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  #7051 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 02:14 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by MightyMike View Post
FF looks like the HD MINI (my intentions) but it's not based off the same sys build.

completely different.
what sys build is ff and is the hd mini 6.5.3 official or is it possible to like buy an hd mini and rip off the official 6.5.3 rom and cook it and wonder if it has graphical issues or bugs im just curious you know?

mike Just curious if you could tell me where the ff 6.5.3 build came from i remember awhile back you said u had an official build of 6.5.5 and it was on a treo pro is ff based off that one??
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  #7052 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 06:43 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by Wesley762 View Post
Am I the last one that just buy's the actual CD and just download it DRM free? not picking on you at all just curious.
Acutally, it is an issue with downloading audio books from 8000 public libraries and things like legal documents from Lexis- Nexis and other sources. I am not a music freak so that is not my problem. I like you rip CDs when I want to download music.

There must be some way to validate windows mobile player so it can accept DRM material.
  #7053 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 08:06 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Weird issue after flashing this rom. When I try to download any file using Opera I can not see all my folders in the root of my sd card, so I can not download a file to the folder I want. Instead I get a few of the folders to choose from and it shows my program files folder and all the sub folders in the programs folder. So the only folders it shows are Other, nano downloads, and program files and program files sub folders?
See the screenshots I have attached of the opera download gui, and the root of my sd card to show the folders i do have there. I tried formatting the card with no luck. anybody else see this issue?
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  #7054 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 08:29 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by MightyMike View Post
No EVO in canada...

My bad, I forgot your not on sprint. Does telus have plans for 4g? I really don't know if I should jump on the even or wait and see if they make a 4g with a keyboard.
  #7055 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:16 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

I just installed office 2010 from marketplace to storage card (nice option now!) How can I remove the old office program to free up system memory? I am using and loving MR spececial edition.

  #7056 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:19 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Just wondering if this is bad or not. When I click on the top bar to check on memory it says 81% and that I have 36.24MB free. This seems kinda low to me. Almost all my apps are installed to storage card. When I look in Total Commander on Main Program files I have Google Maps, SafeinboxExtender, Slacker, Tellme, Touchpal, Windows Media Player, TellmeInstallClient (not sure why that is still there).

I use CleanRam on a daily basis. I tried using ClearTemp and it crashed my TP2 so I never used it again.
  #7057 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:45 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by b4u2 View Post
Just wondering if this is bad or not. When I click on the top bar to check on memory it says 81% and that I have 36.24MB free. This seems kinda low to me. Almost all my apps are installed to storage card. When I look in Total Commander on Main Program files I have Google Maps, SafeinboxExtender, Slacker, Tellme, Touchpal, Windows Media Player, TellmeInstallClient (not sure why that is still there).

I use CleanRam on a daily basis. I tried using ClearTemp and it crashed my TP2 so I never used it again.
The real question is even at 81% is it still running good? I have Clean ram run every morning and by the end of the day I am back to about 79 to 81% but it runs just as smooth as when it was at 62%. That is the true power of what we all like to call MIGHTYROM.
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  #7058 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:46 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by insight3fl View Post
I just installed office 2010 from marketplace to storage card (nice option now!) How can I remove the old office program to free up system memory? I am using and loving MR spececial edition.

Its Cooked into the ROM, you can't uninstall it.
  #7059 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:53 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by Wesley762 View Post
Its Cooked into the ROM, you can't uninstall it.
are there large file components that could be deleted to free up resources?
  #7060 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:55 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by insight3fl View Post
are there large file components that could be deleted to free up resources?
Doing that you run the risk of breaking something.

If you really want the Full benefit of Office 2010 install Full Force, it has Office 2010 built in.
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