Re: (~)|WWE|BharS|23563|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5.2012.14|GENER IC|BLK>X|XDA_UC|25APR|V8.1
i only used one of your older roms for a few days once before. cannot remember if i used S2U2 or not, but probably didn't. i got tired of NRG's roms, aesthetically, they aren't all that pleasing.
i had an issue on the first rom of yours i used with the slider being half covered by the taskbar, but i have found that in nearly every 235XX build, and it is easily cured by just sliding the keyboard out and closing it.
Device: CDMA Touch Pro 2 on AT&T
SPL: 1.00.Olinex SIM and Security Unlocked
Rom: BharS 23563 PROJ_BS Sense2.5.2012.14 25APR V8.1
Radio: 1.96.10 WU