05-13-2010, 08:55 AM
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Re: * NEW * 5/10/10 V8.1 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus
Originally Posted by Timberwolf671
Ok here's what I have found with explorer and Quick Menu. If I have several programs open and one is File Explorer and I hit end all. That's when it will freeze, but if I end File Explorer 1st and then select end all. No more freezing, try it and see if you find that to be true. I do wish there was more that I could do. But the problem is in M$ core of WM 6.5 or Quick Menu. This problem has been reported to the person who designed QM. I don't think M$ gives a shi^. The Android is the next big, why, because of the cost for HTC and other's pay for WM OS. Remember what you paid for your TP2. Now go look at what a Hero would run you, or the Moment. Why, less cost for OS. Now I see why Calk and other's are leaving the TP2 for the Android. Also the size is half of the TP2's. One of the Dr's at the hospital I work at took my advise and got the Hero. He's happy and I see why. The one thing I would miss if I did get the Hero, does it sync with MS Office. I keep all contacts, appts schedule, birthday's and my life there. Don't know what the Droid would do yet.
Wow, did I really type all that!
Anyway, the rom is uploading now (01:22 hrs cmt) @ 46%. So about 20 mins. more for people like hunter7773 and me that are up at this time of night.
I think most Sprint users should like this rom better than the one from Calk's kitchen.
Sorry no tabs for recent doc or e-reader yet. Don't know if I will add them or not.
Edit: Also no facebook tab, I see no need.
What am I doing about a different dialer. Many things, lets just see.
its ok jstine after first freeze i noticed it dont freeze much nemore. so all is well and rom is running great. ill let u know in a aday or 2 if it still does it. ty jstine