 PM
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Re: [HSPL-UNLOCKER] - - Rhodium W HardSPL

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
cmonex, great goddess of all things SPL. Quick question for you

Is there any possibility of unlocking the SPL again from the SD card? I know this has been a no in the past, but now that the TP2 is kind of at the end of its life, I'm hoping this might be changed. A No is fine, just thought it would be stupid not to ask

I've been working on our NAND Android builds, and LMiller recently lost his USB functionality. He managed to relock via SD card and it restored USB for him. I'm concerned that my issue may be hardware related in which case I would never be able to unlock my phone again. I've never tried to relock via sd and unlock again out of fear that I wouldn't be able to continue development.

Thanks for all your work!

Edit: Well, looks like I'm done with NAND development unless you have a way to unlock via SD card. I went ahead and tried it, but the USB must actually be broken on my device

oh, you relocked already? PM me and maybe I can figure out a way for you to flash from SD.

but maybe better if you email me, I don't check ppcgeeks daily. my email: contactchan at freemail.hu

btw, that guy, which SPL version did he relock to?
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  #2224 (permalink)  
Old 04-20-2011, 08:34 PM
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Re: [HSPL-UNLOCKER] - - Rhodium W HardSPL

Originally Posted by cmonex View Post
oh, you relocked already? PM me and maybe I can figure out a way for you to flash from SD.

but maybe better if you email me, I don't check ppcgeeks daily. my email: contactchan at freemail.hu

btw, that guy, which SPL version did he relock to?
Haha, thanks for the reply, I'll send you an email here shortly.

I'm pretty sure he grabbed the relocker from the post here in this forum about flashing/relocking from the SD card (and that's where I grabbed my relocker from)... maybe I shouldn't have done that :P
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  #2225 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2011, 03:36 PM
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Re: [HSPL-UNLOCKER] - - Rhodium W HardSPL

Trying to flash a friends HTC Touch Pro 2 for the first time. I get 246 connection error, then when I try to load from bootloader screen it just sits at 0%.

Any help would be great!

Last edited by tmac750; 04-25-2011 at 03:46 PM.
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  #2226 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2011, 05:42 PM
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Re: [HSPL-UNLOCKER] - - Rhodium W HardSPL

Seems like the website is down, and I can't get the automatic unlocker to work. I tried manually booting into the bootloader then running the manual version, but it just stalls at 0%. I just got this as a replacement phone through TEP, so I'd like to be able to flash to a custom rom.

Also a question, this phone came with SPL .72 and the relocker I have is .63, is there a new relocker, does it make a difference?

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  #2227 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2011, 02:17 PM
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Re: [HSPL-UNLOCKER] - - Rhodium W HardSPL

I got a replacement TP 2 yesterday and tried to unlock it, however at first i would get a connection error, then it would just stall at 0%. I connected the old tp2 and it flashed and worked without a problem, however my replacement isnt working.....any ideas or help is appreciated

edit: i've gotten another replacement phone and i still have the same problem, has verizon done something to prevent the unlock

Last edited by anesh01; 05-03-2011 at 12:24 AM.
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  #2228 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2011, 09:10 PM
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Re: [HSPL-UNLOCKER] - - Rhodium W HardSPL

Can someone help me out? i can't unlock my phone
It says that i don't have permission to do it
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  #2229 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2011, 10:47 PM
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Re: [HSPL-UNLOCKER] - - Rhodium W HardSPL

Originally Posted by shadowlaos View Post
Can someone help me out? i can't unlock my phone
It says that i don't have permission to do it

is that a message on the PC? you may need to launch it as admin.

or if you mean that it said you used it before, you need to send us a ticket to fix that. (2 personal uses are allowed automatically but it could be that someone has a 3rd phone etc...) see site link in first post in this thread.

Originally Posted by CalcMan View Post
Seems like the website is down, and I can't get the automatic unlocker to work. I tried manually booting into the bootloader then running the manual version, but it just stalls at 0%. I just got this as a replacement phone through TEP, so I'd like to be able to flash to a custom rom.

Also a question, this phone came with SPL .72 and the relocker I have is .63, is there a new relocker, does it make a difference?

site could be down for 5mins here and there but I assume you resolved that since then.
as for relocker, 0.63 will be fine.

Originally Posted by anesh01 View Post
I got a replacement TP 2 yesterday and tried to unlock it, however at first i would get a connection error, then it would just stall at 0%. I connected the old tp2 and it flashed and worked without a problem, however my replacement isnt working.....any ideas or help is appreciated

edit: i've gotten another replacement phone and i still have the same problem, has verizon done something to prevent the unlock

see USB troubleshooting tips in second post in this thread

Last edited by cmonex; 05-03-2011 at 10:52 PM.
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  #2230 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2011, 10:52 PM
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Re: [HSPL-UNLOCKER] - - Rhodium W HardSPL

I'm new at this.
it still says the same thing. my antivirus kept popping up.

Last edited by shadowlaos; 05-03-2011 at 11:18 PM.
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