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  #531 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 07:04 PM
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Re: *** 5/19/10 Timberwolf Roms in 6 Colors + Matching Dialer

[QUOTE=suntopper;1773688]Well I tried to prepare by determining what needs to be running besides file explorer but now I can't get the phone to freeze, LOL. I've tried file explorer left on device, storage card and one and more programs open. Programs include Bing, Google Maps, Calculator, pocket UNO but when I close all the phone works fine??? Has anyone been able to isolate this further? I know when it locked up before it was pretty consistent whenever I selected close all in q-menu.

Confused (again)

Now you see what I mean. I tried for 10 mins to get QMenu to freeze with File Explorer. And it's only happen once to me, so I can't see why
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  #532 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 07:59 PM
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Re: *** 5/19/10 Timberwolf Roms in 6 Colors + Matching Dialer

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
The missing BT icon is because of the newer dialer I included in V8.3. Till working on why it doesn't when turned on.
I've had no issues with the missing icon. After I initially installed the 8.3 ROM with the bluetooth turned off, the comm manager would not turn on the bluetooth at all. It would just look like it was toggling the bluetooth and the top bar correctly showed no bluetooth icon because the comm manager had not successfully turned on the bluetooth. I had to run the widcomm tool to actually turn on the bluetooth for the first time, then after that, the comm manager worked, and when the widcomm tool turned on the bluetooth hardware, the bluetooth icon correctly displayed on the top bar.

My problem was not an icon issue.

The comm manager was not actually toggling the bluetooth hardware on/off after initial install of the 8.3 ROM over the 6.x ROM with bluetooth turned off. So far, for me, on the today screen (I don't use the Sense UI), the bluetooth icon has been 100% accurate, displaying when the bluetooth hardware was actually activated and not displaying when it was off. I've only been using the 8.3 ROM for less than a day so far.

It may be different if the 8.3 rom was installed when bluetooth was previously enabled though.

Last edited by bbf; 05-25-2010 at 08:04 PM. Reason: Added how long I've been using the ROM.
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  #533 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 01:18 AM
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Re: *** 5/19/10 Timberwolf Roms in 6 Colors + Matching Dialer

Well I did some more testing with little answers. I did a hard reset on the phone (I had removed the "Q" on the taskbar so I thought that might have had an effect. Didn't seem to make a difference. The only time the phone froze was after I had installed my cabs. After a soft reset via the button all was good again and I haven't gotten it to freeze since. So jstine, this is probably going to remain a mystery for now!


Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
Well I tried to prepare by determining what needs to be running besides file explorer but now I can't get the phone to freeze, LOL. I've tried file explorer left on device, storage card and one and more programs open. Programs include Bing, Google Maps, Calculator, pocket UNO but when I close all the phone works fine??? Has anyone been able to isolate this further? I know when it locked up before it was pretty consistent whenever I selected close all in q-menu.

Confused (again)

Now you see what I mean. I tried for 10 mins to get QMenu to freeze with File Explorer. And it's only happen once to me, so I can't see why
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  #534 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 07:29 PM
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Re: *** 5/19/10 Timberwolf Roms in 6 Colors + Matching Dialer

Question for everyone?

After a week with the new dialer, what do you think. Are the buttons to small? If so we will to return to the previous 3.40 canvas where the dialer pad buttons are larger. But does not have many new features (Facebook). The beta V9 is almost ready, will upload in the next hour for testing. Everything's fixed, except the bluetooih icon is still MIA due to the 4.2 phone canvas. CHT import working without NetCF errors. Comm Manager now available in the Utilites Folder. XDA_UC is also working, so you can place all post flash cabs in a folder on your storage card call "XDA_UC" and cabs will auto install.
XDA_UC is slow, so give it time to install the cabs, but it works.

Some graphic changes to icons and quicklink. Black Clock background and Swiss Watch installed by default.

Edit: Just found that I did not include Facebook App in the rom. Sorry, will redo tomorrow and upload again. See attachment for the latest cab released 5/12/10.

Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?1uymde2woyf

All Carrier 23569 V9
Attached Files
File Type: cab Facebook_v1.0.0.7.CAB (871.4 KB, 4 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Timberwolf671; 05-26-2010 at 09:21 PM.
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  #535 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 08:47 PM
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Re: *** 5/19/10 Timberwolf Roms in 6 Colors + Matching Dialer

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  #536 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 10:11 PM
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Re: *** 5/19/10 Timberwolf Roms in 6 Colors + Matching Dialer

Wow. I have been on a road trip for the last couple weeks and sure missed out on a lot. Right before I left the ear speaker went out and I had to get a new phone. I had to run the stock ROM for the entire trip. I finally got the chance to unlock and flash last night and put 8.3 on. I really like this one. It seems really fast, but my comparison may be skewed by Sprints idea of functional.

I like it so much I am reluctant to test the new beta.

I have not had any problems with it so far. I have also tried to get one of the task managers to lock up without success. By the way, when I was on the stock ROM for the last couple weeks I did have some lockups as a result of both the Q menu and Microsoft's "Task Manager" when ending the "File Explorer". Seems to me like an issue that Microsoft may have to fix.

I can't seem to find the "Owner Information" settings. In previous builds it was in the "Personal" settings folder.

Once again you have given us a great ROM, and made the phone much more useful.

Thanks Timberwolf.
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  #537 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2010, 12:19 AM
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Re: *** 5/19/10 Timberwolf Roms in 6 Colors + Matching Dialer

Wow, just Wow!!!

This is as close to perfection that I've seen, felt, experienced...

Just a few comments while I sync.

I know it's not your issue but it would be nice to know what's going on during the XDA_UC process. I was just about ready to give up when it told me skyfire had been installed. Also, you might let everyone know it's OK to reset following the provisioning. I did not initially because I thought it would "end" the script and the UC would not run. But after I reset, everything went smooth. Cookie settings imported without error. I just can't find anything down to say about the experience (but give me time, LOL).

Oh, least I forget, you owned the RUU with your personal ROM graphic!

Edit: Regarding the dialer question, it really doesn't matter to me. I've had no problem dialing with the new dialer but I do miss the BT taskbar icon.

Last edited by suntopper; 05-27-2010 at 12:22 AM.
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  #538 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2010, 08:27 AM
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Re: *** 5/19/10 Timberwolf Roms in 6 Colors + Matching Dialer

V9 feels a little more stable to me... and faster. Good job!
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  #539 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2010, 09:37 AM
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Re: *** 5/19/10 Timberwolf Roms in 6 Colors + Matching Dialer

Originally Posted by Jim8181 View Post
V9 feels a little more stable to me... and faster. Good job!
I am on the 8.3 Sprint and been happy. Is it worth flashing to this V9 all carrier -- any major changes?? Is it faster than 8.3? TIA.
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  #540 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2010, 10:05 AM
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Re: *** 5/19/10 Timberwolf Roms in 6 Colors + Matching Dialer

Originally Posted by busydocmom View Post
I am on the 8.3 Sprint and been happy. Is it worth flashing to this V9 all carrier -- any major changes?? Is it faster than 8.3? TIA.
If I remember correct, you like the Sprint Nav Tab. Which is only available on the Speical Sprint rom. That build's xip is 23562 and manila 1324 has been the best Sprint rom so far. BT icon does work in with the new dialer. Has something to do with Sprint's BT stack.
So my answer is no, stay with that rom until I add the new graphic changes then I will repost as V8.5. If I were to pick any (Sprint) rom to keep on my phone, that would be it.

Last edited by Timberwolf671; 05-27-2010 at 10:07 AM.
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