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  #1701 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2010, 09:49 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by jhbryaniv View Post
I have a confession to make, I switched back to an Energy ROM for a bit today . . .

But I am back to Shark V4.0

But I do have to say, I do like the start menu switcher app that is his ROMs. I am not sure if this is an CAB I can install, I searched for it, but got 2.5 zillion hits

OK, I am going back to the corner where I belong now
well i would suggest Vins Start menu changer which i love to death and is very similar http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/tp2-themes...d-changer.html

and also check out this one im posting below as well

and @ ffkip911 hey brother check this out,it's made by Maximus.Mobile the same dude who makes the MMTask Manger thats cooked in and works so well,well this has too and i'm really liking it so far best thing is it gives you the option to override start menu or keep htc start menu and use this as well,users choice,but by overriding the start menu it nets quite a bit of free ram here is the thread link

[APP] MMAppLauncher v1.0 - Full Start Menu Replacement (WM 6.5, 6.5.x) - xda-developers

here are a few screenies,does a good job of icon replacement,most render them hideous lol,also the reason i like this it has a settings menu rather than having to go to the settings tab to access settings like most start menu replacement apps,you really should give it a shot as well as Sharkie and
kjhadfield,you guys may enjoy it


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  #1702 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2010, 10:11 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
I had download problems with 2.0 I tried downloading it atleast 10 times could never get it to finish. He switched the server to somewhere else and when it finially did download and I went to unzip it it told me that a file was corrupt and it would stop.

V1.3 was the only one that downloaded and extracted ok.

I downloaded the sprint r4 rom. and in the communication manager the toggle switch for "Data connection" constantly switches on even after I switch it off. it turns back on by itself. That wouldn't bother me but i have people calling me asking why i never responded to there texts. and others show just the second half of the text 161+ but the first 1-160 message never gets sent.

So not having sprint and data connection turning on by itself is causing something that is making texting impossible. Plus its taken roughly a minute to connect when I make a call. It just says calling and it doesn't connect after a while.

I tried sprint provisioning. I turned off personalizer (never touched it dont know why it turned on) I tried reflashing. nothing is working. So im tired of it. I flashed stock 6.5 and the data connection doesn't turn on and ill have full signal with sprint.

as far as not flashing V2.2 v1.3 worked great for me so Ill stick to what works. In all honesty I switched to formulas rom for now.

I still love sharkies rom hes done great work and Ill stay in touch.
i will have 2 respond later on this 1, im mobile now n its gonna be a long one.
Originally Posted by ffkip911 View Post
didn't realize you had a question about it----a long time ago, on another rom, and prob another version of Google maps---this lock issue was coming up---this was the fix suggested, I've used those settings from then on, with no problems locking--ever.
oh ok, gottcha. i been wondering y that baud rate for awhile. i tried it n it does work but 4800 locks quicker for me
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  #1703 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2010, 10:17 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

@ straitup

i tried it back in beta but was too buggy. i see no beta tag, so im gonna have to take a look at it agian
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  #1704 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 02:44 AM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

@straitup---thanks bro, as always, going to try it in the morning.
You light 'em! We fight 'em!!
Net speed tweak by me and kozmo---give him a big "thank you"
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  #1705 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 05:30 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
After being on your R4 rom for weeks now I will have to downgrade back to v1.3 I can't seem to fix this reception problem I'm having. It was fixed when I went to stock 6.5. Or atleast it seemed fixed. It will never stay on sprint it switches to "Data network" by itself even when I turn it off in communication manager. It turns itself back on. I can't seem to keep it off.

Now I'm missing texts and not all of a text are coming through. If someone texts more then 160 characters the second part comes through 161+ but the first 160 never comes through and its come to the point of absolute frustration.
This is way strange, as flashing ROMs doesn't do anything to your radio... I know that some taskbars can give you a hard time between Sprint and Verizon, since Sprint uses 7 bars and VZW uses 5, but you're on Sprint and so is Sharkie. Have you tried reflashing that ROM to see if it does it again?

Originally Posted by Straitup27 View Post
well i would suggest Vins Start menu changer which i love to death and is very similar http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/tp2-themes...d-changer.html

and also check out this one im posting below as well

and @ ffkip911 hey brother check this out,it's made by Maximus.Mobile the same dude who makes the MMTask Manger thats cooked in and works so well,well this has too and i'm really liking it so far best thing is it gives you the option to override start menu or keep htc start menu and use this as well,users choice,but by overriding the start menu it nets quite a bit of free ram here is the thread link

[APP] MMAppLauncher v1.0 - Full Start Menu Replacement (WM 6.5, 6.5.x) - xda-developers

here are a few screenies,does a good job of icon replacement,most render them hideous lol,also the reason i like this it has a settings menu rather than having to go to the settings tab to access settings like most start menu replacement apps,you really should give it a shot as well as Sharkie and
kjhadfield,you guys may enjoy it

Which font are you using? Lol... I've seen so many and haven't been able to try them all, and I can't remember the names of all of them.
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  #1706 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 05:42 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
Thanks thats exactly what I did. Now it says sprint but im getting no signal....
Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
I tried sprint provisioning. I turned off personalizer (never touched it dont know why it turned on) I tried reflashing. nothing is working. So im tired of it. I flashed stock 6.5 and the data connection doesn't turn on and ill have full signal with sprint........
I still love sharkies rom hes done great work and Ill stay in touch.
I have a POSSIBLE explanation
this happen to me on another rom.

I had no data EVDO and poor 1x reception.
It did not correct itself with another rom.
Only a full stock rom/radio flash corrected the problem.

The problem was that I had installed the app "WMLongLife" .
It controls the "Radio" to save battery

It was set to auto flip the evdo to 1x.
I had flashed to another rom BEFORE it changed to EVDO,
So the "radio" stayed on 1x, even thru other rom flashes.

I tested and reproduce this effect:
If you ever use the app "WMLongLife" ,
Always check to see that the "Radio" is set on to EVDO , BEFORE flashing to another rom!

Last edited by Maxx134; 12-19-2010 at 05:51 PM.
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  #1707 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 08:30 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Hey everyone! Just a quick note: I'm in the process of making some server adjustments, so if the links for some the ROMs don't work I apologize!!! They should all be back up within an hoour or so. Side note: the KD-Font uses the same server, so you may not be able to connect KD-Font for the next couple hours.
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  #1708 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 08:59 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Being an avid diver and all species of Shark lover! This ROM couldn't fit me more!! Thanks a ton for your work. Only problem I can't seem to fix is video playback. I've been at it all weekend long and used many different converters. Any tips on cleaning up stutter?
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  #1709 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 09:23 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Has anyone had an issue with CHT changing the quick links on the home screen on it's own?

It has done it a couple times to me today, first it was with Google maps, now it is with my Opera link.

Also, Is there a way to delete the quick link once you choose and place it? If I am missing something in CHT or the ROM smack me upside the head, just don't call me Shirley . . .
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  #1710 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 06:52 AM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by Dean_L View Post
Being an avid diver and all species of Shark lover! This ROM couldn't fit me more!! Thanks a ton for your work. Only problem I can't seem to fix is video playback. I've been at it all weekend long and used many different converters. Any tips on cleaning up stutter?
Try cabs below.
Best ti try one at a time
I not shure if more than one at same time would help,
as some may be dealing with same file

Originally Posted by jhbryaniv View Post
Also, Is there a way to delete the quick link once you choose and place it? If I am missing something in CHT or the ROM smack me upside the head, just don't call me Shirley . . .
On homescreen, press right bottom "menu" softkey
press "edit quiklinks"
press any quiklink once to get it deleted,
Press-and-hold any quiklink to drag and rearrange
No smacking upside your head,
Edit: Christmas present thrown at ya head! lol

Last edited by Maxx134; 12-22-2010 at 04:12 PM.
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