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  #741 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 05:02 AM
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Re: *ROM* *2/1* *SsS-ROM r4* *WM6.5(21890.5.0.88)* *Topaz Sense 2.5 Final*

Can anyone post the available RAM/memory when using the r4 rom... on boot and after heavy use?
  #742 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 05:19 AM
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Re: *ROM* *2/1* *SsS-ROM r4* *WM6.5(21890.5.0.88)* *Topaz Sense 2.5 Final*

Is there any way to get the black bars on the home screen to be transparent and therefore show the background? To see what I want, simply hit the start button and you'll see the top background that says Start go from solid black to transparent and show the background behind it. the bottom bar says phone/menu with solid black and hitting start changes it to a transparent bar that says lock.

I hope I explained that well. If not, let me know and I'll post pics.
  #743 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 05:23 AM
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Re: *ROM* *2/1* *SsS-ROM r4* *WM6.5(21890.5.0.88)* *Topaz Sense 2.5 Final*

Originally Posted by cls_ View Post
Can anyone post the available RAM/memory when using the r4 rom... on boot and after heavy use?
After soft reset
Total mem = 183.48mb
In use = 90.31mb
Free = 93.17mb
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  #744 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 05:39 AM
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Re: *ROM* *2/1* *SsS-ROM r4* *WM6.5(21890.5.0.88)* *Topaz Sense 2.5 Final*

Originally Posted by killher View Post
Is there any way to get the black bars on the home screen to be transparent and therefore show the background? To see what I want, simply hit the start button and you'll see the top background that says Start go from solid black to transparent and show the background behind it. the bottom bar says phone/menu with solid black and hitting start changes it to a transparent bar that says lock.

I hope I explained that well. If not, let me know and I'll post pics.

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  #745 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 05:41 AM
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Re: *ROM* *2/1* *SsS-ROM r4* *WM6.5(21890.5.0.88)* *Topaz Sense 2.5 Final*

Hi Santod... funny, i was just relabeling all of my "base install" cabs... out of the 10, 7 of them are yours!
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  #746 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 05:48 AM
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Re: *ROM* *2/1* *SsS-ROM r4* *WM6.5(21890.5.0.88)* *Topaz Sense 2.5 Final*

Originally Posted by killher View Post
Hi Santod... funny, i was just relabeling all of my "base install" cabs... out of the 10, 7 of them are yours!
I have that same issue! LOL!
I have attached the patch needed for Hdwalls to install properly on these new roms.
It is labeled for 2.5.1922, as it was intended for those roms when it was made.
However, it is working perfect on these new roms as well. Just don't select the Cookie Monster Patch profile when making your HDwalls cab.
Just use 6.5 with Sense 2.5, All tabs, no compression, as your profile.
If you are not familiar with making HDwalls, there is a thread where I gave a brief walkthrough on it, if you'd like me yo point you to it, just let me know.

Last edited by santod; 02-02-2010 at 07:35 AM.
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  #747 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 06:04 AM
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Re: *ROM* *2/1* *SsS-ROM r4* *WM6.5(21890.5.0.88)* *Topaz Sense 2.5 Final*

If you wouldn't mind posting that link, please do. I tried searching for threads started by you and couldn't locate it specifically. Thanks again!
  #748 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 07:34 AM
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Re: *ROM* *2/1* *SsS-ROM r4* *WM6.5(21890.5.0.88)* *Topaz Sense 2.5 Final*

Originally Posted by killher View Post
If you wouldn't mind posting that link, please do. I tried searching for threads started by you and couldn't locate it specifically. Thanks again!
Sorry got sidetracked! Hope you are able to find this again tomorrow, when you return. HERE is the link to my brief HDwalls walkthrough.
I didn't actually start the thread, that's why you couldn't find it under my posts.
Plus I have a few to search through, LOL!
Someone requested a walkthrough, so I responded.
If you have any issues, or questions about it, feel free to post them in that thread, as I try to help in there when it's active. If you would rather PM me, that is fine also. Good luck!
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  #749 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 07:45 AM
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Re: *ROM* *2/1* *SsS-ROM r4* *WM6.5(21890.5.0.88)* *Topaz Sense 2.5 Final*

Is there any way Doc Viewer tab can be install in R4? Can somebody please tell me where I can get a Dusk theme. Thanks Deck for all your roms.
  #750 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 08:11 AM
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Re: *ROM* *2/1* *SsS-ROM r4* *WM6.5(21890.5.0.88)* *Topaz Sense 2.5 Final*

tiny mail and tiny contacts! hmmm!
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