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  #221 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 03:03 PM
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Re: EmpiROM - Featuring TellMe & WM6.5.1 - Fast, Stable, Sleek. For Touch Pro.

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
Just soft reset my friend.
It happens from time to time.
That should fix it.
soft reset doesnt work, seems that each time I open the notifications screen it changes what's wrong with it, I'll just try another WM 6.5 task bar and see if I can find one that works.
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  #222 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 03:03 PM
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Re: EmpiROM - Featuring TellMe & WM6.5.1 - Fast, Stable, Sleek. For Touch Pro.

Originally Posted by motocrossyz85 View Post
This rom looks great! Have you guys been having many issues with it? I am using energy rom right now and have been for a long time but its sooooo laggggy and glitchy its crazy! I am gonna try the new update and after that I have to say I am gonna try this rom right off the bat!
Still using NRG rom here and I love it.
Not slow or glitchy for me.

What version are you using?
Have you posted you problems to the thread?
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  #223 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 03:14 PM
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Re: EmpiROM - Featuring TellMe & WM6.5.1 - Fast, Stable, Sleek. For Touch Pro.

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
I know that task manager is there but it doesn't really offer more options for the resources it eats up.
Open the default mapped task manager and it uses around 144k or so.
Open the taskmanager the way you mapped it and it uses aver 1 meg.
That is a huge difference in resources for no real difference in options.

The QuickMenu I posted can also be mapped to the long key press I guess and it has options to close running apps as well as a full program menu.

Showcase 1.0.1b is another good option as the new versions as you already know are a pain for the new rom builds.

I will ry to post a QuickMenu sceenshot in a few.


I investigated what you were talking about more thoroughly and Im sure of it that you're confusing one task manager for the other.

Look for yourself.
Here is what happens when I map taskmgr to my long talk key and open it up:

As you can see, it consumes a mere 152K, that's it.

What you are confusing it for is this OTHER task manager,

That one consume over 1MB, look:

They are 2 COMPLETELY different and distinct task managers that have nothing to do with one another.
The icons even appear different, and the path is completely different.

My method recommended on the previous page doesn't consume 1MB, it only consumes ~ 150K-170K
Oh, and the CPU usage is only ~ 1% (it only spiked up during the screenshot, then went back to throttling between 0 and 1%)

Also, I personally found quickmenu to be a bit on the cumbersome side and unfortunately not very finger friendly. It almost demands the use of the stylus in some scenarios.
taskmgr is perfect for quick task switching, app killing, and it once more consumes little more than 150K.

Last edited by hamidxa; 11-12-2009 at 03:21 PM.
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  #224 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 03:21 PM
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Re: EmpiROM - Featuring TellMe & WM6.5.1 - Fast, Stable, Sleek. For Touch Pro.

I must admit I am lost!

As for correcting this task manager issue in future versions, would simply cooking in Quickmenu 2.7 solve most everybody's issue? Or maybe throw in a Start Menu link to the correct task manager? Both?

Let me know what you guys think and I'll get on it!
EmpiROM - Featuring TellMe & more! Fast & stable!

Check it out: EmpiROM
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  #225 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 03:23 PM
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Re: EmpiROM - Featuring TellMe & WM6.5.1 - Fast, Stable, Sleek. For Touch Pro.

Originally Posted by Josh H. View Post
I must admit I am lost!

As for correcting this task manager issue in future versions, would simply cooking in Quickmenu 2.7 solve most everybody's issue? Or maybe throw in a Start Menu link to the correct task manager? Both?

Let me know what you guys think and I'll get on it!
Just include the taskmgr file in \Startmenu\Programs, and map it to Send Key(Hold).

It only consumes ~ 150-170K, it's VERY finger-friendly, and it simply works.

Most other task managers that I've installed as add-ons typically freeze, refuse to open, don't properly show all open apps, aren't finger-friendly, etc.

taskmgr on the other hand is easy to use and a very elegant standard solution.
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  #226 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 03:27 PM
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Re: EmpiROM - Featuring TellMe & WM6.5.1 - Fast, Stable, Sleek. For Touch Pro.

Originally Posted by hamidxa View Post

I investigated what you were talking about more thoroughly and Im sure of it that you're confusing one task manager for the other.

Look for yourself.
Here is what happens when I map taskmgr to my long talk key and open it up:

As you can see, it consumes a mere 152K, that's it.

What you are confusing it for is this OTHER task manager,

That one consume over 1MB, look:

They are 2 COMPLETELY different and distinct task managers that have nothing to do with one another.
The icons even appear different, and the path is completely different.

My method recommended on the previous page doesn't consume 1MB, it only consumes ~ 150K-170K
Oh, and the CPU usage is only ~ 1% (it only spiked up during the screenshot, then went back to throttling between 0 and 1%)

Also, I personally found quickmenu to be a bit on the cumbersome side and unfortunately not very finger friendly. It almost demands the use of the stylus in some scenarios.
taskmgr is perfect for quick task switching, app killing, and it once more consumes little more than 150K.
I understand that there are two different taskmanager options in WM.
Will check to see if your option consumes less ram when mapped.
If you just open it then it does take up a lot more resources.
Maybe when it is mapped it works different.

I do know the difference in the two task manager options though, just to be clear.

Also if you ever open the registry editor you will see the exact same task manager options as you are talking about.
Well, you will see processes and CPU Usage as well there.
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  #227 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 03:28 PM
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Re: EmpiROM - Featuring TellMe & WM6.5.1 - Fast, Stable, Sleek. For Touch Pro.

Originally Posted by hamidxa View Post
Just include the taskmgr file in \Startmenu\Programs, and map it to Send Key(Hold).

It only consumes ~ 150-170K, it's VERY finger-friendly, and it simply works.

Most other task managers that I've installed as add-ons typically freeze, refuse to open, don't properly show all open apps, aren't finger-friendly, etc.

taskmgr on the other hand is easy to use and a very elegant standard solution.
I'll include the link close to the top of the Start Menu. Mapping the send key has proven tricky so I might just leave that alone, but I'll see what I can do.
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  #228 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 03:33 PM
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Re: EmpiROM - Featuring TellMe & WM6.5.1 - Fast, Stable, Sleek. For Touch Pro.

Not sure why you went through and made a shortcut though.
Extra step?

I get the option to use either Task Manager or taskmgr in my button mapper.
Just saying.
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  #229 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 03:39 PM
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Re: EmpiROM - Featuring TellMe & WM6.5.1 - Fast, Stable, Sleek. For Touch Pro.

Josh Showcase 1.0.1b works for me and isn't overkill. Just keep in mind that no matter which task manager you cook in you aren't going to please everybody with it. As easy as they are to add in why not leave it out and let others add in what they want? Then they have no one to blame but themselves if they don't like the one they tried out.

Plus Showcase 1.0.1b has a large screen you can easily read specially if you have trouble reading smaller print.
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File Type: jpg Showcase 1.0.1b screen shot.jpg (9.7 KB, 34 views) Click for barcode!
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  #230 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 03:42 PM
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Re: EmpiROM - Featuring TellMe & WM6.5.1 - Fast, Stable, Sleek. For Touch Pro.

Look in 1.0.1b settings for more options.
It works really well.
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