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  #3751 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2010, 09:46 PM
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Re: [ROM] [03-05-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
yea I know it is cab only...but I had to do a few things to get it right...bg4all and such......I was just assuming op is running this rom...

EDIT: BTW I will not be posting much for a week or so...lmao!!!
hahaha.....looking good flyers! hahahaha.......
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  #3752 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 08:49 AM
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Re: [ROM] [03-05-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

maybe its because im half asleep and real tired but i cant figure out how to change my today screen background to something else beside the moving mr x thing in the back. i wanna use a picture of my car and the picture only shows up when i hit start button and thats it. any help please.

i tried the bg4all 2.5 cab
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  #3753 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 09:00 AM
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Re: [ROM] [03-05-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by AL_CAPONE_187 View Post
maybe its because im half asleep and real tired but i cant figure out how to change my today screen background to something else beside the moving mr x thing in the back. i wanna use a picture of my car and the picture only shows up when i hit start button and thats it. any help please.

i tried the bg4all 2.5 cab
From your home screen tap on Menu at the bottom right, then Home Wallpaper, then All Tabs Wallpaper, then Albums at the bottom right, Then select the location the pic of your car is located. When you select this, it should place it as your home wallpaper, and if you have bg4All installed, it will be on all tabs as well.
Also if you do NOT want the moving Mr X floating around, go to menu, home wallpaper, animations, and select Static Wallpaper.
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  #3754 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 10:17 AM
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Re: [ROM] [03-05-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
np, thank the op, theres a ton of usefull info. in that baby.
fishy, have you used this browser yet?
I d/l'd it previously but never used it, so I just grabbed the cab you posted and will give it a run. You like it better than opera and skyfire?

Originally Posted by mireya24 View Post
I tried to download it but for some reason the home page is not loading right is missing the clock and some icon in the buttom. Is there some step that I have to follow? It also says that my phone need to support the CFC compressed. How I found out if my phone do supports that?
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
it says its only for 2012 builds, if thats you then should be ok.
ask your question in his thread and post your build, youll get your answer. disable sense and try.
Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
Bro cmon really....man that is just low down that I have to use that....

The Butterfly theme works...I installed it on my wife's phone....if you cannot get it going let me know and I will try and remember the exact order of cabs I installed....there were like 5 total I think...
Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
yea I know it is cab only...but I had to do a few things to get it right...bg4all and such......I was just assuming op is running this rom...

EDIT: BTW I will not be posting much for a week or so...lmao!!!
He/she did post over in Cellguys thread, and IIRC she's on stock which is why it's not working, stock isn't compressed and the theme was built for CFC compressed

Now to the serious matter at hand.... I think Flyers should be required to continue the same number of posts in the same number of threads as he has previously... and I think that Darren should force him to remove the sig stating that he lost a bet and that's why he has Crosby in his avatar.... Sorry Flyers... that's just some funny a$$ shiot there!!!
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  #3755 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 01:45 PM
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Re: [ROM] [03-05-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Yes it is better IMHO....quick as shit....

Answers to your 2nd questions...........NO and NO!!!
"I never lie because I don't fear anyone. You only lie when you're afraid.”
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  #3756 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 01:53 PM
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Re: [ROM] [03-05-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

if anyone cares, that maxsense leak works on juggs rom and i would get it fast cause theres a chitstorm brewing in the thread and creator says he will stop building if its not removed.
@ fishy, i like the ucbrowser but opera9.7 is still my fav.
@ flyers, looking good bro!
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  #3757 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 02:11 PM
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Re: [ROM] [03-05-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
if anyone cares, that maxsense leak works on juggs rom and i would get it fast cause theres a chitstorm brewing in the thread and creator says he will stop building if its not removed.
@ fishy, i like the ucbrowser but opera9.7 is still my fav.
@ flyers, looking good bro!

yea I was just reading up on that also....lol
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  #3758 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: [ROM] [03-05-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

what is maxsense? sounds like something pretty cool.
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  #3759 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 04:21 PM
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Re: [ROM] [03-05-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Off topic, but I can't even read a post from Flyers without laughing my azz off!!! I vote for Darren making him use the one of Crosby in a jock strap!!!!
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  #3760 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 04:25 PM
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Re: [ROM] [03-05-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Off topic, but I can't even read a post from Flyers without laughing my azz off!!! I vote for Darren making him use the one of Crosby in a jock strap!!!!
the one hes got is bad enough, hes a good sport and i dont wanna push it. playoffs are comming and im in and hope he makes it and then the funny(er) chit comes out.
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