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View Poll Results: Which Windows Mobile Version of BigMaxSense ROM Do You Use?
Windows Mobile 6.5 (21***) 88 26.99%
Windows Mobile 6.5.(x) (23***) 242 74.23%
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2010, 08:33 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd ROM} ☼ COMING VERY SOON ☼ BigMaxSense ROM ☼The Quickest Manila Experien

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post

no comment.....
Thanks for sharing the comments from the beta testers... Look forward to play with the rom myself.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2010, 08:45 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd ROM} ☼ COMING VERY SOON ☼ BigMaxSense ROM ☼The Quickest Manila Experien

Originally Posted by gammarho55 View Post
the first 20-30 pages will be filled with "thanks" and "look forward to this" and will have nothing to do with the actual rom. and we wonder why newbs refuse to search the forum?

  #33 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2010, 09:09 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd ROM} ☼ COMING VERY SOON ☼ BigMaxSense ROM ☼The Quickest Manila Experien

Originally Posted by gammarho55 View Post
thats what i'm saying... we give newbies a hard time about posting in the wrong areas, etc but this will be the 2nd thread opened for a rom when there is NO rom? love the work you're doing, big, but i would think you start a thread when you have something to post. so now, just like the other thread, the first 20-30 pages will be filled with "thanks" and "look forward to this" and will have nothing to do with the actual rom. and we wonder why newbs refuse to search the forum?

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post


is 20 or 30 pages out of a possible 100's of pages really going to affect anything?
especially if the user is searching for something relevant to his/her issue... not "thanks" or "look forward to this"

they have control over what they search for....didn't think i would cause a problem by posting a week early.....

And on the initial BigMaxSense ROM thread that was converted to my BigCo0kie ROM thread i have apologized numerous time on that thread for the confusion.. some last minute ideas turned into a complete rework... but i soon removed all MaxSense and had a very popular (according to timeline and view counts) that made its home there.... Again sorry for any confusion i might have caused to anyone here @ PPCG

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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2010, 09:13 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd ROM} ☼ COMING VERY SOON ☼ BigMaxSense ROM ☼The Quickest Manila Experien

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post
is 20 or 30 pages out of a possible 100's of pages really going to affect anything?
especially if the user is searching for something relevant to his/her issue... not "thanks" or "look forward to this"

they have control over what they search for....didn't think i would cause a problem by posting a week early.....

And on the initial BigMaxSense ROM thread that was converted to my BigCo0kie ROM thread i have apologized numerous time on that thread for the confusion.. some last minute ideas turned into a complete rework... but i soon removed all MaxSense and had a very popular (according to timeline and view counts) that made its home there.... Again sorry for any confusion i might have caused to anyone here @ PPCG
Don't worry about it Big. Besides a quick pm to a mod can clean it up real fast when we get to the nitty gritty. I think Mike had to clean his rom thread like 4 times before one of his previous releases. Congrats to you and the beta team for the hard work. Looking forward to seeing it soon.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2010, 09:26 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd ROM} ☼ COMING VERY SOON ☼ BigMaxSense ROM ☼The Quickest Manila Experien

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post
is 20 or 30 pages out of a possible 100's of pages really going to affect anything?
especially if the user is searching for something relevant to his/her issue... not "thanks" or "look forward to this"
Take your time, I'm enjoying my BIG COOKIE.

Thanks for all you do.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2010, 09:34 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd ROM} ☼ COMING VERY SOON ☼ BigMaxSense ROM ☼The Quickest Manila Experien

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post
is 20 or 30 pages out of a possible 100's of pages really going to affect anything?
especially if the user is searching for something relevant to his/her issue... not "thanks" or "look forward to this"

they have control over what they search for....didn't think i would cause a problem by posting a week early.....

And on the initial BigMaxSense ROM thread that was converted to my BigCo0kie ROM thread i have apologized numerous time on that thread for the confusion.. some last minute ideas turned into a complete rework... but i soon removed all MaxSense and had a very popular (according to timeline and view counts) that made its home there.... Again sorry for any confusion i might have caused to anyone here @ PPCG

I don't think you have anything to apologize for... This rom is about to be released, people decided to say can't wait. Hell I will say it again, I can't wait.

Thanks for al of yours and Maxys hard work.
  #37 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2010, 09:37 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd ROM} ☼ COMING VERY SOON ☼ BigMaxSense ROM ☼The Quickest Manila Experien

I know... I sure can't wait. But, take your time. I'll learn to wait.

Originally Posted by shadowhawk2021 View Post
I don't think you have anything to apologize for... This rom is about to be released, people decided to say can't wait. Hell I will say it again, I can't wait.

Thanks for al of yours and Maxys hard work.
  #38 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2010, 09:49 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd ROM} ☼ COMING VERY SOON ☼ BigMaxSense ROM ☼The Quickest Manila Experien

Ok theres enough hype on the rom im waiting to see it or some screen shots.
  #39 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2010, 09:54 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd ROM} ☼ COMING VERY SOON ☼ BigMaxSense ROM ☼The Quickest Manila Experien

Originally Posted by khalidabuu View Post
Ok theres enough hype on the rom im waiting to see it or some screen shots.
will be able to post screens in next few days..
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2010, 10:26 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd ROM} ☼ COMING VERY SOON ☼ BigMaxSense ROM ☼The Quickest Manila Experien

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post
will be able to post screens in next few days..
Sigh...I thought I should be able to play with it tonight . I even put my phone on charge to avoid low battery error.
tHaNkS 2 eVeRyoNE f0r hElpiNg mE 0uT. U gUYs rOcK

.:":. HTC EVO.:":.

Last edited by DesiChora; 05-24-2010 at 10:28 PM.
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