Re: *** 5/19/10 Timberwolf Roms in 6 Colors + Matching Dialer
Wow. I have been on a road trip for the last couple weeks and sure missed out on a lot. Right before I left the ear speaker went out and I had to get a new phone. I had to run the stock ROM for the entire trip. I finally got the chance to unlock and flash last night and put 8.3 on. I really like this one. It seems really fast, but my comparison may be skewed by Sprints idea of functional.
I like it so much I am reluctant to test the new beta.
I have not had any problems with it so far. I have also tried to get one of the task managers to lock up without success. By the way, when I was on the stock ROM for the last couple weeks I did have some lockups as a result of both the Q menu and Microsoft's "Task Manager" when ending the "File Explorer". Seems to me like an issue that Microsoft may have to fix.
I can't seem to find the "Owner Information" settings. In previous builds it was in the "Personal" settings folder.
Once again you have given us a great ROM, and made the phone much more useful.
Thanks Timberwolf.
Fly safe, soar high, go far....\______________O_____________/
