Originally Posted by mbjr
Where's the love for this ROM? Man this is the best of the best for me, just wish the updates were a little more steady. If we could get a freshen up with the few fixes it needs and possible a new build and facebook tab and WOW, the rest of the roms's would fall by the way side  .
please keep in mind XYC cooks 4 different roms,has had some pc issues that had to be resolved,and does this in his free time,also XYC has a personal life to maintain as well
not griping at ya or anything just want ppl to keep that in mind,also there will be updates,some things are being focused on more than others right this minute is all so in due time the updates will come,and +1 to what you said about "where is the love?"........i know right,IMO i have yet to see a Dinik rom nearly as detailed as this one,i hate to say it but i haven't had any of the few issues others seem to have had while using this rom,it's a beautiful theme,nicely laid out,fast and stable,just a few things (small quirks) to fix,it's why no matter what rom im using i always end back on this one,i simply love it,there is only one other rom that makes me love it better than this one

and our chef knows which one that is for me,which will also be seeing a update soon