Re: JD's Clean Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM & Kitchen
well looks like i haven't flashed my last touch pro rom just yet lol...looking forward to the release
YounG E
YounG BreeD Entertainment Myspace.com/YounGBreeDEnt Minnesota Militia/Touch Pro Division |
Re: JD's Clean Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM & Kitchen
234XX=HTC build From what i understand... |
Re: JD's Clean Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM & Kitchen
easy layman's terms 230xx.5.3.0 = com3 a ms development branch (this is where builds like 219xx met and merged
234xx.5.4.0= com4 also a ms development branch but with a more refined os code this branch and com3 is now merging
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I
Re: JD's Clean Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM & Kitchen
Thanks for the clarification on the build numbers... I assumed it was a typo as well. On a more general note, I have been folllowing both your thread as well as Silence's thread in search of a stable ROM running Titanium with great performance and battery life. It appears that both of you are on the right track, but I am wondering if some of the "beta" releases that you have been coming out with are in reality fairly stable? I understand that they are marked as "beta" simply because they have not been placed through the ringers yet. Any thoughts or comparisons from users who have tried both ROMS? TIA!
Re: JD's Clean Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM & Kitchen
no I mean 23409 ... also I havent forgot your request it may be based off of this build however