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  #3391 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2011, 01:05 AM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

So when I first tried to open the RSS Settings I got an RSSUtil.exe error message. I soft reset and then everything seemed to work fine as you can see in the pic. I'll post up that error message over in the RSS Tab developer thread at XDA to see what light Meltwater can shed on it, if any. I'd be curious to know what that's about. He still has it labeled as a beta, but I felt it was good enough to roll with. I'd used it several days without incident prior to tonight. We'll see how it goes. Did a soft reset fix your RSS issue?

I was thinking that I gotta do something about the orange. It's very hard to read, at least with the default wallpaper. I was also thinking of skinning it with that blue and white skin I posted in the RSS thread. Do you remember? Whether or not you think you'll regularly use the tab, what are your thoughts and opinions on the skinning of the tab?

Oh, and nice catch on my forgetting about the RSS Tab link!

@ Anyone,

I was thinking about what Straitup has said about his bad experience with v5.0. I also remember that he has mentioned my ROMs ability to remain stable despite getting tons and tons of texts and such that he gets, as one of the reasons that he liked it...

I normally only sync the past 3 days emails to my phone when I set up my email account. Today I set it up to receive email from the past 60 days. It came up to a little over 1100 emails. The phone became generally slower and slightly buggy at times more so than I can ever remember on any ROM I've ever made. This is also the first time ever that I've had so many emails sync to the phone. I searched around and read about storing attachements on the sd card, which is all fine and good, but that's not what I'm talking about. Aside from that, the only things I kept seeing were that you just simply shouldn't keep that much email on your phone.

My question is, is this normal? To you guys that regularly use other ROMs, do they significantly slow down with around 1100 emails? Anyone keep that many emails on their phone? Is the only solution really that these phones just simply cannot handle it and it's best just to not keep so many?
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Last edited by Sharkie405; 05-31-2011 at 03:11 PM.
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  #3392 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2011, 02:26 AM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Originally Posted by GheckoTribe View Post
Oh, and on your 5.0 ROMs I was able to uninstall the Bubbles SMS cab... on this one I can't seem to find that cab. It's a personal preference thing, I'd rather not have the bubbles. (I can deselect them I know - but after clearing out all the SMS messages, each new one that comes in requires a deselect. (Or so I think.))
Yeah, I removed the bubble from v5.1. I decided that I didn't think they looked good enough and that for now I'd rather just go with plain ol' WM Messaging style. Thanks for reminding me. I'll add that to the change log. The cab is still available to anyone who liked it.

Actually, maybe I'm confused. Are you talking about "Sense" messaging or WM messaging? I only ever had a cab to remove the WM messaging bubbles, not the Sense message bubbles. Like you said, those can be deseleted and as far as I know they never come back once you deselect the speech bubbles option.

Last edited by Sharkie405; 05-31-2011 at 02:29 AM.
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  #3393 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2011, 03:30 AM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★4/24/11-Updated★Version 5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

yea a soft reset was my 1st attempt, no juice. phones still in testing phase so nothing added. ill see what i can come up w/. well...as far as the orange, normally i would say yes but after looking agian w/ the greenish taskbar and orange rss (which seems orignal rss custom) all on top of your mostly blue-ish theme (w/ color) its a great match up and i actually liking the mix up. i was gonna change to the blue droid taskbar but now changed my mind (also thanks for changing up the wait cursor) much more calm
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  #3394 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2011, 08:58 AM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
My question is, is this normal? To you guys that regularly use other ROMs, do they significantly slow down with around 1100 emails? Anyone keep that many emails on their phone? Is the only solution really that these phones just simply cannot handle it and it's best just to not keep so many?

1100 emails.

Keeping 1100 emails on a cell phone is just dumb in my opinion. Aphone is meant to keep in touch have an email read it respond. Its not a computer.

The most you should keep is maybe a two weeks. Will you really read through 1100 emails in one day. Most people just read respond an email once they get it or the day after.

There have been times when my cell phone would download all my emails off my server which is about 400 or so. Didn't experience a lag. but what your talking about is near three times that much...

I only keep my emails for the past 3 days or so. The phone works beautifully.
Please PM me if you have a sero plan to sell with 1000 mins or more

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  #3395 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2011, 11:51 AM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★4/24/11-Updated★Version 5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

noticed voice command is not in rom (not a big deal for me as i dont use it) but the long press send/phone key is set for voice command thus giving error. dont know if it was intentional of removal but if so maybe set long press send key to other option?

everything else seems good so far..
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  #3396 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2011, 12:21 PM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★4/24/11-Updated★Version 5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
1100 emails.

Keeping 1100 emails on a cell phone is just dumb in my opinion. Aphone is meant to keep in touch have an email read it respond. Its not a computer.

The most you should keep is maybe a two weeks. Will you really read through 1100 emails in one day. Most people just read respond an email once they get it or the day after.

There have been times when my cell phone would download all my emails off my server which is about 400 or so. Didn't experience a lag. but what your talking about is near three times that much...

I only keep my emails for the past 3 days or so. The phone works beautifully.
I agree keeping so many emails on the phone is uneccessary. Like I said, I just did it to see how it would handle. I'm glad to hear that it's normal. Thanks for responding. After that post I reflashed and downloaded only about 300 or so and everything is smooth!

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
noticed voice command is not in rom (not a big deal for me as i dont use it) but the long press send/phone key is set for voice command thus giving error. dont know if it was intentional of removal but if so maybe set long press send key to other option?

everything else seems good so far..
Yet another good catch! Thanks!

Yeah, I meant to include it, but forgot. Adding it as we speak...
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  #3397 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2011, 03:06 PM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post

@ Anyone,

I was thinking about what Straitup has said about his bad experience with v5.0. I also remember that he has mentioned my ROMs ability to remain stable despite getting tons and tons of texts and such that he gets, as one of the reasons that he liked it...

I normally only sync the past 3 days emails to my phone when I set up my email account. Today I set it up to receive email from the past 60 days. It came up to a little over 1100 emails. The phone became generally slower and slightly buggy at times more so than I can ever remember on any ROM I've ever made. I've also never had so many emails before. I searched around and read about storing attachements on the sd card, which is all fine and good, but that's not what I'm talking about. Aside from that, the only things I kept seeing were that you just simply shouldn't keep that much email on your phone.

My question is, is this normal? To you guys that regularly use other ROMs, do they significantly slow down with around 1100 emails? Anyone keep that many emails on their phone? Is the only solution really that these phones just simply cannot handle it and it's best just to not keep so many?
I have both my work (Exchange) and personal (Gmail) coming to my device. I keep both at 3 days so I average about 200 emails/day - roughly 600 emails on my device at any one time. I have several hundred contacts and several hundred meetings on the device as well. Yes - device gets sluggish - this is the main reason I remove CHT which helps quite a bit.

@straightup - I removed uTask. It seemed to make my text messaging and email client act strangely (e.g. I would close an email message and the whole client would dissappear). Maybe it is a uTask configuration tweak - not sure. Maybe that would help you.
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  #3398 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2011, 03:16 PM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Originally Posted by slthomas00 View Post
@straightup - I removed uTask. It seemed to make my text messaging and email client act strangely (e.g. I would close an email message and the whole client would dissappear). Maybe it is a uTask configuration tweak - not sure. Maybe that would help you.
Interesting theory. This is the first negative thing I've heard about uTask so far, or possibly relating to uTask, maybe... Thank you.

I'll do some looking around in that thread. I've still never experienced this issue. I'm assuming after you've removed uTask, it hasn't happen again since?
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  #3399 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2011, 03:24 PM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★4/24/11-Updated★Version 5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Can someone remind me what

"Settings Tab\Application\Manage Programs" is supposed to lead to.

It seems I've broken that somehow in the beta. Clicking on it does nothing.
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  #3400 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2011, 03:38 PM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★4/24/11-Updated★Version 5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Can someone remind me what

"Settings Tab\Application\Manage Programs" is supposed to lead to.

It seems I've broken that somehow in the beta. Clicking on it does nothing.

It never does anything. lol

I could never get it to run ON ANY ROM FROM ANY CHEF. I just left it alone.
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