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  #521 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 10:44 AM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/27}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 Beta V2 U

Originally Posted by Vegasden View Post
Not too sure what's going on with Beta V2. Twice I've simply installed a .cab and both times File Manager has frozen. Only recourse was to reset. They were the first .cab's I had tried to install..otherwise just "stock".

I am not a huge fan of the the new taskbar. Too much going on for me. Unsure how I might turn it off.
Originally Posted by solarflarex View Post
I didn't like the taskbar at first but it really grew on me. I like having the ram in my face. Battery bar is maybe overkill with other cool widgets and display in taskbar already, however...

Whoever's app it is should make the white dash indicators optional for sure.
@Vegasden I have not had any problems installing cabs or File Manager freezing on me. I have had that happen with previous builds while accessing the storage card but have not had it in many builds. Before if you would let it sit for 20-30 sec it would self recover.

On the taskbar note:
This App was mainly put in as it is the only task manager I found for 6.5.x that actually closes the app by hitting the X button.

Change the looks:
Its quite simple to change the look of the taskbar with the xTask App I have cooked in pre-configured. If you guys haven't noticed I cook the way I use my rom daily so I won't always appeal to the masses.

1.) Go To the today screen, go the the middle professional screen and choose the icon that looks like a House.
2.) From the today screen you will see a new icon in the lower right where the task manager can be launched from the today screen. When you hit the White Horizontal Bars with a down arrow icon it will load the task manager -> From here Hit the down arrow -> in the menu that comes up choose "System" -> "Setting" -> On xHook 1 Tab You can uncheck show free ram, strip power, strip memory, and there is also an option to change from grey to color for the strip indicators, I have also enabled show Icons in the taskbar as well as hide the title bar text.

I do think it looks more appealing without the RAM displayed in numbers I may just turn that feature off in the release build but I plan on keeping everything else there.
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  #522 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 10:52 AM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/27}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 Beta V2 U

Formula... Have you had any issues with answering calls??? I am on Beta 1 (did not had time to load beta 2) but for the past 2 builds, when a call arrives.... i try to answer it,...but half of the time, it seemt that the call screen just locks up.. the slide button goes all the way to the left to answer it... but just hangs there... and after a few moments...missed call!!!!! then 10 seconds later ...the person call me back and it works fine....and it does not matter if i slide to answer or if i press the call button on the left... has anyone experienced this. or is it just me???

So you are using Xtask on the beta 2?? Arkswitch was nice... well ...you are cooking for you and sharing it with us... that is the price to pay!!! LOL!!!


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  #523 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 11:31 AM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/27}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 Beta V2 U

Originally Posted by jp2307 View Post
Formula... Have you had any issues with answering calls??? I am on Beta 1 (did not had time to load beta 2) but for the past 2 builds, when a call arrives.... i try to answer it,...but half of the time, it seemt that the call screen just locks up.. the slide button goes all the way to the left to answer it... but just hangs there... and after a few moments...missed call!!!!! then 10 seconds later ...the person call me back and it works fine....and it does not matter if i slide to answer or if i press the call button on the left... has anyone experienced this. or is it just me???

So you are using Xtask on the beta 2?? Arkswitch was nice... well ...you are cooking for you and sharing it with us... that is the price to pay!!! LOL!!!



Arkswitch is nice and thats why I still include it but it is not running at boot, so if anyone wants they can just disable xtask and use arkswitch.

I have not had any problems with answering calls but i haven't been on the beta v1 to long before switching to v2. You could check and make sure pocket shield isn't causing conflicts and remove it for testing.
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  #524 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 11:41 AM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/27}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 Beta V2 U

i actually have already removed Pocket shield... (did not like it too much) and i am using the wm6.5 default screen.

but i had this on the previous version as well... i thought it was the Bluetooth...but i am getting that when bluetooth is turned off as well. so not sure what it is...maybe the default lock screen..

will check and report back!!


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  #525 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 11:46 AM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/27}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 Beta V2 U

Originally Posted by jp2307 View Post
i actually have already removed Pocket shield... (did not like it too much) and i am using the wm6.5 default screen.

but i had this on the previous version as well... i thought it was the Bluetooth...but i am getting that when bluetooth is turned off as well. so not sure what it is...maybe the default lock screen..

will check and report back!!


Could be as I don't use the default lock, are you using any app to control the default lock? or are you manually locking it each time?
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  #526 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 12:02 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/27}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 Beta V2 U

I am using the Devicelock from XDA... i am installing S2U2 and let see how it works...

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  #527 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 12:29 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/27}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 Beta V2 U

Originally Posted by Formula84 View Post
@Vegasden I have not had any problems installing cabs or File Manager freezing on me. I have had that happen with previous builds while accessing the storage card but have not had it in many builds. Before if you would let it sit for 20-30 sec it would self recover.
I was installing from the storage card.

Thanks for the heads up on the task bar.
Get off my lawn!!!

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  #528 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 01:30 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/27}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 Beta V2 U

love xtask and icons displayed. love the ram # displayed can do w/o the dashed line indictaors. awesome its configurable

Love pocketshield was worth reg'n. I put s2p as a default unlocking app so when i'm driving and my device turns off; when i turn it on it automatically unlocks and s2p comes to the front. AWESOME!

that always pissed me off with s2u2 is constantly having to unlock and having it lock during important things like streaming video. annoying.

I am getting a few spontaneous power offs when opening/closing the keyboard. Doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason.

Last edited by solarflarex; 03-01-2010 at 03:39 PM.
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  #529 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 07:58 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/27}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 Beta V2 U

Originally Posted by Zaphod-Beeblebrox View Post
I tried to search for this, but to be honest, as grateful as I am for the hard work the chefs do here at PPCGeeks, Sifting through these threads (even with search) just kills me.
Anyway, I'm on the 23541 Beta Verizon. Had some trouble right out of the gate, but did the flash dance and most seems pretty nice right now. My problem is with the 'google search' widget. When I enter a search term Opera opens up with a search for '%s" rather than the actual search term.
I'm sure this is just a registry entry, but anyone know where?


Did anyone answer your question because that drives me crazy when I am trying to search thought it was something I was doing wrong...I love this frickin ROM
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  #530 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 08:09 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/27}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 Beta V2 U

Originally Posted by khudson23 View Post
Did anyone answer your question because that drives me crazy when I am trying to search thought it was something I was doing wrong...I love this frickin ROM
No, no answer on this yet. I too am loving most of this ROM. It's really made me give Mobile Shell another look, and I'm enjoying it a lot more than Sense/TF3D. There are lot of little quirks about this ROM that I need to learn how to change, but given a little more time, I will get it just the way I want it.

Still would love an answer on the search/google widget though .. that's a big issue for me right now.


P.S. - Formula, thanks for the ROM. It's awesome.
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