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View Poll Results: What version of Manila do you like to see in next release?
Co0kie Home Tab (CHT) 14 66.67%
GTX Manila 3 14.29%
Just BLK is well and good, I will modify it by myself! 7 33.33%
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  #251 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by lbcary View Post
I also noticed the 23551 fix cab. What is the 23551 fix cab exactly and why would i need to install it? Oh and my phone says 23550 and not 23551, but i dont care about that.
You need the fix to view email and sms...forgot to include some files when kooking!

Originally Posted by mbjr View Post
I am trying the ROM again and LOVE everything about it except I can't receive MMS. On verizon netword and yes auto recieve is checked. The icon displays like it is trying to download, it will display several times periodically....it is trying but errors out. Please help as being able to receive mms will make this ROM the best I have tried, and I try about 3 a week it's an addiction.
Not sure what is going on with yours.

Originally Posted by mbjr View Post
Update: takes more like 30mins but slows to crawl and sucks the battery dry! Have not installed anything other than what I have run for past six months on every other rom with no issues? Weird. Using df task manager shows nothing running or chewing up cpu but it is ridiculously slow, have to reboot to fix.
Either bad flash (which I dont think so!), or some of the program you use doesnt like this ROM!
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  #252 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 12:47 PM
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Did flash dance, mms still no go, should it work out of the box or do I need to add ?blahblah=my number? I checked in server settings and Internet is selected, I changed to Verizon and still no go. This is second version of this rom that I can not get working mms....please help.
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  #253 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 10:18 PM
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Originally Posted by mbjr View Post
Did flash dance, mms still no go, should it work out of the box or do I need to add ?blahblah=my number? I checked in server settings and Internet is selected, I changed to Verizon and still no go. This is second version of this rom that I can not get working mms....please help.
It works just fine for Sprint. Have you tried this cab from my previous post?

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  #254 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 02:09 AM
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Ive been using V5 since before the lite version was even available and the sms and facebook and gmail all work for me just the same, but ive never got mms to work on the Cricket network with any HTC ive had. I do usually install NRGs or Valkyries Sense 2.5.2012 SMS cab since i cant get mms anyway.thats probably why i havent noticed any problems, or i just havent recieved all of my sms and dont now it?But im pretty sure its working but im still going to install the fix anyway. Right after i try the lite version5.Just want to compare the speed, stability, and lag(if any) in the lite 5 version.
Is there anyway to open the task mngr taskbar in the HTC Task Manager from the home screen by tapping the upper right hand corner clock. Instead of the upper right hand corner opening the roms default task mngr? If not no big deal the default task mngr works just fine.
Lastly any thoughts on the lite vs.full V5 rom. Is there much of a memory, speed, lag, or any noticeable difference between the 2 roms. Is it even worth i try the lite version. The full version seems to work just fine for me. I downloaded the V5 full release before the lite V5 release was even on the first post. Are there any differences other than the tabs on the lite version? Because i love the full V5 rom now and if the lite version is even faster or has less lag, if thats even possible, than id definetly be intersted in flashing the lite V5, but if the tabs are the only real difference id probably just wait for the next release. Thanks for all the info and help.
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  #255 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 09:01 AM
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are there gonna be any new ROM's released. out of all the ones i've flashed to my phone, this one has turned out to be the best. no SOD, can actually go 2 full days without a charge, and it's just an all around smooth ROM. =D>=D>=D> love it!!!
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  #256 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by ai6908 View Post
It works just fine for Sprint. Have you tried this cab from my previous post?

Sure did, I downloaded the lite version also and have the same two issues. No MMS and after approx 30 minutes idle, slows to a crawl and drains battery like crazy, phone actually gets hot! Guess I'll wait to try next version, shame cuz graphically this is may favorite...can't really comment on much more couldn't use it long enough to tell .
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  #257 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by lbcary View Post
Is there anyway to open the task mngr taskbar in the HTC Task Manager from the home screen by tapping the upper right hand corner clock. Instead of the upper right hand corner opening the roms default task mngr? If not no big deal the default task mngr works just fine.

Is there much of a memory, speed, lag, or any noticeable difference between the 2 roms. Is it even worth i try the lite version.
Wait till V6 (should upload tonight!), got lots of changes coming for tskmgrs and stuff. Lite should be a bit faster than full.

Originally Posted by edsladey View Post
are there gonna be any new ROM's released. out of all the ones i've flashed to my phone, this one has turned out to be the best. no SOD, can actually go 2 full days without a charge, and it's just an all around smooth ROM. =D>=D>=D> love it!!!
Thanks bro!

Originally Posted by mbjr View Post
Sure did, I downloaded the lite version also and have the same two issues. No MMS and after approx 30 minutes idle, slows to a crawl and drains battery like crazy, phone actually gets hot! Guess I'll wait to try next version, shame cuz graphically this is may favorite...can't really comment on much more couldn't use it long enough to tell .
I sure dont know whats happening with your bro! Wish I can help you. Just find a ROM that works for what you use.
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  #258 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 09:35 PM
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Version 6.0 Out

Version 6.0 is up in first post! Lots of changes, and hoping for good...
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  #259 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 10:10 PM
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Originally Posted by ai6908 View Post
Wait till V6 (should upload tonight!), got lots of changes coming for tskmgrs and stuff. Lite should be a bit faster than full.

Thanks bro!

I sure dont know whats happening with your bro! Wish I can help you. Just find a ROM that works for what you use.
I don't get it either, ran v4 with no problems and I have ran ENERGY, BIGNaDAD and MRX roms all today with no problem, V5 has just been killing me. I see V6, will grab and report back.
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  #260 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2010, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by mbjr View Post
I don't get it either, ran v4 with no problems and I have ran ENERGY, BIGNaDAD and MRX roms all today with no problem, V5 has just been killing me. I see V6, will grab and report back.
Are u sure it was v4? Cuz i know v4 only worked for sprint...hope v6 is ok...
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