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  #1801 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2009, 10:04 PM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

Update; It doesn't matter if I have IE set as default browser, I cant get Opera to start, it seems to hang up in the loading screen. The only way to get Opera to start is to soft reset then open??? Anyone else have these problems? This is the only issue I have so far on the 205 beta2
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  #1802 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 12:28 AM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

Hey deck, you would happen to have the recorder cab would you? That stocks tabs is the **** btw!

Feedback so far on SSS-Lite:

This rom is Very stable compared to most I've flashed, just seems to have quite a few glitches...
1. Skyfire will not start fully, closes upon fully loading
2. VZ Nav does not work. (Most likely the Nav app)
3. IE sucks balls, locks EVERYTIME I try to use it (specifically loads but will not close) lol
4. About 25% of the time, the call button on the people tab doesn't work (or any of them as well)
5. After scrolling about 7-10 emails down on mail tab, it halts that ability to flip through them. Have to switch tabs off then back on tab to retry. Only happens when thumbed through in rapid successions.
6. On the web tab, if bookmarks is pressed and there are no bookmarks, it locks forcing me to press end, home, or the back button as the only ways to get out of it.
7. There's a step in the email setup that has a blacked out next button seeming like next isn't an option but it is pressable.
8. Funny one, but "Power" and "Power Service" are the exact same thing unser Start>Settings lol

May seem like a good bit but I'm loving the rom as is lol. These may seems bothersome but they're not as bad as they seem. I'll try to see if there's anything I could do for the Lite version to help these whle the Stuffed is getting finished up. THANKS AGAIN FOR THE BEAUTIFUL RHODIUM THEME!!! WORKS A CHARM!
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  #1803 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 01:05 AM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

Need some help please. Just flashed SsS and got all set up. Then I tried texting with the keyboard. After typing a couple of letters, the device does a search of contacts that relate to the letters being input. Then the device switches to the phone dialer screen. The only texting I can do is with keyboard closed and with stylus. Is there a fix for this glitch? Thanks.
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  #1804 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 01:23 AM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

1. Skyfire will not start fully, closes upon fully loading
SOLVED - This will not boot when launched from the program tab. What was happening was that in the registry, HKLM\Soft\HTC\Manila\ProgramLauncher\"correspondin g program button number", on the first line (Command) this is set to "--switchto 'some extra crap' ". This is what Skyfire's homepage is...delete the data for "Command" to either a start page you want or leave blank for default boot.

Workin on it...
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  #1805 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 01:24 AM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

What is wrong with the texting? I searched for problems with texting on this Rom (might be a 6.5 issue) but when I switch to landscape to use slideout keyboard, the cursor doesn't automatically appear unless i touch the input box. Then when I start typing the device either doesn't send or else the device switches over to the phone dialer. The last case is where the phone thinks I searched contacts.
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  #1806 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 08:21 AM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

Originally Posted by aaronvlee View Post
1. Skyfire will not start fully, closes upon fully loading
SOLVED - This will not boot when launched from the program tab. What was happening was that in the registry, HKLM\Soft\HTC\Manila\ProgramLauncher\"correspondin g program button number", on the first line (Command) this is set to "--switchto 'some extra crap' ". This is what Skyfire's homepage is...delete the data for "Command" to either a start page you want or leave blank for default boot.

Workin on it...

Deck is taking that out in the next release.
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  #1807 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 08:36 AM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

Originally Posted by discipler View Post
What is wrong with the texting? I searched for problems with texting on this Rom (might be a 6.5 issue) but when I switch to landscape to use slideout keyboard, the cursor doesn't automatically appear unless i touch the input box. Then when I start typing the device either doesn't send or else the device switches over to the phone dialer. The last case is where the phone thinks I searched contacts.
Are you running v204? I'm assuming, since you typed that you were running SSS, but you didn't say which version.

This issue with the texting has already been mentioned. deck just released a second beta yesterday, called v205-S beta2. The link for the new beta can be found on the previous page of this thread, post #1788.

In this beta2, he has worked on fixing all of these various issues that have been discussed. Right now, everyone is testing the new beta to make sure it is stable and to look for bugs and glitches, as deck is striving to provide us with a final, stable, working release with no bugs.

I suggest you download the new beta as well and play with it to see how it works for you. If all goes well for everyone testing, deck will be able to release a final version of 205.
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Last edited by tgmuhammad; 07-28-2009 at 08:41 AM.
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  #1808 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

HI, Did you get a resolution to the texting problem? I have the same problem. Plus, if touch the input box too quick and start adding text, the phone thinks I am entering text in the contacts box and it starts searching for matching phone numbers. Then it switches over to the phone dialer! I know I can run a cab that loads the earlier texting that goes with Windows 6.1.
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  #1809 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 11:12 AM
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Re: *ROM* *6/21* *SsS-ROMv0121* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

Originally Posted by sayehey View Post
I have had similar problems and will be waiting for your update. I also have an odd problem where I can't get back to the dialer and the phone locks up. It didn't do it in the previous builds so I dunno. Other problem has to do with the time. It gets stuck in a different time zone and resets back to the original on every reset. Thanks though! Looking forward to the next release!
I'm trying out the SsS Rom and having a few glitches. I like it and want to see if I can fix these matters.
1. The calendar events on the Today screen and on the Calendar page are unresponsive. Clicking doesn't open events. Nothing.
2. The phone dialer thing you talked about is probably what I was getting too. I downloaded the "Black_slide_to_answer_with_curtain_v3". Now the red hard button doesn't redial. Now the ok/exit (left arrow hard button) exits the phone dialer and goes back to the Home page.
3. I have mentioned this in other posts and gotten no answers, but the text messaging doesn't have the keypad with t9 input. When I switch to landscape to use the slide out keyboard, there is a long wait before I can start inputting. If I start too early by tapping the input box and start typing, the phone thinks I am inputting text into the contacts search box and it begins searching for the nearest matching contact. Then the phone dialer pops up!
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  #1810 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 11:58 AM
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Re: *ROM* *6/21* *SsS-ROMv0121* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

Originally Posted by discipler View Post
I'm trying out the SsS Rom and having a few glitches. I like it and want to see if I can fix these matters.
1. The calendar events on the Today screen and on the Calendar page are unresponsive. Clicking doesn't open events. Nothing.
2. The phone dialer thing you talked about is probably what I was getting too. I downloaded the "Black_slide_to_answer_with_curtain_v3". Now the red hard button doesn't redial. Now the ok/exit (left arrow hard button) exits the phone dialer and goes back to the Home page.
3. I have mentioned this in other posts and gotten no answers, but the text messaging doesn't have the keypad with t9 input. When I switch to landscape to use the slide out keyboard, there is a long wait before I can start inputting. If I start too early by tapping the input box and start typing, the phone thinks I am inputting text into the contacts search box and it begins searching for the nearest matching contact. Then the phone dialer pops up!

I replied to your previous message regarding the texting. This is something that deck is already aware of and has been discussed in the thread. The issues with the manila calendar has also been discussed. That's why I was asking you, what version of the ROM are you running? and recommending that you try out the 205-S beta2, wherein deck has already fixed some of these issues...

As far as the "Black_slide_to_answer_with_curtain_v3," you sometimes have to be careful about what you install on top of the ROM, because it could sometimes hinder it from working. For example, I installed the Pamas Transparant clock to my device and it stopped my world clock from functioning, but when I uninstalled, it was fine. So, you might want to uninstall that cab, and then try and see if your buttons are working again.

And finally, you mentioned the keypad and T9 input for the software keyboard... You might wanna research the thread regarding these, because this also has been discussed. The original EzInput 2.1 that was recently released was designed for a different device that has a different hardware (slide out) keyboard. Therefore, when it was ported out to be used for the cdma Touch Pro, it was found that it could only be used in QWERTY, because to have a functioning keypad and compact qwerty borks the hardware keyboard. So, you either have to choose between a complete version of EzInput 2.1 with a borked hardware keyboard, or a working hardware keyboard with only the QWERTY layout of the EzInput software keyboard. So, deck chose the latter, because the reason most of have Touch Pros instead of the Diamond is because we wanted a hardware keyboard.

So, again, I suggest you flash the beta2 and see how it works for you. And again, if you have issues, post your findings. deck is working very hard to get to a final release. Hope this helps.
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