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  #481 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 11:18 AM
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Talking Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

Originally Posted by tx_jaycee View Post
A few more minor issues.

I had a weird backlight issue last night that completely drained my battery. A soft reset may have cured the problem but I'll be on the lookout for it again.

I have a few minor font changes and the only software I've downloaded and installed are the tripod files and weather panel and updates to Skyfire. Oddly enough I've also got the htc volume control back (puzzling as I'm not sure what software update or install caused it but I'm happy.

Clean RAM needs to be updated to at least ver 1.5 as that is the one with autoupdate features. The OEM files are located on ppcgeeks in the Clean RAM thread.

Other than these few things, I'm really impressed the ROM seems smooth and snappy and has some great software installed. I really like the new Saturn mobile interface. Good job Tech and keep up the great work.

On a side note. I've been trying to run some m3u files for radio streaming on GSPlayer and it won't work. Since TCPMP runs m3u files I guess that's where I should run them.
One thing that I have not had is a battery drain issue..{LOL} OK, I will look for the OEM file or could you provide a link... The new TriPod/Quad Mode instructions are now in post #4.... I will post the Instructions for getting your "LOCAL FM STATIONS USING THE GSPLAYER VIA URL", it's so easy... These instructions will be posted in post #1.....
Yet To Be Technology....!

Last edited by Technology1; 07-21-2009 at 11:42 AM.
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  #482 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 11:43 AM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
One thing that I have not had is a battery drain issue..{LOL} OK, I will look for the OEM file or colud you provide a link... The new TriPod/Quad Mode instructions are now in post #4.... I will post the Instructions for getting your "LOCAL FM STATIONS USING THE GSPLAYER VIA URL", it's so easy... These instructions will be posted in post #1.....
The OEMs for Clean RAM (current version is 1.6) can be found here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=59447

If I was able to provide a useful/helpful post, please click the THANKS button.
  #483 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 11:57 AM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
Ok. I posted files for you several post back, I want you to install the audio files below first to see if the problem is in your phone or the ROM, let's try this first. This is the loud version.....
I actually have that CAB and install it on most ROMs...it's the ROM, not the phone...something in the design of this ROM vs the last one... when I jack up system sounds, volume on calls is fine and vice versa, but they seem to move in tandem, which is a problem when I want the system on vibrate, as call volume is way too low...

Also, please make the default keyboard Fingerkeyboard, not the small stock one...I can't imagine anybody actually likes that one...I know you can go into the tools folder to fix this, but it does not appear to stick after a soft reset, so I had to install SIP Selector from XDA to make Finger my permanent keyboard...

  #484 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 12:11 PM
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Question Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

From OP
"9. Built In PocketNowEnableWirlessLanMode For Super N WiFi Speeds"

Is this a typo? I was almost certain that our wireless receivers
were up to G hardware... You were able to turn on Wireless N?
  #485 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 12:20 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

Getting several out of date errors, etc, spil, with the TCPMP Core player????? Is there anyway to fix for Verizon pic mail without doing another install? Also, the instant messaging for Yahoo will not sign me in, gives me "user does not exist (code: 920)". No way to build in the Titanium fix, get the unable to download file for Radar. GPS Navigator won't work? worked with last build. I love the Tachi dialer of some sort, just personal, i always open 5 different programs while on the phone without the slide protector. Do you know of a cab that works well? THIS THING IS AWESOME... Still working, loving the speed
  #486 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 12:46 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}


1. Your new digital play Tech1 TCPMP Video/Audio should have been set up already, but if not let's do it now by going to TCPMP> Settings> Select Page> File Associations and check mark all the blocks and tap "OK" in the lower left hand corner, exit the TCPMP player...

2. Go to http://www.thestreamcenter.com/pda/

3. Select your state by tapping on the abbreviation or do a search in the search box using your local station call letters, example "WTECH1"...{LOL}

4. Just scroll down until you locate your local FM radio station, tap on the blue, 64K stereo or 20K Mono, just below your local FM station call letters...

5. Now a download file will appear, this file contains your local FM station "URL" save this file to your SD Card and also copy it to My Documents on your TP..This is a must....{You will see why later}, If this download file say, "A file with the name already exists. Do you want to replace it?", Select "YES"... The reason being from time to time you will have replace this file.... Also save your local FM ststion to your FAVORITES..!

6. Notice Your TCPMP player may open playing your local FM radio station, now we know that the your local FM radio station URL download file is now on your TP... Exit it the TCPMP player, if it's playing...

7. Next Open the "GSPLAYER" tap on the pyramid in the lower far left corner with a line under it, just slightly above to the left of "Play/Stop.. This will take you to "My Documents", just tap on the call letters URL file that you copied from your SD Card to the "My Documents" folder...

8. Now the "GSPlayer" will auto play your local FM radio station automatically...


1. Tap on Menu> Tool> Effects> and check mark "Equalizer"

2. Tab on the Surround tab below, check mark "Surround" adjust to your liking... Check mark, the block 3D Effect to your liking

3. Tap on the tab below "Reverb", check mark Reverb, adjust to your liking and check mark "Echo", adjust to your liking... OK, I stop here, because I like the "Echo" sound, it sounds good to me, but if you like to, you can follow the same procedure with the "BaseBoost" tab below, enjoy....
  #487 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 12:55 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

Originally Posted by a_c_s View Post
I actually have that CAB and install it on most ROMs...it's the ROM, not the phone...something in the design of this ROM vs the last one... when I jack up system sounds, volume on calls is fine and vice versa, but they seem to move in tandem, which is a problem when I want the system on vibrate, as call volume is way too low...

Also, please make the default keyboard Fingerkeyboard, not the small stock one...I can't imagine anybody actually likes that one...I know you can go into the tools folder to fix this, but it does not appear to stick after a soft reset, so I had to install SIP Selector from XDA to make Finger my permanent keyboard...

OK, I will fix this in the next build, as far as the big SIP keyboard, you can set that has the default keyboard, after you configure it, just tap "Apply"...{LOL}
  #488 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 12:58 PM
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Talking Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

I have not seen nothing or anything on the TP that cannot be fixed,, I have already proven that, no further comment needed. You don't know me or my abilities..
  #489 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 01:04 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

Originally Posted by Tilde88 View Post
From OP
"9. Built In PocketNowEnableWirlessLanMode For Super N WiFi Speeds"

Is this a typo? I was almost certain that our wireless receivers
were up to G hardware... You were able to turn on Wireless N?
Here is a prime thing that has been FIXED... You run you WIFI at higher speeds, using the wifi "N" mode.. This was done for the video apps that are built into the ROM....
  #490 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 01:10 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

Originally Posted by awitt View Post
Bump this is what I am looking for also
Hay Tech
did you post the cab to get the tflo3d to look like the one you posted? also on the puplic release did you bump up the page pool ?
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