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  #291 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 12:44 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

I agree with you Straight, I am constantly looking at other ROM's to see what I like, but this one just doesn't compare... It's sleekness just keeps pulling me in with each update... All I'm waiting for now is the data connection fix and I'll never have to switch ROM's again!
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  #292 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 02:56 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Alright since, Lynkz83, Seesser, and I are USCC users and THEY have not answered, I will.

Personnally running ALL of the XYC roms from the first Dusk I have had some data connection issues. If you are talking about the big box that pops up and says connection unavailable or whatever. I find that I have to add my MSID number in to the connections settings password and I don't get asked anymore while I am running the rom for however long. My email updates along with Twitter and FB.

I have my MSID memorized as each time I flash to a maxsense beta I lose it from the EPST.

Dial ##000000# or ##778# The MSID will be on the page that pops up.
If for some reason Dialing does not work, give it a few seconds sometimes there is a delay, then try the cab I attached.

Go into connection settings > Select manage existing connections > Edit > Next > Next > Enter the MSID into the Middle (Password) box > Hit Finish. you may recieve a warning that the data connection is in use and do you want to save settings. Click Yes and then Restart the Phone and you should be good to go.

I put the dan's ## HTC touch codes in my XDA_UC so I know the codes will work on any rom I use.
Attached Files
File Type: cab Dan-htc-touch fix ## codes.cab (1.1 KB, 11 views) Click for barcode!

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  #293 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 07:13 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by dapbmonkey4u View Post
Alright since, Lynkz83, Seesser, and I are USCC users and THEY have not answered, I will.

Personnally running ALL of the XYC roms from the first Dusk I have had some data connection issues. If you are talking about the big box that pops up and says connection unavailable or whatever. I find that I have to add my MSID number in to the connections settings password and I don't get asked anymore while I am running the rom for however long. My email updates along with Twitter and FB.

I have my MSID memorized as each time I flash to a maxsense beta I lose it from the EPST.

Dial ##000000# or ##778# The MSID will be on the page that pops up.
If for some reason Dialing does not work, give it a few seconds sometimes there is a delay, then try the cab I attached.

Go into connection settings > Select manage existing connections > Edit > Next > Next > Enter the MSID into the Middle (Password) box > Hit Finish. you may recieve a warning that the data connection is in use and do you want to save settings. Click Yes and then Restart the Phone and you should be good to go.

I put the dan's ## HTC touch codes in my XDA_UC so I know the codes will work on any rom I use.
What type of data connection problem does this solve? I think I had the problem you briefly described, after booting up, my phone's connection would be solid, but then sometime after it seemed as if it's working, but when I go to do something that uses internet, it does pop up the dialog box saying couldn't connect for an unknown reason. I'm flash dancing to this ROM now to try it out, I'll post later if it does! Thanks for the tips!
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  #294 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 07:37 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by Vaudou View Post
What type of data connection problem does this solve? I think I had the problem you briefly described, after booting up, my phone's connection would be solid, but then sometime after it seemed as if it's working, but when I go to do something that uses internet, it does pop up the dialog box saying couldn't connect for an unknown reason. I'm flash dancing to this ROM now to try it out, I'll post later if it does! Thanks for the tips!

Should be the data for EV as I never had any negative effects on my Phone or SMS/MMS. I would have that pop up essentially sit on my screen. If I cancelled it it would come back up a few seconds later. Once I put the MSID in for the password it went away and the data connection stays solid, for me at least.
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  #295 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 08:35 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

How do you get rid of the clock in the taskbar. Awesome rom...had stock vzw 6.5 with Anistasia cabs all over glad i found this.
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  #296 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 09:09 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by dapbmonkey4u View Post
Should be the data for EV as I never had any negative effects on my Phone or SMS/MMS. I would have that pop up essentially sit on my screen. If I cancelled it it would come back up a few seconds later. Once I put the MSID in for the password it went away and the data connection stays solid, for me at least.
Ahh ok, yeah mine usually (i try it on the weather since that's the easiest thing that uses data to check) will start updating, if it works, it works, if not, it pops up the connection box, after i close it, it tries again (no matter what tab i'm on) and then it pops up again, and after the second pop up, it stays off until I try it again. So far, after about 1-2 hours of flashing and setting all my stuff up like normal, no data crash. I'll post back if it acts up again.
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  #297 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 09:22 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by HellRayzer View Post
How do you get rid of the clock in the taskbar. Awesome rom...had stock vzw 6.5 with Anistasia cabs all over glad i found this.

Use a 6.5 rom
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  #298 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 08:14 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by Straitup27 View Post
please keep in mind XYC cooks 4 different roms,has had some pc issues that had to be resolved,and does this in his free time,also XYC has a personal life to maintain as well

not griping at ya or anything just want ppl to keep that in mind,also there will be updates,some things are being focused on more than others right this minute is all so in due time the updates will come,and +1 to what you said about "where is the love?"........i know right,IMO i have yet to see a Dinik rom nearly as detailed as this one,i hate to say it but i haven't had any of the few issues others seem to have had while using this rom,it's a beautiful theme,nicely laid out,fast and stable,just a few things (small quirks) to fix,it's why no matter what rom im using i always end back on this one,i simply love it,there is only one other rom that makes me love it better than this one and our chef knows which one that is for me,which will also be seeing a update soon
Completely understand all of this, and I am extremely appreciative of all the chef's. I am just trying to help build a better rom with feedback. I just see all of his other roms getting updates, seems this is the last on the list which is hard to believe because this is the best one for me. I know he probably updates according to downloads making this on the least favorite, it's just hard to believe . I have used every rom on the board and this one is without a doubt the best one for me. It's ll good man, just trying to help with the next release....
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  #299 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 11:48 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by mbjr View Post
Completely understand all of this, and I am extremely appreciative of all the chef's. I am just trying to help build a better rom with feedback. I just see all of his other roms getting updates, seems this is the last on the list which is hard to believe because this is the best one for me. I know he probably updates according to downloads making this on the least favorite, it's just hard to believe . I have used every rom on the board and this one is without a doubt the best one for me. It's ll good man, just trying to help with the next release....
On the contrary, this was the 2st on the list. When CHT 1.8.5 dropped, ALL the ROM's had to be updated. Clean was easy. Just add CHT 1.8.5 and CHT Editor and go. Anastasia was next. GTX and Dusk are still being worked on, but will be released shortly. Thanks for the love. Not sure what's up with the data issue, especially since ALL my ROMs use identicle packages .
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  #300 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2010, 04:00 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Your work on this ROM is simply fantastic and I would love to be able to run them but the following issues have forced me to use a different custom ROM:

1. The data connection problem others have already mentioned. I too have expierenced the connection going away after awhile and never coming back even after several soft resets.

2. Unable to forward my number while in GSM mode. I havent seen any body else mention this but I have seen this issue with several ROMs that I have tried. I use both GSM and CDMA and require the ability to forward my GSM number. The option is not available in Phone Settings --- GSM/UMTS Services tab of your ROM. I have searched but have not found any informaiton on why some ROMs have the optioin and others don't. This appears to be something that cannot be fixed with a reg hack.

You will have another happy camper if you could address these in your next release...

Thanks for all your time and effort....
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