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  #1711 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 01:25 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Yes... I visited the darkside too & flashed BigMaxSense last night after the problems I had with v9.8. I am about to pull my hair out waiting for the updated TW 9.8. BMS is so unstable. I ran Android from my SDcard most of the morning.
Would some temp. FTP hosting be helpful? I need to Flash TW v.9.8 All Carrier Full before the weekend.

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  #1712 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 01:27 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Thanks Guys, nice comments

It's all about time, having it or the lack of it. Once I feel I have done that I can with manila then I can move on.

Still trying to get Mediafire to work 100%. Multi Carrier 23563 posted finally. Will try to get hunter's 28232 rom up and then the lite version. Not today, sorry I had to upload 3x's for 1 rom. Need to rebuild 28232 and the lite 23563 before I can post.

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
I agree fully,

I think TW's roms are the fastest and most stable cookie and Sense have to offer. When he came here I believe he completely overhauled how a phone is suppose to behave.

BUT There is only so much you can do to sense and cookie. While your roms TW are extremely fast max sense blows cookie out of the water and the customizations are endless. That is only on bignadads rom running Windows 7 theme. Given the knowledge of STRICTLY running your roms since you came here and how you overhauled the way our phones operate, I cant imagine what you could accomplish with this UI interface. There are alot of little bugs in bignadads rom that you have fixed in your previous roms because we requested it and the speed of your work and updates is why I am still very commited to your work.

But sense and CHT 1.8.5 are in the past at least until cookie has something else to offer.

by the way this is in no way pushing you to make the rom just voicing my opinion its said with the greatest amount of respect to your work.
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  #1713 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 01:40 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

So far TW Roms have been the best! Where do all of these different (23563, 28232) builds come from & how do they differ? Are the different builds documented anywhere?
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  #1714 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 03:47 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Ah... Heaven! Just flashed All v9.8 Full & it is working great.
I don't care how much better/smoother MaxSense is, having a WinMo phone that actually works without hanging is heaven.
TW Roms Rule!
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  #1715 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 07:51 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Take a look at post #751. I know jstine has posted the answer a couple of times and this is the first one I found!

Originally Posted by scottpack View Post
So far TW Roms have been the best! Where do all of these different (23563, 28232) builds come from & how do they differ? Are the different builds documented anywhere?
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  #1716 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 10:20 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Originally Posted by Tkt View Post
Si pudieras agragarle la estabilidad de TW ROM a BigMaxSence seria el mejor de todos los ROMS, Ojala y MaxSence te de permiso para modificar o arreglar that ROM.
Simplemente no tengo tiempo para agregar MaxSense a mi lista de cosas que necesito hacer, tal vez pronto.
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  #1717 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 10:29 PM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

" News Flash for Hunter7773"

Your request for a large hamburger is ready. ENJOY!

Multi Carrier rom 28232 V9.8 Fully Loaded

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  #1718 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 12:17 AM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

Originally Posted by scottpack View Post
Ah... Heaven! Just flashed All v9.8 Full & it is working great.
I don't care how much better/smoother MaxSense is, having a WinMo phone that actually works without hanging is heaven.
TW Roms Rule!
I agree...have used many recently, but not too recently 'cause since I discovered TW I have stuck with it. Just not a single hiccup. And all the little things and nuances that just make it even better...TW, simply the best.

Also want to say that if only the people that like to slam winmo would learn how to modify their phone - learn to unlock and flash, find the right rom (TW!!), add the right apps and utilities - the ones that WORK well, developed by smart and generous people - I mean I can't think of ANY possible reason to go to Android or any other (iJunk doesn't even deserve consideration, what a closed-source joke). My phone does anything I could possibly want or need. And now since I recently went with TW Titanium + Mobile Shell I finally have the speed that I thought was the only thing missing.
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  #1719 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 12:21 AM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

I just set up 9.8 and it's good except for caller id. Anybodyelse having issues with it? It won't work on incoming or outgoing.
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  #1720 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 03:07 AM
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Re: 7/20/10 V9.8 Sprint, Mult. Carrier, Titanium, Mult. Carrier Lite Roms

TW, I'm listening to what some people are saying about MaxSense and although I'm still very uneducated about a lot of the talk regarding the builds, I know one one thing for certain I would definitely like to experience what they are saying about MaxSense if it's true. A lot of people talk about how their experience has been with other guys roms and since trying out your roms they crown you King of roms and pledge allegiance to your builds. Well I don't have any experience elsewhere and I've pledged my allegiance to your builds. I haven't heard anyone on your threads voicing nobody's roms over yours. That's the way it's been since I first discovered flashing in 2/2010. After reading a couple threads back then to see who would be the best choice for me as a newly decided flasher. I kept reading rave reviews about your work. I made the plunge (very nervously at first) and never looked back. And I definitely cannot go to a stock ever in life thanks to you and your builds. I owe stepping out of the controlled world and coming into the world of abundant freedom & choice to you! Whenever you have the time please let us all experience MaxSense from you because everything you touch turns out golden. Thanks TW!!!!!!!!
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