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  #2161 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2011, 06:11 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Yeah, I saw both of those two cabs yesterday in my searching. I think I'm good with nuebattery being installed as a cab though. I feel like this way everyone's a winner.
I tried the TP2 1% cab and it seemed to work fine.
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  #2162 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2011, 06:55 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Hello Sharkie I would like to know if Task 29 will need to be run if I lets say hard reset my phone.

For instance, it needs to be run after many rom flashes that the "blocks" that the roms take up may not be replaced with the new roms files and task 29 solves this.

When I hard reset wipe clean stock rom, does it like reinstall it or does it ONLY wipe all the registry entries but keeps the rom?
I mean does it create those "blocks" of the stock rom when you hard reset and then resintalls the clean stock rom and has a problem overwriting those "blocks" over time? (If you know what I mean). Or does this only apply to custom roms ONLY when you switch them (since they use different data in those "blocks")?

Basically my questions is, if I keep hard resetting and wiping clean my stock rom (Since I have had failures after installing various apps), will it become slower and buggy and thus needing task 29 to fix it?
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  #2163 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2011, 07:03 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Replied to your PM
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  #2164 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2011, 07:14 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Icons look great. Being the perfectionist you are...noticed today that facebook, sprint nav, sprint tv, and call history tabs are misligned under the slider bubble. I installed a transparent cab and just asking before removing to test. 29007 sprint version. Any one who can check for me?
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  #2165 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2011, 07:17 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

You mean a transparent slider? Can you post a screenie? I'm on 6.5 right now, so I can't test, but If I can see it then I can make new ones with the proper positioning and upload a cab of them and also fix them in my kitchen. I guess I just never noticed because I haven't used a transparent slider in a long long long long time.

Wait, actually build no. wouldn't matter when it comes to this. If you'ved not posted a screenie in a bit, I'll find a trans. cab and try it out for myself...
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  #2166 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2011, 07:33 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

does uninstall of nue batt still give us 1% or will we need that other % cab we were talking bout
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  #2167 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2011, 07:37 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

You will need another cab for the 1%, if you uninstall nueBattery2.
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  #2168 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2011, 07:49 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

I made cab that will add a link to "Remove Programs" in the Tools folder in the start menu. Remove Programs, like Memory, was one of those things I used often enough and wished that it could be set as a quicklink. Well, now it can

Attached Files
File Type: cab Sharkie405's Remove Programs Link.cab (20.6 KB, 7 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Sharkie405; 01-30-2011 at 08:59 PM.
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  #2169 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2011, 07:54 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

heres the link...im sure others will ask eventually

[DRIVER] Touch Pro 2 Battery 1% Update [T-Mobile] [Sprint] [Verizon] - xda-developers
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  #2170 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2011, 08:58 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Originally Posted by steveo70 View Post
Icons look great. Being the perfectionist you are...noticed today that facebook, sprint nav, sprint tv, and call history tabs are misligned under the slider bubble. I installed a transparent cab and just asking before removing to test. 29007 sprint version. Any one who can check for me?
So if you are talking about the slider when you say bubble, I installed an older transparent slider mod. Are you talking about the misalignment of the icons on top of the slider with the ones sitting in the slider tray? If so, there's no way to fix that. Usually most slider cabs will include the top of slider icons made transparent since that's the only way to fix that issue. If I made the ones on top even with the ones on the bottom, the ones on top of the slider would not be centered in the slider and would look horrible when a transparent slider was not in use.

Again, if that's what you're talking about...
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