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  #281 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 05:48 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by 1Mohawk View Post
FOUND MY PROBLEM!!! ( Kind of) OK for anyone that was following my list of ROMs that would lock up my phone and anyone that has this problem in the future. It was something on my microSD card not sure what file it was but Timber Wolf gave me the suggestion and I first tried loading the new ROM with out the SD card and it worked as soon as I put the card back in lock. So move any file I wanted to keep and then formatted the stupid thing...EVERYTHING IS WORKING NOW!!!!

So XYC TEAM it was not your ROM causing my problem. I am now running 7/7 ANA. Thanks to all for your suggestions and ideas. If I can do anything for you guys let me know!
Glad to hear it!
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  #282 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2010, 10:50 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Love the ROM, BUT have a few issues. First is data disconnect like everyone else. Second date picker still broke, third gps won't work in google maps or bing? Works in IGO8 and Location works fine for sense weather? One more note, text in Google maps is so darn small it's almost impossible to read and Bing forces update...would be nice to cook in newer version to avoid this.

Can't wait for the update man, this rom rocks.
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  #283 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2010, 11:05 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

One more thing I would really LOVE to see in this rom, some roms I use direct focus to the text box when sliding open keyboard...LOVE this as it is not required to touch the text input field every time, like on yours. Thanks man.
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  #284 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2010, 11:23 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by mbjr View Post
One more thing I would really LOVE to see in this rom, some roms I use direct focus to the text box when sliding open keyboard...LOVE this as it is not required to touch the text input field every time, like on yours. Thanks man.
I always wondered if there was something to be done about that... I hate having to slide open my keyboard and have to direct it where to type, I wish it could just slide open and I could start typing immediately... LOL I'm so lazy XP
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  #285 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2010, 04:54 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by mbjr View Post
Love the ROM, BUT have a few issues. First is data disconnect like everyone else. Second date picker still broke, third gps won't work in google maps or bing? Works in IGO8 and Location works fine for sense weather? One more note, text in Google maps is so darn small it's almost impossible to read and Bing forces update...would be nice to cook in newer version to avoid this.

Can't wait for the update man, this rom rocks.
for the GPS to work you have to open quick gps and download the sat info. I haven't had bing force an update on me and I cooked in the older version on purpose because alot of the REALLY useful features were removed from the new versions. Sense weather is based off your tower info, not off sat. What do you mean the date picker is broke?
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  #286 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2010, 05:06 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by GIZELLE View Post
XYC & Straightup,

This is a nice and expected update. For now, not experiencing problems. Have tried all the applications with no problem. The only thing is that when picking a date on weekly mode I can not pick a day for appointment for the rest, all is fine.

Thank you for everything. Let me know how to fix to pick a day in calendar.
From what I can tell, WEEK mode WILL let you pick a day IF you already have an appointment set for that day. You can pick the day from the Month mode and from the adgenda mode. I never use WEEK mode and always veiw mine in the month mode so I never noticed that it needed fixing and nobody ever reported the problem during beta testing
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  #287 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2010, 12:21 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Love the look of this rom. I have looked everywhere and I could not find the answer to this (maybe I searched incorrectly or missed a post - here or somewhere else). I just wanted all my icons to be glassed. I did not wish to ask you to do it as you do enough great work here. But, maybe you already had the answer (which could have saved me a lot of time).

Anyway, I wanted everything to be glass Icons (the Update Profile & Update PRL Icons) in settings were the old type. Eventually I learned how to extract and make my own icons (albeit, they are probably not quite as good as yours, but I do not see a difference).

So, if anyone wants to change them (Update PRL & Update Profile Icons - they are the same icon). Here is how I did it (but do it at your own risk - I do not take any responsibility for ruining your device). I am just explaining how I did it.
1. download and extract the Icons I made and remember where you put them (or if you have your own).
2. Using your registry editor Navigate to HKLM -> Security -> Shell -> StartInfo -> Start -> Settings -> System.
3. In the System folder Make a new Key called "MyCpl.cpl,98" (Update PRL) & "MyCpl.cpl,99" (Update Profile).
4. Inside each of these make a new string value and it is called "Icon" Without the quotes.
5. The value of the string is the location and name of the icon. e.g. if you placed the icon in the windows folder then the value is: "\Windows\Glass_Icon_UpdatePRL.png" - again, without the quotes.

Again, do this at your own risk, but this is how I did it.

By the way, the zip file is called UpdatePRL, but it has 2 Icons even though they are the same.
Attached Files
File Type: rar PRL_Icons.rar (52.6 KB, 3 views) Click for barcode!
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  #288 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2010, 05:04 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by xpressyourcell View Post
for the GPS to work you have to open quick gps and download the sat info. I haven't had bing force an update on me and I cooked in the older version on purpose because alot of the REALLY useful features were removed from the new versions. Sense weather is based off your tower info, not off sat. What do you mean the date picker is broke?
Did quick gps, no go. I have to manually select gps port to get it working, allowing windows to handle no longer works (first rom of hundreds). When adding a new appointment or task, touching date field does NOT display calendar. This was an issue in most rom's for a version or two and there are many cabs to fix it, but most chiefs now cook it in. I am using Energy's cab to fix yours if that helps?
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  #289 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 07:49 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Where's the love for this ROM? Man this is the best of the best for me, just wish the updates were a little more steady. If we could get a freshen up with the few fixes it needs and possible a new build and facebook tab and WOW, the rest of the roms's would fall by the way side .
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  #290 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 09:11 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by mbjr View Post
Where's the love for this ROM? Man this is the best of the best for me, just wish the updates were a little more steady. If we could get a freshen up with the few fixes it needs and possible a new build and facebook tab and WOW, the rest of the roms's would fall by the way side .
please keep in mind XYC cooks 4 different roms,has had some pc issues that had to be resolved,and does this in his free time,also XYC has a personal life to maintain as well

not griping at ya or anything just want ppl to keep that in mind,also there will be updates,some things are being focused on more than others right this minute is all so in due time the updates will come,and +1 to what you said about "where is the love?"........i know right,IMO i have yet to see a Dinik rom nearly as detailed as this one,i hate to say it but i haven't had any of the few issues others seem to have had while using this rom,it's a beautiful theme,nicely laid out,fast and stable,just a few things (small quirks) to fix,it's why no matter what rom im using i always end back on this one,i simply love it,there is only one other rom that makes me love it better than this one and our chef knows which one that is for me,which will also be seeing a update soon

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