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  #1171 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 09:33 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[21681\21916][Sense2019]

Just downloaded and flashed 2.1 While setting up the phone, I noticed that when selecting the Voice Command icon in Personal Settings so that it could be enabled NOTHING happens. (This was not the case with 2.0)

Installed Microsoft Voice Command v1.6.21725 from cab it seems OK

Other than that, so far so good
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  #1172 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 09:40 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[21681\21916][Sense2019]

Thanks for letting me know. Can you post your cab please?
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  #1173 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 09:55 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[21681\21916][Sense2019]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post

The carrier name is only an issue if you're not using CHT right? I don't have any CHT issues with the name not appearing. Or do you mean you not wanting it to appear in the taskbar? I'm still unsure why that's happening and where it's coming from. I haven't seen it yet on v2.1. But yes, I fully intend to work on it until I figure it out.
i think i was having the problem cause i would switch the cht carrier name and then would notice the flashing. then i would delete the carrier name/disable in the personalizer app and everything seems fine, @ least im not noticing the flashing now. so maybe the personalizer app conflicts with cht? or maybe the personalizer conflicts with towers?? (maybe a long shot but check this out) i was having issues with the time being off actual time by 1 hr. i live 1 hr from a time zone change and it would also effect the time on/off style similar to the carrier name flashing. so could it be possible its polling the closest tower frequently to connect(flash) the carrier name b4 the app has time to block/change. i dunno maybe a long shot but oh well...

sum things i noticed on the 6.5.x v2.0

being able to have/use/change the gif is great thanks agian. but is there a setting or reg. that changes the length of the gif? cause using the same gif i posted how ever many pages ago gets cut short before it goes to the welcomehead.png. its always played in full on others so thats why i was thinking there is a reg. setting to change the length (how long it goes)?

shit i thought there was more... but then i got high
edit: now i remember haha, i have noticed that randomly (sumtimes on boot/ htc sense loading) or others times ( ) a input softkey pops up (in grey shifted all the way to the right) the only app that usings (that i know of) is total commander, its that same input softkey (greyish) shifted to the right.

i noticed a couple things prolly related to cht (as its in beta) the call history notification (when used for quick links or free links)(also have call history tab disabled) doesnt have the bubble showing when an how many missed calls. was having issues w/ chteditor not showing the right softkey menu.

overall nice rom. sense seems to take a bit longer to load but once in its fast. im still setting it up thou, gonna post a screenie. i didnt like the cht softkey at first either but now its set up to were its a keeper for me. i use all 5 keys from left to right: tab switch, dumb, dumb, dumb, menu. now when you hit the tab icon it starts on home then you shift right in tab order, instead of sumwhere in the center of all tabs all confusing of which way did he go which way did he go.
It is, wat it is...nothing more, nothing less
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  #1174 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 10:33 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[21681\21916][Sense2019]

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
i think i was having the problem cause i would switch the cht carrier name and then would notice the flashing. then i would delete the carrier name/disable in the personalizer app and everything seems fine, @ least im not noticing the flashing now. so maybe the personalizer app conflicts with cht? or maybe the personalizer conflicts with towers?? (maybe a long shot but check this out) i was having issues with the time being off actual time by 1 hr. i live 1 hr from a time zone change and it would also effect the time on/off style similar to the carrier name flashing. so could it be possible its polling the closest tower frequently to connect(flash) the carrier name b4 the app has time to block/change. i dunno maybe a long shot but oh well...

sum things i noticed on the 6.5.x v2.0

being able to have/use/change the gif is great thanks agian. but is there a setting or reg. that changes the length of the gif? cause using the same gif i posted how ever many pages ago gets cut short before it goes to the welcomehead.png. its always played in full on others so thats why i was thinking there is a reg. setting to change the length (how long it goes)?

shit i thought there was more... but then i got high
edit: now i remember haha, i have noticed that randomly (sumtimes on boot/ htc sense loading) or others times ( ) a input softkey pops up (in grey shifted all the way to the right) the only app that usings (that i know of) is total commander, its that same input softkey (greyish) shifted to the right.

i noticed a couple things prolly related to cht (as its in beta) the call history notification (when used for quick links or free links)(also have call history tab disabled) doesnt have the bubble showing when an how many missed calls. was having issues w/ chteditor not showing the right softkey menu.

overall nice rom. sense seems to take a bit longer to load but once in its fast. im still setting it up thou, gonna post a screenie. i didnt like the cht softkey at first either but now its set up to were its a keeper for me. i use all 5 keys from left to right: tab switch, dumb, dumb, dumb, menu. now when you hit the tab icon it starts on home then you shift right in tab order, instead of sumwhere in the center of all tabs all confusing of which way did he go which way did he go.
So I cooked Personalizer in as having an empty space instead of SharkieROM like I used to have it, so that hopefully it would help with this issue. I'll try taking Personalizer out and see what happens, although, it will be hard to test since I've yet to see the carrier name on top and I've been on the same ROM for about 8 hours now.

I did notice the gif you posted was very long and only played about halfway through. I'm not sure how to fix that since I just managed to get a gif going at all, but of course, I'll look into it further.

As far as that greyish input square that pops up at boot in the bottom right, it's got something to do with MMTaskManager loading at boot. Turn the "Load at boot" off and you won't see that greyish input box anymore. It doesn't bother me any and it only pops up for a sec. at boot.

Call History Notification icon not showing missed calls has been verified. I'll have to search through that impossible CHT thread to see if I can find mention of this as a known bug. I hope so, cuz I have no idea how I could have managed to screw that up. If anyone already knows that this is a know CHT issue, please speak up.

The ROM takes longer to load one, because of CHT v2.0 (it's a big cab) installing as a cab at boot up and two, because of all the cabs that are installing at boot up. The more cabs that are auto installing at boot the longer the process is going to take. It's a trade off I guess, longer load time in exchange for the ability to remove more stuff.
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  #1175 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 10:58 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[21681\21916][Sense2019]

my sharkie rom
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  #1176 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 11:23 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[21681\21916][Sense2019]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Thanks for letting me know. Can you post your cab please?
Here's the cab I used for voice command
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  #1177 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 11:24 PM
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Re: Update[10-11-10]★SharkieROM v2.0★Generic\Sprint[23563\21916][Sense2019]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
To 6.5 fans,

I'll be uploading a v2.1 of this ROM as well in the next couple of days. There are a couple more things I'd like to work on first.

Hey, thanks for giving us old school 6.5 fans some love.

I'm gonna DL now and see what all the excitement is about!
I'll report back in a few days.
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  #1178 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 11:59 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[21681\21916][Sense2019]

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
sum things i noticed on the 6.5.x v2.0

being able to have/use/change the gif is great thanks agian. but is there a setting or reg. that changes the length of the gif? cause using the same gif i posted how ever many pages ago gets cut short before it goes to the welcomehead.png. its always played in full on others so thats why i was thinking there is a reg. setting to change the length (how long it goes)?
Advanced Config has options under HTC Animation heading for changing things, including the run time. I haven't played with it, but you could.

Have fun!
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  #1179 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2010, 01:57 AM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[21681\21916][Sense2019]

voice command works fine for me out of the box, i just have to check the box to enable it. and this is the first rom i was able to overclock to 748mhz, atleast until i went crazy on the keyboard to check all the keys.
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  #1180 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2010, 02:09 AM
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I tried this, at first look its set to 0, so I change it to 1, reboot and its extremely to fast. The gif finishes then you sit there waiting for the welcome head. So I went to set it back to 0 and reboot, theres no animation cause 0 is no speed but not disabled. Its gotta be in the .reg
Originally Posted by kdjameson View Post
Advanced Config has options under HTC Animation heading for changing things, including the run time. I haven't played with it, but you could.

Have fun!

Sent from my A81E using Tapatalk
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