Originally Posted by willyjay
Nothing like AM flashing!
edit: Which gives snappier performance, higher or lower number pagepool?
Welll ppl say you cant tell a difference but I beg to differ. Try rebooting with a 12 pagepool and the first thing you do is scroll your finger across the sense icon tabs. A little laggy to me. But with 15 or 16 it just zips by. Well thats the only difference I really notice.

Dont chew my head for that. I personally like to set it to like 15 or 16. Mine is set to 15 right now.
Originally Posted by kirstein
I've played around with the pagepool on 6.5.x roms and it seems like it really doesn't make much of a difference as long as you have enough. (More should make it faster but in practice anything 12 and over seems fine). For a while I ran it at 15 because that's where sprint set it, but now I leave it alone. 12 should be enough.
Yeah 15 was good for me for a while too. I tried 12 for a while and then went back to the higher numbers.
Originally Posted by jamice4u
Thank you Vin for Updating the ROMs for my birthday. This was the best birthday gift you have given me so far. 
Originally Posted by 1999TL
Says the man with a color in his screen name.
Lmao!! Wow...Are you guys still talking about that??