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  #2031 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2009, 06:00 AM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105

i didn't want this zip file to goto waste so for those few of you who want to have the original rhodium home screen with the call history button, flipping (animated) clock, and only 3 lines of appointments choose a clock from the attached zip, install, and soft-reset, please note you will loose the 5 lines of appointments in doing so...

p.s. theres a sweet looking clock in there too that i found last week, check it out

p.s.s. & if any of you are still having the old worldclock 1 hour timebug rollback issue (i've never had it with psyki roms) here's a little work around to prevent your time from jumping around on u:

1. open up the phone dialer
2. push menu
3. scroll down and push options
4. select services
5. scroll down and select time synchronizations
6. click get settings
7. uncheck time synchronize with mobile network...
8. click ok, ok, close phone dialer
9. goto home screen and click clock to open world clock
10. push add city
11. pick your state then city
12. click the little circle radio button next to your city to select it
13. click menu
14. click remove cities
15. check all the other cities listed and click done
16. make sure time is set right and then click done
17. soft reset then check to make sure the times stuck, should have no more time problems....
Attached Files
File Type: zip flips-3-line-home.zip (662.1 KB, 22 views) Click for barcode!

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  #2032 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2009, 06:56 AM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105

Wow, thanks for the detailed post, here is my first response and I will dig into your suggested fixes more later...

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post

first and foremost, (this test is still in progress), the remaining 3 out of my 3 reminders of the day all displayed on screen with the great rhodium notification (THANK GOD) so so far that old bug I always get hasnt came back yet, if it is gone completely than I couldn't care less if you release 4.0 or not, all i want is to keep my reminders to display without itself unchecking itself like it does in the past, the stuff i'm gonna bring up is just minor stuff you may want to look at.
Weeelll... If you tap the taskbar icons you'll see the notification manager is somewhat broken at the moment so hopefully when I fix that your reminder settings will stick.

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
1a. youtube is broke out of the box, a simple regedit of 2 keys fixes this, ive attached a cab that fixed it for me instead of changing the reg entries myself for anyone else who wants to use youtube on beta4
Really? I tested this a bunch and it works for me... Have you installed anything before running youtube?

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
1b. the cooked in youtube is missing the volume control or something is setup wrong (possibly could be a result of the cab i posted to fix it) so when u press the volume up or down the manilla volume screen pops over youtube video. ive seen a few roms with some nice youtube builds that have a tiny little youtube volume bar appear either to the left or underneath the video when playing a vid i wish we could get that going.
I know what you mean and I believe that is an easy fix on my end...

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
1c. youtube has no choice of high quality or low quality vid, of course i prefer hq vid and after fixing my youtube the first vid i played looked ASTONISHING!! it was soo smooth and fast, no dropped frames, buffered real fast and looked really high resolution so i leave it up to u if u want to seek out another yt player.
It's the older version of youtube I'm using, I was struggling to get all the other packages to work I didn't even bother looking into the newer versions. I'll check out the cab you posted.

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
2a. in manilla>settings tab> pressing menu>bluetooth devices does nothing, couldnt open the nice looking bluetooth app to add my headset so i had to goto settings>connections>bluetooth to add it that way instead
2b. comm manager bt works! WOOOHOO
That's weird, I just saw that too about settings tab->menu->bluetooth devices. At least comm manager bt works, you can always add your headset from there.

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
4a. touch input settings screen looks awesome too! great ports
4b. couldnt figure out how to turn off sip haptic feedback, at first i was annoyed by it but after a while of using it its growing on me so i don't mind it anymore, but im sure it will come up later by other users and be asked how to turn it off.
Thank Deck for Ezinput 2.1, he provided me with the packages To disable haptic feedback try this registry key:
Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
5c. opera is running great!!! but i notice its a pretty old build, i saw build 16983 here today, looks nice but havent tested it so just wanted to give u a heads up if u can do anything to make it run as well as the one u have cooked in i'd like to give it a shot, if its a complete POS i rather u stick with the speedy one we have already
I keep trying newer versions but as you may have noticed none of them seem as fast as the one I'm using. Can you give me any really compelling reasons to upgrade except "oooh! this one is newer and shiny!"

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
6a. new arcsoft is real nice, it dated and timed incoming picturemails right finally!! no more pictures from the 1940s lol
6b. i cannot find the mms options anywhere in my inbox (usually its way at the bottom as u scroll down in the menu softkey in jd's, am i missing something? i'd like to change my send limit to 5mb so it doesnt ask me to resize everypic i try to send
6c. how can i change the default location to save my picture mail jpgs to sd card? everytime i click a pic>contents>menu>save> it saves to device/my docu/my pictures, on another rom i was using it would automatically save to sd card instead which is what i prefer
This is JD's version of Arcsoft, do you have a link to another cab I can investigate?

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
7a. man i dunno about the tachi skin, the bottom half is ok, really dark, but the top just doesnt look complete
7b. someone else mentioned this as well, cant see who ur talking to in call (except for picture) no number no name while in call, havent had incoming calls yet so who knows what else, have u thought about sticking some other tachi skin cabs in your manila mods folder?
Meh you're right, after looking at it some more I don't like the black skin either. I haven't seen any really awesome skins yet though, feel free to show me any you like

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
8a. when i went to add a city to weather it lagged but i had a feeling i knew why, cuz it was loading a HUGE US weather database!! AWESOME i got soo excited!!!, click california, found my local city (which is never there), great...but then...
8b. when it tries to update the custom weather it says...No weather data available...doh!, i added a few more cities around here like palm springs (wasnt in stock database) and same thing, however los angeles and other cities that were there load weather just fine so maybe something was broke in the package u last used for this, i was real excited to have all the us cities loaded but they dont work
I didn't really play much with the new weather database but after you pointed that out you're right it's totally hosed lol. I'll try weathermaster 2.2 again...

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
9a. facebook stuff works pretty neat once its all logged in (too bad wm facebook isnt as nice as iphone/ipod facebook, i hope they make it more pretty and stable in the future)
9a2. under start>settings>connections>account manager what happened to youtube account log in? is there another way to log into youtube to access favs and stuff? all i see is for facebook
That control panel applet for the album facebook uploader only, not for the contact card facebook integration or the standalone facebook app. Btw the facebook uploader works...

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
9c. damn those stock taskbar icons are ugly, lol so i cant wait for your custom ones to be ready, in the mean time do u have a link the bear bonz 6.1 taskbar?
Well it's a piece of cake to install whatever version you like, here is gadgetfreaks bear-bonz 6.1 taskbar http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...postcount=1181

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
10b. the scroll bars in 6.1 look so old, i miss the 6.5 pretty scroll bars lol
10c. i really really miss the kinetic scrolling from 6.5, can you somehow cook in kinetic scrolling to this rom instead of touchflo? i know its possible cuz dcd had wm6.5 kinetic scrolling in both his 6.1 roms dcd.92 & dcd.96 i'm sure if u ask dcd he will tell u how he got that to work in 6.1, that would be awesome!!
Never heard of that but I have terrible luck getting chef's to reply to me *cough* nrg *cough*, heh. I'll pm dcd and see what he says.

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
11b. never noticed it in the past till now but have us seen the bottom of the glass slider bar when sliding? check out this screen shot:

what happened there at the bottom? just above update now and below the slider
It's always been like that, it's due to the fact that manila isn't supposed to have a transparent slider bar at the bottom. When I did the whole glass theme I learned just how messed up manila is when it comes to graphics, it overlaps things all over the place and has the most insane way to determine where to draw graphics, ugh, don't even get me started lol.

Thanks again for the post!

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  #2033 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2009, 07:15 AM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105

6.5 soon ?
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  #2034 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2009, 07:41 AM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
Really? I tested this a bunch and it works for me... Have you installed anything before running youtube?
I didn't install anything except for DCI battery gauge (which wasnt in the rom btw) & telenav (but i think i installed that long after testing youtube)
Originally Posted by psyki View Post
This is JD's version of Arcsoft, do you have a link to another cab I can investigate?
attached is the jd version i used in the past (probably the same one u got ahold of) but all i ran before installing that was the attached picturemail remover cab and soft reset, ill try doing the same on the new beta rom and report back tomorrow if i get the mms options again, im getting kinda sleepy now

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
Meh you're right, after looking at it some more I don't like the black skin either. I haven't seen any really awesome skins yet though, feel free to show me any you like
heres a few i like (may need to ask permission to the right people to use them if u like them too)
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...49&postcount=1<--this ones probably my favorite if we could do away with the background and make change the talk button to green, but the shiny black does look real good on the latest energyrom (im pretty sure thats the one cooked in now)
& heres another http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...57&postcount=3 with more in that thread

i think we should coax CMYLXGO into this thread and get him to make us a beautiful psyki glass dialer he does some really clean graphics work

Last edited by t0mmyr; 07-30-2009 at 07:44 AM.
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  #2035 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2009, 11:04 AM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105

Pressing the "home" hard button doesn't take me home if I'm..for instance...on stocks.


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  #2036 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2009, 12:35 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105

So how's it running? I played with it a little yesterday, but had to revert to another ROM cause I really needed to make sure everything worked at work today lol

One problem I did notice was when in account manager landscape mode seemed to mess up. may want to check that out. it was off a fresh install, no apps installed.
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Old 07-30-2009, 01:53 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105

wtf, my phones been off the charger for 1 hour and it still shows 100%, lol...on energy rom the second i take it off from a full charge it drops to 96% instantly, lol...(not a complaint about psyki rom)

@brushrop03, i got a lot of trust in these psyki roms, it may only be 90% pretty at the moment (hey its a beta what do u want) but its 100% stable imho, i havent had to soft-reset for nothing and its still fast or faster than previous builds, i flashed during mid day at work yesterday and the rom worked perfect throughout the night for what i needed it to do

@psyki, just a request, for 4.0 final think we can get a new animated bootscreen, the old one is getting kinda old perhaps a new font too or ringer(s) u like

Last edited by t0mmyr; 07-30-2009 at 01:55 PM.
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  #2038 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2009, 01:57 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105

Working okay for me so far. Not seeing who's calling me is getting annoying though...
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  #2039 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2009, 04:08 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105

Originally Posted by AaronP220 View Post
Working okay for me so far. Not seeing who's calling me is getting annoying though...
i use s2u2 because of this...im sure psyki will fix it soon.
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  #2040 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2009, 05:50 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
attached is the jd version i used in the past (probably the same one u got ahold of) but all i ran before installing that was the attached picturemail remover cab and soft reset, ill try doing the same on the new beta rom and report back tomorrow if i get the mms options again, im getting kinda sleepy now
ok so i did the test, removed arcsoft then reinstalled via cab and viola mms option came back like i wanted it to. it also set it up so that when i want to save a pm it saves to my sd card by default
i dont know why the cab would install differently than cooked in so u may want to try installing it during UC to test?

i also tested out all the dialers i linked and the first one was badass however it has a black canvas and for some reason the text remains black so it has the same problem hiding the in call status. the next canvas is just as badass in white but actually it matches pretty well with the psyki theme and compliments the comm manager very well, heres some screenshots of it in action
if u guys are having issues with dialer/ callerid try that canvas out, heres a direct download
the blue button dialer looks really nice too, but im gonna save that for my wifes phone so they can look different and since her fav color is blue. be warned though if u open landscape in call it looks fugly, but just close ur phone and it goes back to normal.

another thing i wanted to note is that after installing custom taskbar, the bluetooth connected icon still stays stock, how do i fix?

Last edited by t0mmyr; 07-30-2009 at 05:54 PM.
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