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  #2081 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 10:29 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Yeah - tried it - believe I like your theme better. My favorite was what I asked for above. I wish I would have saved it - the blue background, star one.
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  #2082 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 10:31 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Have you tried out the new "Classic Blue" theme yet? What do you think? You don't miss the circle buttons, do you?
I did and..not at all! Always tought they were fugly. Yours looks great. Used it all through last night. Nice to have a another option. Thanx.
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  #2083 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 10:38 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

LOL - I thought about saying a bit more direct like you - well put. Sharkie's is much more appealing.
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  #2084 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 10:40 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Originally Posted by slthomas00 View Post
Yeah - tried it - believe I like your theme better. My favorite was what I asked for above. I wish I would have saved it - the blue background, star one.
You mean this picture?

If so, here's a zip of it, both portrait and landscape.
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  #2085 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 10:41 PM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Yep - thanks!
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  #2086 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 12:05 AM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Originally Posted by slthomas00 View Post
I went in and set to load defaults. Now my battery indicator is constantly showing 100%. What were the settings Sharkie had set before I loaded defaults? I think all boxes were checked except the last one. Can someone confirm?
thats different i never have experienced this. when ever i load defaults it works like normal well i do leave the % checked on. do you install a different taskbar? sharkie answered about the check boxes but also the temperature limit (560, same) and limit reset is set to (528, lower). its obvious but you did reset?

flashed the generic v3 29007 and the weirdest think happened, never before have i seen this happen. first a task29 followed by a sd flash. the picture of actual phone (from camera) happened after the gif startup but before the shark w/ sharkie rom on bottome screen shows up (to load customs) after i seen it i went searching for camera and before i took the pic it went to the screen w/ the shark and started loading customs but before it finished i soft reset to see if it would happen agian and yup it did. has any1 seen this before? im gonna task and redownload? but def. reflash...just in case

the other 2 screenies are of minor graphic glitchs or whatever in landscape. there are other things more important im sure. the web tab top curtain isnt trans like portrait and double overlay in weather tab both in landscape.

edit: love the new wall off the bat.

edit: well after another task and flash (no re download) i thought it went away but instead of between the gif and shark screen it actually happened agian but after the gif and after the shark screen show but before it showed loading customs. it wasnt the same as the camera pic but instead all black with green-like colored distorated stars (x shape) on a grid like pattern filling the screen. its weird after it loads customs like nothing happened
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It is, wat it is...nothing more, nothing less

Last edited by kjhadfield; 01-27-2011 at 12:32 AM.
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  #2087 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 12:36 AM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

I had noticed the weather landscape thing in the top left corner, but I hadn't noticed that the Internet landscape bar wasn't transparent. Should be easy enought to find that file. Thanks!

No clue on the other thing going on. I've never seen that either.
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  #2088 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 12:49 AM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I had noticed the weather landscape thing in the top left corner, but I hadn't noticed that the Internet landscape bar wasn't transparent. Should be easy enought to find that file. Thanks!

No clue on the other thing going on. I've never seen that either.
u mean top right of the weather tab right?

yea im clueless on the other thing

another 1st thing i checked was a movie (mp4) via the htc video player and the video was slow/choppy trying to catch up and outta sync w/ audio but i dont remember it like this prior v3. i noticed this on the final v3 also but worse. the only idea i have is data was active so i'll try an disable data then play movie unless its the package? has this been changed since v2?
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  #2089 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 12:51 AM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Nope, I haven't changed anything to do with video at all, ever really. I've still not sat down and read up on it. I plan to though.

And yes, I meant top right.
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  #2090 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 12:53 AM
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Re: 1-25-11-Updated CE ROMs★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

i know when i fully had the phone/cht set up i would always disable data and that seemed to speed up the video so i'll try that real quick
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