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  #5261 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 11:23 PM
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Re: [ROM] [12/27/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R7 (21887) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Before 11? Da** man, I just finished flashing R7 and getting my phone set up how I like it. LOL Guess it'll be a long nite. Thanks just the same for your work! It'll be worth it to have landscape and facebook intergration.
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  #5262 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 11:45 PM
Juicy47's Avatar
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Re: [rom] [01/13/10] juicy rom r8 (21889.5.0.87) [sense ui - landscape] [xda_uc]

Juicy R8
CE OS 21889 Build 21889 AKU 5.0.87

This is a ROM built for speed, stability and heavy use. You will not find any cartoon characters on start-up, out-dated packages or fluff in here.

This is the Touch Pro2 ROM built for professionals.


If you like my work, please rate this thread

This ROM is fully XDA_UC Compliant. Thanks Noonski for developing such an awesome tool! Click here for user tips, tricks. Click here to thank Noonski.

XDA_UC & Juicy ROM FAQ's

Q - I press "Customize" and nothing happens

A - You haven't set up XDA_UC! Create a directory on your SD card titled "XDA_UC". Throw all of you cab's, reg's, xmls, mortscripts and manila files in there. You are no longer bound to only customizing your device at startup. You are also freed from having to worry about proof reading your sdconfig.txt file. XDA_UC takes care of everything by doing bulk installs silently, after you press "Customize" on my ROM (it runs a slightly modified script developed by Noonski.

YouTube review courtesy of D/\SH from SPJ!

Change Log
[ ] CE OS 5.2.21889 Build 21889 AKU 5.0.87
[ ] 3.04.605.3_Juicy ROM Base
[ ] kernel tweaks
[#] Sense wallpaper by default
[#] Restored custom 3G icon
[#] ring & vibe fix
[#] ringtone corruption fix
[#] fixed YouTube sound issues
[#] Facebook integration in HTC Albums
[#] aGPS_Confirmation_TEST 1_0_19222811_00
[#] Album_TEST 3_2_19222911_00
[#] AppointmentEditor_TEST 1_0_19222610_00
[#] Audio_Manager_Engine_TEST 2_0_19222811_h
[#] Boot_Launcher_TEST 1_0_19221510_1
[#] BrowserSnapshot_TEST 1_0_19222010_00
[#] Calculator_TEST 1_1_19222710_00
[#] Concurrence_Mgr_TEST 1_5_19222310_00
[#] Contact_Picker_TEST 1_0_19222911_00
[#] Contact_Utility_Engine_TEST 1_2_19222911_00
[#] DRM_Middleware_TEST 1_5_19222310_00
[#] DShow 2_0_19203224_00
[#] Email_Setup_Wizard_TEST 2_3_19222811_10
[#] Facebook_Engine_TEST 1_1_19222811_00
[#] FlashLiteShareDll_TEST 1_0_19222310_00
[#] FootCam_TEST 1_26_19222911_00
[#] Footprints_Engine_TEST 1_1_19222811_00
[#] FootprintsThumbViewer 1_0_19212227_01
[#] FootPrintsVE_TEST 2_0_19222811_00
[#] Full_Screen_Player_TEST 1_8_19222911_00
[#] GroupEditor_TEST 1_0_19222811_00
[#] HTCBookmark_TEST 1_0_19222811_00
[#] HTCFont_Link_TEST 1_0_19221410_00
[#] HTCFramework_TEST 1_5_19222811_00
[#] HTCGeoService_TEST 1_0_19222811_00
[#] HTCMessaging_Client 1_15_19203828_00
[#] htcNaviMgr_TEST 1_0_19222811_00
[#] HTCScroll_TEST 2_0_19222310_00
[#] IE6Enhancement_TEST 1_0_19222010_00
[#] IME_Engine_Western_TEST 2_1_19222310_00
[#] IME_EzInput_Western_TEST 2_1_19222911_00
[#] LockScreenAppLauncher_TEST 1_0_19221410_00
[#] LockstreamDRM 1_2_091113_O9_01
[#] Manila_Calendar_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_Core_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_DocumentBrowser_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_Footprints_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_Home_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_Internet_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_Mail_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_Message_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_Music_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_People_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_Photo_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_Settings_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_Stock_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_Twitter_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Manila_Weather_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Media_Tool_kit_TEST 1_2_19222911_00
[#] Menu_Enhancement_TEST 1_1_19222010_00
[#] MyPhone 1_6
[#] New_Contact_Card_TEST 1_1_19223111_00
[#] OfficeMobile 14_0
[#] Opera_Browser 9_70_35627_0
[#] Phone_Canvas_Enhancement_2G_TEST 4_2_62119222911_0
[#] Picture_Enhancement_TEST 1_50_19222811_00
[#] Resource_Proxy_TEST 1_0_19222811_00
[#] Shared_Modules_TEST 1_01_19222911_00
[#] SharedResource_TEST 1_0_19222911_00
[#] Social_Networks_Engine_TEST 1_1_19222911_00
[#] StartIconLoader_TEST 2_5_19222911_0
[#] Streaming_Media_TEST 3_1_19222911_00
[#] Streaming_SDK_TEST 2_7_19212819_00
[#] SqlCeMobile 3_0_3600_0
[#] Text_Selection_TEST 1_0_19222811_00
[#] TimeZoneAutoFix_TEST 1_0_19222811_00
[#] USB_To_PC_Pop_Up_TEST 2_3_19222510_00
[#] VBookmarkMgr_TEST 1_0_19222811_00
[#] WindowsLive 10_7_0061_0500_2000
[#] YouTube_TEST 2_6_19222811_00
[#] zlibce_m_TEST_1_2_30_00

[ ] CE OS 5.2.21887 Build 21887 AKU 5.0.86
[ ] custom CDMA_RSSI_PPC *thanks Nico4K*
[ ] file system optimization *much faster seek times*
[ ] disabled vibrate by default on SIP
[#] aGPS_Confirmation 1_0_19213629_00
[#] Album 3_2_19213621_0
[#] App_Service 1_76_0_0
[#] AppointmentEditor 1_0_19213631_0
[#] Audio_Manager_Engine 2_0_19212226_h
[#] ClearStorage 2_3_1_0
[#] CommManager 2_9_O_7
[#] Contact_Picker 1_0_19213627_00
[#] Contact_Utility_Engine 1_1_19212224_00
[#] DeviceInfo 2_7_1_0
[-] DiscreticDRM 1_0_20090930_CP_01
[#] DRM_Middleware 1_5_19212225_00
[#] Email_Setup_Wizard 2_3_19213626_10
[#] Facebook_Engine 1_1_19213628_00
[#] Footcam 1_26_19213627_00
[#] FootprintsThumbViewer 1_0_19212227_01
[#] GPS_GMM 3_2_116_1
[#] HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
[#] HTCAnimation 1_3_7_0
[#] HTCBookmark 1_0_19213627_0
[#] HTCFramework 1_5_19213632_00
[+] HTCMessaging_Client 1_15_19203828_00
[#] HTCSettings 1_4_4_0
[#] IE6Enhancement 1_0_19211527_00
[#] IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19212928_00
[#] IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19213624_00
[#] IME_Tutorial 1_0_19212627_00
[#] LockstreamDRM 1_2_091113_O9_01
[#] Manila_Calendar 2_5_19214024_0
[#] Manila_Core 2_5_19214010_0_CFC
[+] Manila_DocumentBrowser 2_5_19214010_0
[#] Manila_Footprints 2_5_19214010_0
[#] Manila_Home 2_5_19214010_0
[#] Manila_Internet 2_5_19214010_0
[#] Manila_Message 2_5_19214010_0
[#] Manila_Music 2_5_19214010_0
[#] Manila_People 2_5_19214010_0
[#] Manila_Photo 2_5_19214010_0
[#] Manila_Settings 2_5_19214010_0
[#] Manila_Stock 2_5_19214010_0
[#] Manila_Twitter 2_5_19214010_0
[#] Manila_Weather 2_5_19214010_0
[#] mHub_VO 1_7_091112_0
[#] Opera_Browser 9_70_35627_0
[#] Picture_Enhancement 1_50_19211531_00
[#] Settings_Improvement 1_0_19213627_0
[#] Shared_Modules 1_01_19213627_00
[#] SharedResource 1_0_19213622_00
[#] SIM_Mgr 6_76_0_1
[#] SimContactImport 3_4_19213621_00
[#] Social_Networks_Engine 1_1_19213627_00
[#] StartIconLoader 2_5_19214010_0
[#] Streaming_Media 3_1_19212227_00
[-] ShowPhoneNo 1_20_0_1
[#] Task_Manager 2_1_19212822_21
[#] Text_Selection 1_0_19212229_00
[#] TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19213626_00
[#] USB_To_PC_Pop_Up 2_3_19213628_00
[#] Voice_Recorder 2_0_19213633_0
[#] Volume_Control 2_2_19213629_00
[#] WLANSettings 2_7_A_0
[#] YouTube 2_6_19212228_00

[ ] CE OS 5.2.21884 Build 21884 AKU 5.0.85
[#] D3D Optimizations
[#] Folder structure
[#] Native MMS visible
[#] Network Options
[#] Fixed Ring & Vibe
[#] replaced Ev with 3G
[#] Enabled Opera vBookmark support
[#] Restored BubbleBreaker/Solitaire shortcuts
[#] Camera 6_17_36214_0
[#] CMInternetSharing_1_1_6_0
[+] DialerMenuExt 1_11_0_1
[-] DigitalCompass_1_0_19201933_1
[#] Full_Screen_Player_1_8_19203027_00
[#] HTCFramework_1_1_19203222_00
[-] HTCMessaging_Client 1_15_19203828_00
[#] IME_Tutorial 1_0_19201622_00
[#] Long_Press_End_Key_1_5_19202225_00
[#] Manila_Core 1_0_19211622_1_CFC
[#] Manila_Home 1_0_19204013_0
[#] Manila_Internet 2_5_19204022_0
[#] Manila_Mail 2_5_19204024_0
[#] Manila_Message 2_5_19204026_0
[#] Manila_Music_2_5_19211526_1
[#] Manila_People 2_5_19204020_0
[#] Manila_Photo 2_5_19203024_0
[#] Manila_Stock 2_5_19202526_0
[#] Manila_Twitter 2_5_19212622_0
[#] Manila_Weather 2_5_19203031_0
[#] Media_Tool_kit_1_2_19203325_0
[#] MS_MyPhone 1_5_2317
[#] Opera_Browser_9_70_35577_0
[#] PhoneExt_Service 2_52_0_0
[#] PhoneCanvas 5_30_0_0
[#] Phonecanvas_MASD 3_40_1920_1930
[#] Social_Networks_Engine 1_1_19212021_01
[#] Voice_Recorder_1_10_19193928_2

[ ] CE OS 5.2.21882 Build 21882 AKU 5.0.84
[#] D3D Drivers *thanks NFSFAN for Vulcan Drivers*
[#] Arcsoft_MMS_WM65 5_2_6_45U
[#] Telus Carrier Cab *thanks Juggalo_X* (TELUS users must install the cab now)
[#] Sprint Carrier Cab *thanks Juggalo_X*
[#] Verizon Carrier Cab *thanks Juggalo_X*
[#] USC Carrier Cab *thanks Juggalo_X*
[#] Generic Carrier Cab *thanks Juggalo_X*
[#] Fixed duplicate connections for VZW users

[ ] USC 2.01 ROM Base
[+] Enabled Chainfire Compression in Sense UI *MaxManila support discontinued*
[#] IntShr
[+] Album sample photos
[#] Album 3_2_19203733_0
[#] ClearStorage 2_3_0_1
[#] CMCallForwarding 1_4_7_0
[#] Email_Setup_Wizard 2_3_19203229_10
[#] Footcam 1_26_19211626_00
[#] Footprints_Engine 1_1_19202521_1
[#] FootprintsThumbViewer 1_0_19201728_0
[#] FootPrintsVE 2_0_19192610_00
[#] Full_Screen_Player 1_8_19202128_00
[#] HTCBookmark 1_0_19202930_00
[#] HTCMessaging_Client 1_15_19203828_00
[#] HTCNaviMgr 1_0_19193827_00
[#] Menu_Enhancement 1_1_19211322_00
[#] MP3_Trimmer 1_2_19194032_0
[#] New_Contact_Card 1_1_19202528_00
[#] Social_Networks_Engine 1_1_19203021_00
[#] Streaming_Media 3_1_19202228_00
[#] TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19203033_00
[#] VBookmarkMgr 1_0_19202626_00
[#] Volume_Control 2_2_19203625_20
[-] Today_Location 1_14_0_0

[ ] CE OS 5.2.21876 Build 21876 AKU 5.0.72
[+] Arcsoft_MMS_WM65 5_2_0_43
[#] GoogleLocationService_1_0_1_21
[#] Manila_Calendar 1_0_19211621_0
[#] Manila_Core 2_5_19211619_0
[#] Manila_Footprints 2_5_19202929_0
[#] Manila_Home 1_0_19203029_1
[#] Manila_Internet 2_5_19202527_0
[#] Manila_Mail 2_5_19202430_0
[#] Manila_Message 2_5_19201731_0
[#] Manila_Music 2_5_19203820_0
[#] Manila_People 2_5_19203325_2
[#] Manila_Photo 2_5_19203023_0
[#] Manila_Settings 2_5_19202526_0
[#] Manila_Stock 2_5_19202521_0
[#] Manila_Twitter 2_5_19203032_0
[#] Manila_Weather 2_5_19202521_0
[#] SignatureReplace 1_5_0_0
[#] Task_Manager 2_1_19203725_21
[#] Custom Juicy Provisioning Application *thanks JMZ*
[#] TELUS Provisioning *thanks Juggalo_X*
[#] Sprint Provisioning *thanks Juggalo_X*
[#] Verizon Provisioning *thanks Juggalo_X*
[#] YouTube Tweaks
[#] MMS Fix *thanks JMZ*
[#] SpinLocked Drivers *thanks No2Chem*

[#] d3dm updates
[#] removed duplicate USBtoPC CPL
[#] 6.5 style signal bars *doesn't show idle data*
[#] fixed broken links in manila settings
[#] fixed Bluetooth bugs
[#] killed debug data collection
[#] nulled resource proxy thresholds (more visible RAM)
[+] JMZ Carrier Provisioning 1.0A
[+] Juicy47 Carrier Provisioning CABs *thanks DCD, MightyMike*
[+] CMBandSwitching 2_2_1_1
[-] CMBluetooth 1_1_4_0
[+] CMCallBarring 1_3_1_0
[+] CMCallerID 1_4_0_0
[+] CMCallForwarding 1_4_4_0
[+] CMCallWaiting 1_2_0_0
[+] CMPhone 1_6_4_2
[+] CMPhoneVMSetting 1_5_0_0
[+] CMPin 1_4_5_0
[+] DiscretixDRM 1_0_20090930_CP_01
[#] DShow 2_0_19193427_00
[+] Email_Setup_Wizard 2_3_19202831_10
[#] Facebook_Engine 1_1_19201832_00
[#] LockScreenAppLauncher 1_0_1920_1628
[-] LockStreamDRM 1_1_081216_O9_08
[#] Media_Tool_kit 1_2_19201926_0
[#] Opera_Browser 9_70_35541_0
[#] Settings_Improvement 1_0_19202927_00
[+] TaskBarIconMgr 2_11_0_0
[#] TouchOptions 1_0_19183420_00
[#] USB_To_PC_Pop_Up 2_3_19192730_12
[-] USBtoPC 1_27_0_0
[+] Volume_Control 2_2_19202632_20
[-] VolumeControl 2_1_19163532_0
[#] WLANSettings 2_7_10_0

[ ] CE OS 5.2.21872 Build 21872 AKU 5.0.71
[#] d3dm update
[#] fixed SMS bugs
[#] leo wallpapers
[#] leo themes
[#] custom folder hierarchy
[#] AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_1
[#] aGPS_Confirmation 1_0_19201925_01
[#] Album 3_2_19201925_1
[#] App_Service_1_75_0_0
[+] AppointmentEditor 1_0_19202410_0
[#] Audio_Booster 2_5_19194032_lo00
[+] Audio_Manager_Engine 2_0_19201927_h
[-] AudioManager_Eng 1_7_19181424_h
[+] BrowserSnapshot 1_0_19201131_00
[+] Calculator 1_1_19201131_01
[#] CDMA_RSSI_PPC 1_35_0_0
[#] CMInternetSharing 1_1_5_1
[+] Contact_Picker 1_0_19202622_00
[+] Contact_Utility_Engine 1_1_19201730_00
[#] DeviceInfo 2_7_0_1
[#] FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19201927_0
[#] Full_Screen_Player 1_8_19182324_01
[#] GoogleLocationService 1_0_1_20
[#] GroupEditor 1_0_19201824_00
[#] HTCFramework 1_1_19202625_00
[#] HTCGeoService 1_0_19201627_00
[#] HTCMessaging_Client 1_1_19202726_00
[#] HTCScroll 2_0_19201130_00
[#] IE6Enhancement 1_0_19202230_00
[#] IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19202626_00
[#] IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19202530_00
[#] IME_Tutorial 1_0_19193423_00
[+] Manila_Calendar 1_0_19202625_0
[+] Manila_Core 2_5_19202525_0
[+] Manila_Footprints 2_5_19202230_0
[+] Manila_Home 1_0_19201926_0
[+] Manila_Internet 2_5_19202527_0
[+] Manila_Mail 2_5_19202430_0
[+] Manila_Message 2_5_19201731_0
[+] Manila_Music 2_5_19201628_3
[+] Manila_People 2_5_19202531_0
[+] Manila_Photo 2_5_19202327_0
[+] Manila_Settings 2_5_19202526_0
[+] Manila_Stock 2_5_19202521_0
[+] Manila_Twitter 2_5_19202430_0
[+] Manila_Weather 2_5_19202521_0
[#] Menu_Enhancement 1_1_19202527_00
[#] mHub_VO 1_7_090929_0
[#] Notification_Enhancement 2_0_1919_1427
[#] Opera_Browser 9_70_35523_0
[+] Quick_GPS 1_3_19202423_00
[#] Social_Networks_Engine 1_1_19202626_00
[#] Shared_Modules 1_01_19201225_00
[#] SharedResource 1_0_19201926_00
[+] StartIconLoader 2_5_19201224_0
[#] Teeter 2_0_19193924_00
[#] TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19201833_00
[+] VBookmarkMgr_1_0_19192027_00
[#] Wi-FiWizard_1_24_1_0
[#] YouTube 2_6_19202631_00

AdobePDF 2_5_1_0_378273_01B
AdvancedNetwork 1_0_12_0
aGPS_Confirmation 1_0_19193221_00
AppServiceMsg 1_13_0_0
AudioManager_Eng 1_7_19181424_h
Audio_Booster 2_5_19192829_lo00
BluetoothSetting 2_11_1_2
Boot_Launcher 1_0_19181525_1
ButtonSetting 3_17_0_1
Calculator 1_1_19192826_00
Camera 6_16_35844_1
CDMA_RSSI_PPC 1_35_0_0
CMBluetooth 1_1_4_0
CMInternetSharing 1_1_4_0
CM_Guardian_Service_TELUS_ALL 1_19_0_1
CommManager 2_9_11_0
Concurrence_Mgr 1_5_19191120_00
ContactUtilityEngine 1_0_19182924_0000
CSSimLock_TELUS_ALL 2_7_19162830_00
DataDisconnect 1_14_0_1
DataRoamGuard 1_20_0_1
DelWMPTempFolder 1_10_0_0
DeviceInfo 1_42_0_0
DMRouter 2_46_0_0
Dshow 2_0_19191728_01
Email_Setup_Wizard 2_3_19193433_10
EPST 4_67_0_0
EPSTLab 4_14_0_0
FacebookEngine 1_0_19184127_00
FieldTrial 4_23_0_1
Field_T_e_s_t 2_19_0_1
FileUpload 1_1_0_0
FlashLiteShareDLL 1_0_19191932_0
FolderViewer 1_0_18221231_1
Fuart 1_14_0_1
Full_Screen_Player 1_6_19173924_00
GMM_Customized 1_0_0_0
GPS_GMM 3_2_116_0
G_Sensor_Calibrator 1_1_19183520_2
HTCApplication 1_14_1_0
HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
HTCFramework 1_1_19201131_00
HTCGeoService 1_0_19192827_00
HTCMessage 1_07_281_2
HTCMessaging_Client 1_0_19201230_00
HTCScroll 2_0_19173130_00
HTCSettings 1_4_3_0
HTCStartUp 1_7_0_0
HTCUtil 4_12_0_2
IME_Engine_Western 2_1_19192727_00
IME_EzInput_Western 2_1_19191320_00
IME_Tutorial 1_0_19193423_00
initProv 2_57_0_0
InvokeSIMMgr 1_12_0_1
LockScreenAppLauncher 1_0_1919_2826
LockStreamDRM 1_1_081216_O9_08
Long_Press_End_Key 1_5_19183133_00
Manila 2_1_19193517_0_CFC
Media_Tool_kit 1_2_19193429_0
Menu_Enhancement 1_1_19192733_00
Message_Enhancement 1_1_19173323_06
mHub_VO 1_7_090813_0
MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_6
ModeSwitchMsg 1_25_0_0
ModeSwitchRIL 1_10_0_0
MortScript 4_2_0_0
MP3_Trimmer 1_2_19192727_1
MS_MyPhone 01_05_2128_0401
MS_NetCF 3_5_9198_0
MS_WindowsLive 10_7_0056_2501
Mute 1_1_2_1
MyCPL 3_13_0_6
NewContactCard 1_0_19182221_02
Notification_Enhancement 2_0_1920_1124
PhoneCanvas 5_28_0_0
Phonecanvas_MASD 3_40_1917_3832
PhoneExt_Service 2_50_0_0
PhoneInfo 1_12_0_1
PhoneMenu 2_10_0_2
PhoneSetting_TELUS_WWE 1_34_0_1
Picture_Enhancement 1_50_19174027_00
PKG 1_1_0_0
Power 2_27_0_3
PowerOffWarning 2_13_0_0
Power_Service 2_23_0_2
PushInternetEngine 1_0_19173030_00
Random_Access 4_2_19183026_0
Redial 1_3_0_0
Resource_Proxy 1_0_19171732_02
RSSHub 2_1_1_1097_RP_03
RunCC 1_1_b_0
SensorSDK 4_0_19191432_00
SharedResource 1_0_19192728_00
Shared_Modules 1_01_19193330_00
ShowPhoneNo 1_20_0_1
SignatureReplace 1_2_0_0
SimContactImport 3_4_19191429_00
SIMSecurity 1_14_0_0
SIM_MGR 6_74_0_0
SlidingSound 1_2_4_0
SmartTouch 1_2_19132028_1
SMSInboxThreading 1_36_0_0
SMSRetry_Service 2_17_0_0
STK_UIPPC 4_71_0_0
STK_Worldphone_Reg 1_0_0_0
StorageLow 1_0_0_3
Streaming_Media 3_1_19192727_00
Streaming_SDK 2_7_19182725_00
TaskManager 2_1_19183631_17
TaskManager_Application 3_1_0_1
Teeter 1_6_19183821_00
TimeZoneAutoFix 1_0_19193433_00
Today_Location 1_14_0_0
TouchOptions 1_0_19161330_01
TVOutPopUp 1_2_19142724_0
TVOutSetting 2_14_0_1
USBtoPC 1_27_0_0
USSD_Service 4_35_0_0
Voice_Recorder 1_10_19192524_0
VolumeControl 2_1_19163532_0
WiFiSettings 1_2_5_1
WLANSettings 2_7_3_3
YouTube 2_6_19174121_00
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  #5263 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 11:47 PM
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Re: [rom] [01/13/10] juicy rom r8 (21889.5.0.87) [sense ui - landscape] [xda_uc]

Bangarang, Juicy.
Chaos Demands to Be Recognized and experienced before turning itself into a new order.
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  #5264 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 11:48 PM
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Re: + [ROM] [01/13/10] JUICY ROM (21889.5.0.87) [Landscape Sense UI] [XDA UC]


...and remember, if you enjoy what I do be sure to press thanks and rate this thread 5 stars!
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  #5265 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 11:49 PM
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Re: + [ROM] [01/13/10] JUICY ROM (21889.5.0.87) [Landscape Sense UI] [XDA UC]

damm already? downloading now! thanks juicy!
Phone: Sprint EVO 3D™ Rom: MIUI.us 1.11.18 HTC EVO 3D CDMA Radio: Storage Card: Micro 32GB SDHC
Check out my Dropbox
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  #5266 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 11:50 PM
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Re: + [ROM] [01/13/10] JUICY ROM (21889.5.0.87) [Landscape Sense UI] [XDA UC]

Hehehe time to start over again! Thanks Juicy.
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  #5267 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 12:05 AM
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Re: + [ROM] [01/13/10] JUICY ROM (21889.5.0.87) [Landscape Sense UI] [XDA UC]

Thank you, Juicy. Thank you very much
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  #5268 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 12:08 AM
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Re: + [ROM] [01/13/10] JUICY ROM (21889.5.0.87) [Landscape Sense UI] [XDA UC]

Originally Posted by mlarma View Post
Thank you, Juicy. Thank you very much
you are very welcome!
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  #5269 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 12:08 AM
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Re: + [ROM] [01/13/10] JUICY ROM (21889.5.0.87) [Landscape Sense UI] [XDA UC]

downloading as we speak, thanx juicy!!!
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  #5270 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 12:12 AM
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Re: + [ROM] [01/13/10] JUICY ROM (21889.5.0.87) [Landscape Sense UI] [XDA UC]

Yes thanks again Juicy, love your work and downloading now.

ROM: Energy "LEO" ROM
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