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  #16481 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 05:51 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
The only time I ever use landscape is in Opera and it still works perfect on Nov 5 release.

This rom is great for daily use IMO.

+1, with very little tweaking to fix the few bugs that exist you can have this rom running as good as any other. And it looks better than anything available IMO.

Now of course you have your nay-sayers that are still against the 2.5 port and will make any little inconvenience on the ROM sound like the end of the world but they will come around eventually just like they did with all of the previous Manila ports.

I think we have all gotten so caught up with getting this thing rolling for the last few days and havent put much thought into the fact that Energy has made what seemed like the impossible just a few weeks ago a great reality. Thank you Energy and I believe I speak on behalf of all of us CDMA users when I say you have given our phones a new life and we cant put them down haha. We are very appreciative.

Also, someone should come up with a wallpaper to match the ROM that with work/fit with the fullscreen (no curtains or slider) MAX mod.

And Winmo, as far as the dialer crashing...I was reading this thread when you posted about trying to crash it manually and so I tried your tactic myself in excitement and still wound up crashing the dialer and didnt know but also had the person that I was practicing on waiting on the line lol.

Last edited by mdsevol; 11-08-2009 at 06:09 AM.
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  #16482 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 06:24 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
You dont have a SMS/MMS option?
I dont know how the Zenyee cab will effect this process.
Try running the cabs as I stated. The uninstall cab may or may not do anything at this point. Either way this option SHOULD work. Although other users have said they followed it and it didnt work for them.
What happens if you send a pic to your phone right now-before installing anything?

It showed up in TF3D as new message with a paperclip icon. In HTC Messaging it showed up as blank. I gave up on this build until more bugs are ironed out. Back on 10/22 now since it's a build and a version of manila I'm familiar with. I will miss the 2.5 Manila mod from xda, even though the bottom didn't display right. I'll be lurking until NRG posts an update.
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  #16483 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 06:45 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Just a silly idea but has anyone thought of modifying the "START" button to say EnerGize instead of start? Now that would be cool if someone could do that.

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  #16484 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 08:25 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by DaveTN View Post
Just a silly idea but has anyone thought of modifying the "START" button to say EnerGize instead of start? Now that would be cool if someone could do that.

good point that would rock i think!!! anybody with the skills up for it??? *hint*hint*

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  #16485 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 11:18 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Is or has anyone had any issues with the alarm not sounding on the 10-25 23081 version.
"Blessed art thou, Griffon, whose beak hath rent no morsel of the sweet wood of this tree, for it grips the belly with a raging torment!" ~Dante
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  #16486 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 11:32 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by mdsevol View Post
+1, with very little tweaking to fix the few bugs that exist you can have this rom running as good as any other. And it looks better than anything available IMO.

Now of course you have your nay-sayers that are still against the 2.5 port and will make any little inconvenience on the ROM sound like the end of the world but they will come around eventually just like they did with all of the previous Manila ports.

I think we have all gotten so caught up with getting this thing rolling for the last few days and havent put much thought into the fact that Energy has made what seemed like the impossible just a few weeks ago a great reality. Thank you Energy and I believe I speak on behalf of all of us CDMA users when I say you have given our phones a new life and we cant put them down haha. We are very appreciative.

Also, someone should come up with a wallpaper to match the ROM that with work/fit with the fullscreen (no curtains or slider) MAX mod.

And Winmo, as far as the dialer crashing...I was reading this thread when you posted about trying to crash it manually and so I tried your tactic myself in excitement and still wound up crashing the dialer and didnt know but also had the person that I was practicing on waiting on the line lol.
You just HAD to prove me wrong didnt you!? jk I had a feeling I was just getting lucky.
+1 on the functionality of the 11-05 release. I still call it a Beta simply because nrgz does. Also consider it a preemptive strike to anyone trying out the ROM and coming back later with complaints against known issues

Originally Posted by blockhead428 View Post
It showed up in TF3D as new message with a paperclip icon. In HTC Messaging it showed up as blank. I gave up on this build until more bugs are ironed out. Back on 10/22 now since it's a build and a version of manila I'm familiar with. I will miss the 2.5 Manila mod from xda, even though the bottom didn't display right. I'll be lurking until NRG posts an update.
OK, but I'm still not clear if you went through the steps I listed. If you did there are still more options. Is MMS the only issue to chase you back to 10-22 (great ROM)? Threefaces may be releasing his Guide for the 11-05 release soon. Keep an eye out for that.

Originally Posted by DaveTN View Post
Just a silly idea but has anyone thought of modifying the "START" button to say EnerGize instead of start? Now that would be cool if someone could do that.

tsowen has step by step instructions on how to change the start icon and text. Check it out. IMO it's not childs play but doable.


Originally Posted by BenS View Post
Is or has anyone had any issues with the alarm not sounding on the 10-25 23081 version.
I did. My device would not wake up for some alerts. Once I turned the device on manually I got the notification right away. I traced it to bilbobrians taskbar. Would you happen to have that or any custom taskbar installed? If so remove it as a test, that MIGHT be it.
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  #16487 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 11:33 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

I have the lastest installed (EnergyROM_21864_HERMAN_05.Nov.2009_StandardM2.5) and my phone has reset itself randomly. When it reboots, it goes through the ROM setup as though I just flashed it.

Now, thought, it is stuck. If I turn it off/on or if I hard reset it, I get the same thing...it tries to do the ROM setup and never gets past it. All I see is the "Please wait while your device is being setup. This should take no longer than a couple of minutes." And I can't get past this screen...

HELP! Please...
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  #16488 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 11:49 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by crap20022002 View Post
I have the lastest installed (EnergyROM_21864_HERMAN_05.Nov.2009_StandardM2.5) and my phone has reset itself randomly. When it reboots, it goes through the ROM setup as though I just flashed it.

Now, thought, it is stuck. If I turn it off/on or if I hard reset it, I get the same thing...it tries to do the ROM setup and never gets past it. All I see is the "Please wait while your device is being setup. This should take no longer than a couple of minutes." And I can't get past this screen...

HELP! Please...
somebody correct me if I'm wrong here, but I would try to manually enter bootoader (Press and Hold the Power and Volume Down buttons and use the stylus to reset your phone while holding those 2 buttons) and try to reflash. Did you do the flash dance?

Flash dance= hard reset, flash stock rom, hard reset, flash custom rom, hard reset
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  #16489 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by saf100792 View Post
well after updating the pri(prl and profile wouldn't) my data connection completely went. its getting the data call failure 67 error and my wifi won't work either. I tried hard resetting that didn't fix it and then flashing a new radio, didn't work. Then i completely flashed back to stock and it still won't work. BTW the prl and profile won't update on the stock eiher. Any help?
...you'll likely need to return to stock and call Sprint to have your phone reprovisioned. This, I think, has been reported in the past when the PRI/PRL updates fail and data gets knocked out. I may be off-base, but I think you'll need to go back to a stock ROM in order for Sprint to do it over the air.

You could alternativly google for a manual update and install that to see if it helps.

Originally Posted by allamerican2302 View Post

My ringers stoppped again...

I moved em to My Docs/My Ringtones

They sticked for a min

Then stopped

Tried switching them to the SD My ringtones folder still no go


IDK what to do now
Hey dude, disable touchflo when you mess with your ringer settings. Then, I think, you'll be ok...I'm not having this issue. I liken this to the old clock rolling back an hour issue, when you couldn't touch the clock or you'd screw up your settings. Don't mess with the ringers after you get them and see if that helps any.

I'll play around with my device and see if I can corrupt some of my custom jams.

Originally Posted by crap20022002 View Post
I have the lastest installed (EnergyROM_21864_HERMAN_05.Nov.2009_StandardM2.5) and my phone has reset itself randomly. When it reboots, it goes through the ROM setup as though I just flashed it.

Now, thought, it is stuck. If I turn it off/on or if I hard reset it, I get the same thing...it tries to do the ROM setup and never gets past it. All I see is the "Please wait while your device is being setup. This should take no longer than a couple of minutes." And I can't get past this screen...

HELP! Please...
Do the flash dance - flash a stock rom, hard reset, flash back to a custom rom, hard reset...you'll be fine. This happened ot me yesterday morning and has happened in the past. Stock flahses clear it right up.

...once I get the MAXX cab properly rocking and after a last few MMS tests, I'll post a new Guide. I'm working on it now...changing refernces to "TouchFlo" to "Sense". When it's posted, any feedback or additions would be greatly appreciated. I think I got most of it.
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  #16490 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 12:16 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by DaveTN View Post
Just a silly idea but has anyone thought of modifying the "START" button to say EnerGize instead of start? Now that would be cool if someone could do that.

Here is that modified "START" button for the 21864 version. Use Total Commander to 'copy to clipboard' then go to the windows directory, search for the unmodified file, then use the 'paste here' option. Let it copy over and reset. Should be good to go.
Attached Files
File Type: zip shellres.dll.0409.zip (46.3 KB, 19 views) Click for barcode!
|PHONE|HTC Thunderbolt 4G LTE
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