Well I did some more testing with little answers. I did a hard reset on the phone (I had removed the "Q" on the taskbar so I thought that might have had an effect. Didn't seem to make a difference. The only time the phone froze was after I had installed my cabs. After a soft reset via the button all was good again and I haven't gotten it to freeze since. So jstine, this is probably going to remain a mystery for now!
Originally Posted by suntopper
Well I tried to prepare by determining what needs to be running besides file explorer but now I can't get the phone to freeze, LOL. I've tried file explorer left on device, storage card and one and more programs open. Programs include Bing, Google Maps, Calculator, pocket UNO but when I close all the phone works fine??? Has anyone been able to isolate this further? I know when it locked up before it was pretty consistent whenever I selected close all in q-menu.
Confused (again) 
Now you see what I mean. I tried for 10 mins to get QMenu to freeze with File Explorer. And it's only happen once to me, so I can't see why