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  #391 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 07:59 AM
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Re: * NEW * 5/10/10 V8.1 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

okay mms is working perfect now! yay, only question i have is now is there any way to remove the sprint nav,tv,nascar etc......? or at least remove it from the slider?
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  #392 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 08:10 AM
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Smile Re: * NEW * 5/10/10 V8.1 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

I would love to buy you a beer, how about it buddy?

I am a industrial maintenance mechanic and work 12 hour night shifts.
When all of the equipment is running well, i may sometimes have as much as 6 hours of idle time per night. With your roms i look forward to going to work and "playing" with my phone because i know that your rom will not let me down.
Your roms don't only make my phone a better device, you are actually
making my time at work more enjoyable.

Thank you very much.


Please forgive my "Spanglish"
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  #393 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 08:55 AM
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Re: * NEW * 5/10/10 V8.1 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Ok here's what I have found with explorer and Quick Menu. If I have several programs open and one is File Explorer and I hit end all. That's when it will freeze, but if I end File Explorer 1st and then select end all. No more freezing, try it and see if you find that to be true. I do wish there was more that I could do. But the problem is in M$ core of WM 6.5 or Quick Menu. This problem has been reported to the person who designed QM. I don't think M$ gives a shi^. The Android is the next big, why, because of the cost for HTC and other's pay for WM OS. Remember what you paid for your TP2. Now go look at what a Hero would run you, or the Moment. Why, less cost for OS. Now I see why Calk and other's are leaving the TP2 for the Android. Also the size is half of the TP2's. One of the Dr's at the hospital I work at took my advise and got the Hero. He's happy and I see why. The one thing I would miss if I did get the Hero, does it sync with MS Office. I keep all contacts, appts schedule, birthday's and my life there. Don't know what the Droid would do yet.

Wow, did I really type all that!

Anyway, the rom is uploading now (01:22 hrs cmt) @ 46%. So about 20 mins. more for people like hunter7773 and me that are up at this time of night.

I think most Sprint users should like this rom better than the one from Calk's kitchen.

Sorry no tabs for recent doc or e-reader yet. Don't know if I will add them or not.

Edit: Also no facebook tab, I see no need.

What am I doing about a different dialer. Many things, lets just see.

its ok jstine after first freeze i noticed it dont freeze much nemore. so all is well and rom is running great. ill let u know in a aday or 2 if it still does it. ty jstine
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  #394 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:40 AM
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Re: * NEW * 5/10/10 V8.1 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Sprint V8.2 uploaded and downloaded and checked for CRC errors. So kick the tires and light the fires. We have a go Houston!

Downlink : http://www.mediafire.com/?wmmzlw5tymm

Only posted here for now. If all goes well I will start another thread for this rom.

I might have missed it but whats different in 8.2 vs 8.1. So far I love 8.1... so wondering if its worth switching

If I have helped you Press THANKS!!!!!
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  #395 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 11:38 AM
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Re: * NEW * 5/10/10 V8.1 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

Originally Posted by KillerRW View Post
I might have missed it but whats different in 8.2 vs 8.1. So far I love 8.1... so wondering if its worth switching
From what I see, the V8.2 everything came from a dumped Sprint rom. There's just little over 21,000 files to make this rom. Most are images of some sort and control/setup files or dll.
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Last edited by Timberwolf671; 05-13-2010 at 11:40 AM.
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  #396 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 11:38 AM
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Re: * NEW * 5/10/10 V8.1 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

Quick feedback on 8.1 for Telus,
- still can't get blue dot "find my location" on GPS to work.
- when choosing to load some quick links onto the home pape, they load but don't look the same as in the menu version (different colors or different boarders etc,)
- calculator quick link doesn't work, says it is "not a valid pocket pc app."
- had 3 freeze - ups doing different things each time. Fixed with reset.
- battery life seems worse than other versions. At about 50% after less than 1/2 day of very light use.

Good rom overall, fairly speedy and responsive. A few issues for me that weren't there on earlier versions (V8 was best for me). Maybe Telus is different from other carriers? Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Last edited by donkey1; 05-13-2010 at 11:47 AM.
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  #397 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 12:10 PM
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Re: * NEW * 5/10/10 V8.1 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

im not sure what the difference is either but im on boost and i have a jawbone prime and the bluetooth stack seems to work much better in the sprint 7 and 8.2 than in the other roms. Are you using 2 different bluetooth stacks big?
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  #398 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 12:18 PM
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Re: * NEW * 5/10/10 V8.1 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

by the way timberwolf, boost is cdma and iden. I have had diamonds, touch pro, and now tp2 on boost. Theres a forum on hofo with plenty of memebers on boostmobile with many different phones. The only phones that CANNOT be put on boost are the sprint proprietary phones like the ones with android on them. Other than that everything else is a go. Love your roms and been with you since ver 4. still have all the roms on my hard drive. If anyone is interested i can tell you how its done, but NEVER EVER call boost and ask them about putting a sprint phone on boost, they will tell you it cant be done.
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  #399 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 12:23 PM
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Re: * NEW * 5/10/10 V8.1 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

Oh yeah 1 last thing, to get mms working, use the sprint rom, go to messages>all messages>menu>mms options>cdma servers. then select new, name it Boost, server address:
pcs-boost-mmsc-submit.sun3.lightsurf.net choose connect via internet select ok, then select set as default, restart phone, should work. thats how ive been doing it for years.
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  #400 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 02:32 PM
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Re: * NEW * 5/10/10 V8.1 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
EDIT: I would use the V8.1 and not the Sprint V8.2. 2 different sms/mms systems. Why did it work on V6 and not now. I'm using the same carrier cabs and sms/mms files since V1. Correction, I did change the VZW carrier cab.
Just flashed v8.2 sprint.

I noticed the black and white Windows messaging screen.

Are you telling us to flash v8.1 rather then 8.2? and Does v8.1 use bubble messaging?

What is the difference between 8.1 and 8.2 You mentioned something about 21000 files... What exactly does that mean?

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