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  #401 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 01:39 PM
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Re: (~)|WWE|BharS|23563|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5.2012.14|GENER IC|BLK&GTX|XDA_UC|25APR|V8.1

i hav a set of cabs that i always install on every version of Bhars rom and i install those via xda_uc. Most all the other cabs ive tried or currently am using i install manually simply because i only use xda_uc to install only the most stable, tried and trued cabs and almost all of the cabs i install via xda_uc are cabs i use to customize the visualization,graphics, and customized, somewhat one of a kind look, that i like my roms and homescreens appearance to look like.Plus if im not sure of a cab in any way i always install it manually.
I used to always install/use maxmanilla, but ever since the last couple releases of the Cookie Monster App and the release of CHT Editor 1.71 that is now extremely reliable and stable i think that the Cooke App now is plenty stable enough and looks as good if not better in alot of aspects,plus it can do nearly everything that maxmanilla can do and even more. The Cookie app and the CHT Editor have really come along way and now i like the cookie app more than maxmanilla, and i was a die-hard maxmanilla user,but in the end the Cookie app and the CHT Editor won out just because of its ability to customized more.It has nothing to do with all the possible links with the cookie mod. I only use one page for links and its just the 4 horizontal and 4 vertical total # of links.
Another real fun app/cab that i found and didnt talk much about in my above cabs post a while back and have been using on Bhars roms for a little while now and thats the Bluff My Call app. It does cost money for full use of all the apps options but for free u do get a working Caller ID hack. For free u can place a call with the app and it will display whatever phone # u want to show up on the recievers phones Caller ID. Now for free u have to limit the calls to 2 minutes or less or it wil display ur real phone # after that or it might just end the call. Im not sure because ive never used it past 2 minutes. Its fun to make other people think ur calling from another state or some elses cell or home phone. I dont know how well the app even functions if someone pays for it, but for free u can really have a fun time with the app and if u would want to u really could cause alot of trouble for someone with the Bluff My Call app also. Well its quickly becoming one of my favorite apps to have. Ive heard it works well for ex-girlfriend/girlfriend problems very well. U could prove ur at whoevers house with a simple 2 minute call from their home #. Just one possibility. Thats whats great is all the apps possibilities. The app, while still in its early release stages, is definetly worth having and getting now. Just in case they quit updating the app or even worse remove the app altogether i would definetly get a copy of the app,Bluff My Call, to an sd-card. U never know when u might want/need to use it. Just a thought.
I had been experimenting with an app called XT Hack beta 2 similiar to HDTweak and Adv.Config. but just like both those apps the XT Hack had several options that would break my device in one way or another. So i would definetly stay away from HD Tweak, Adv.Config.,and XT Hack because all of them are capable of making ur TP2 not function correctly in more way than one. Those are the 3 apps i will never install again simply because about %70-%90 of the options work ok but theres always a few options that can make ur TP2 function erratically. i think thats more than enough rambling now. If i come across any other cool apps or cabs that are especially good/cool with this rom ill postem.Thanks for reading. Hopefully i can help someone.Thanks again.
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  #402 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 04:23 PM
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Re: (~)|WWE|BharS|23563|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5.2012.14|GENER IC|BLK&GTX|XDA_UC|25APR|V8.1

Here is a fix for voicerecorder which I think should work. I have flashed to a different version as thats how I figured out whats wrong. But this patch should work.

Please install it and let me know if it does.

Attached Files
File Type: cab BharS Voice Recorder Fix.cab (783.8 KB, 12 views) Click for barcode!
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  #403 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 07:31 PM
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Re: (~)|WWE|BharS|23563|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5.2012.14|GENER IC|BLK&GTX|XDA_UC|25APR|V8.1

i'm having problems with my phone waking up. i did a task 29 and flashed lastnight. i woke up this morning and found that my phone was non-functional, the power button and none of my other hard buttons would work. like it had been turned off, or was dead. i had to pull my battery cover off and pull the battery. then it happenned again today.

the only conflict i can find might be with S2U2, it does seem to have some problems when i answer a call, sometimes my S2U2 screen comes up, sometimes the stock winmo screen comes up.

anyone using S2U2 having issues with there phone not waking up or looking as though the phone is turned off?
Device: CDMA Touch Pro 2 on AT&T
SPL: 1.00.Olinex SIM and Security Unlocked
Rom: BharS 23563 PROJ_BS Sense2.5.2012.14 25APR V8.1
Radio: 1.96.10 WU
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  #404 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 07:45 PM
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Re: (~)|WWE|BharS|23563|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5.2012.14|GENER IC|BLK&GTX|XDA_UC|25APR|V8.1

no but i did have the same problem when i installed sence 2.5 messaging
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  #405 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 09:27 PM
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Re: (~)|WWE|BharS|23563|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5.2012.14|GENER IC|BLK&GTX|XDA_UC|25APR|V8.1

Ive used the S2U2 cab in a cpl of the previous builds of this rom and i had a few issues in the past but that was around the V4-V6 rom releases and i noticed that occasionally S2U2 seemed to freeze up and i would have to soft reset and sometimes even after id slide to answer it wouldnt answer a call. but that was pretty rare and a soft-reset cured the problem for a while. Thats why i dont recomend using S2U2 on this rom or any other because ive had the same problems with it on a few other roms as well.
I used to almost always either install NRGZ Sense 2.5 msging cab or Valkyries Sense 2.5 cab and ive noticed that they havent functioned on the last 2 releases;V8, and 8.1 but who really cares now that u can send an sms/mms directly from the contacts, or contacts tab. That was the only reason i would install the Sense 2.5 msging cab in the first place and now since u can send directly from a contact who needs it. I would recomend the 1sae sms skins cab instead. It gives a nice green and blue colored bubble text in conversation format and looks alot better than the Sense 2.5 msging does. Butr thats just my thoughts. 8.1 is another great rom.
And the Voice Recorder fix appears to work just fine. Ive only tested it a little bit tho but it did work. Thanks for the fix. Even better now.

Last edited by lbcary; 04-28-2010 at 09:30 PM.
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  #406 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 10:06 PM
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Re: (~)|WWE|BharS|23563|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5.2012.14|GENER IC|BLK&GTX|XDA_UC|25APR|V8.1

I had SOD with a lock program that I used.

SOD is something we chefs all fight. Its not consistant, sometimes the same cab work fine, but sometimes it doesnt.

Did you install S2U2 on any of my previous builds and had issues as well?
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  #407 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 10:14 PM
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Re: (~)|WWE|BharS|23563|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5.2012.14|GENER IC|BLK&GTX|XDA_UC|25APR|V8.1

i only used one of your older roms for a few days once before. cannot remember if i used S2U2 or not, but probably didn't. i got tired of NRG's roms, aesthetically, they aren't all that pleasing.

i had an issue on the first rom of yours i used with the slider being half covered by the taskbar, but i have found that in nearly every 235XX build, and it is easily cured by just sliding the keyboard out and closing it.
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  #408 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 10:19 PM
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Re: (~)|WWE|BharS|23563|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5.2012.14|GENER IC|BLK&GTX|XDA_UC|25APR|V8.1

i have never had an issue with messaging, in any rom i have used on my TP2. i never install the cabs, being as though i have never had a problem with messaging. could this be because i am using my phone on a GSM network? i am not really too familiar with the whole HTC MMS problem or what causes it.

this does seem to be a great rom, and that is why i came back to it.
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  #409 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 10:26 PM
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Re: (~)|WWE|BharS|23563|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5.2012.14|GENER IC|BLK&GTX|XDA_UC|25APR|V8.1

In my experience SOD is usually caused by locking programs.

I used to use S2U2 before, but it gave me a lot of headaches. But that was with GSM TP2.

Using CDMA phone on GSM will not have any thing to do with SOD. Its probably caused by one of the installed programs esp a locking one.

See if you cannot install any programs, and if you run into SOD issue. If still you do, it will be a build issue. But I highly doubt it.
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  #410 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 10:31 PM
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Re: (~)|WWE|BharS|23563|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5.2012.14|GENER IC|BLK&GTX|XDA_UC|25APR|V8.1

Is there an ETA on V9?
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