Originally Posted by bignadad
is 20 or 30 pages out of a possible 100's of pages really going to affect anything?
especially if the user is searching for something relevant to his/her issue... not "thanks" or "look forward to this"
they have control over what they search for....didn't think i would cause a problem by posting a week early.....
And on the initial BigMaxSense ROM thread that was converted to my BigCo0kie ROM thread i have apologized numerous time on that thread for the confusion.. some last minute ideas turned into a complete rework... but i soon removed all MaxSense and had a very popular (according to timeline and view counts) that made its home there.... Again sorry for any confusion i might have caused to anyone here @ PPCG
Don't worry about it Big. Besides a quick pm to a mod can clean it up real fast when we get to the nitty gritty. I think Mike had to clean his rom thread like 4 times before one of his previous releases. Congrats to you and the beta team for the hard work. Looking forward to seeing it soon.