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  #1981 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 02:33 PM
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Re: -+22 Mar 09+- UPD #18: SSK 1.6 Final Beta (20764.1.4.3) - See OP for details!

Originally Posted by impudent1 View Post
Thats the first thing I thought too, but I strip my roms down like crazy when I cook. I actually don't think I can take any more out and still have a functioning phone. I guess I'm saying I'm a minimalist... not a nudist kamokazi...

I finally got a clean kitchen. and the problem went away. I'm wondering if there were some "residual" files... etc from cooking with different builds causing this issue. I'm going to cook a few more times this afternoon and see if I can duplicate.
I think you nailed it. Temp files the likely issue. A reboot fixes it everytime for me.
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  #1982 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 03:31 PM
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Re: -+22 Mar 09+- UPD #18: SSK 1.6 Final Beta (20764.1.4.3) - See OP for details!

So Far Bob's STD theory is the closest to accurate. I have 2 copies of the kitchen, both folders same in size and number of files. I'm going to cook til it melts, then see what the folder size and file number climbs to. I'm assuming the .nbh will be the only additional file... Temp files are not the issue because the last thing that happens when you run the bat is to delete temp files. It's also the first thing that happens... I'm assuming BuildOS takes care of it in the beginning?

**EDIT** So, I have not been able to duplicate the problem. I've cooked with 2 different builds, a total of 5 flashes. I've pretty much kept all of my selections the same on each one, with the exclusion of adding \OEM\applications - VNCxxxx

Device:XV6850 - Verizon Touch Pro
Radio: 1.03.03v
SPL: .35-comonex
5/2/09 SSK 2.0 20776

Last edited by impudent1; 03-26-2009 at 04:50 PM.
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  #1983 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 06:30 PM
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Re: -+22 Mar 09+- UPD #18: SSK 1.6 Final Beta (20764.1.4.3) - See OP for details!

Just a quick update. The weather in Fargo has gone from bad to worse. We have already had 8 inches of snow since the yesterday. Things are looking very grim. We were told in a city meeting today that we need to think of leaving our homes soon although they are not forcing us to evacuate. They did say the neighborhood that I am in will be pretty much blocked off from the outside world by tommorow. If we are home when they close the levee's we are stuck until its all over. I have opted not to relocate and to stay in my home during this.

Currently the Red River is at its highest point in Fargo's history and is expected to crest this Saturday. The mayor, in the meeting today, stated that this is going to be a historic event. He urged all people to conitnue filling sandbags. We have to raise the levee's around the community another two feet by Saturday. The levee's are as high as 38 feet in some area's already. They have also started building smaller contingnent levee's. These smaller levee's are the ones that will barricade my community in.

I have never seen such a surreal environment.

Wish us luck!


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  #1984 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 06:46 PM
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Re: -+22 Mar 09+- UPD #18: SSK 1.6 Final Beta (20764.1.4.3) - See OP for details!

Thank you for the update i have seen the news but have no idea how bad it really is . Take care and ok. We will keep tune in to see what is going on.

  #1985 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 07:35 PM
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Re: -+22 Mar 09+- UPD #18: SSK 1.6 Final Beta (20764.1.4.3) - See OP for details!

Wow Scott, Its good to hear from you and I'm glad your alright. Just hate to hear that its going to get worse. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Keep us updated when you can. Wish you the best!!

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  #1986 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 08:36 PM
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Re: -+22 Mar 09+- UPD #18: SSK 1.6 Final Beta (20764.1.4.3) - See OP for details!

good luck, scott! you and your family are in our thoughts.
  #1987 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 01:30 AM
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Re: -+22 Mar 09+- UPD #18: SSK 1.6 Final Beta (20764.1.4.3) - See OP for details!

It's hitting the major US headlines:


We had a little flood around here back in 03 or 04. 15 inches of rain over 5 days, and we're in the old Black Swamp area (N-NW Ohio+NE Indiana), so it backed up pretty good, especially near the new spillway off our lake. Fortunately everything was pretty spread out, and only a few people were affected...but my friend was one of them. You'd be suprised how fast you can get everything out of a house. Fortunately a lot of sandbags and 6 water pumps did the trick and kept it dry. They now have a permanent 4 foot dike around their house, and enough sandbags on hand to cover the driveway

Good luck Scott. And just because NSDQ, it doesn't mean a temporary strategic withdrawl is a bad idea Better safe than swimming!
  #1988 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 01:42 AM
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Re: -+22 Mar 09+- UPD #18: SSK 1.6 Final Beta (20764.1.4.3) - See OP for details!

good luck with the weather scott, it was over 90f today here in palm springs...

  #1989 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 02:50 AM
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Re: -+22 Mar 09+- UPD #18: SSK 1.6 Final Beta (20764.1.4.3) - See OP for details!

Originally Posted by stanglifemike View Post
Wow Scott, Its good to hear from you and I'm glad your alright. Just hate to hear that its going to get worse. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Keep us updated when you can. Wish you the best!!
Amen... you and your family are in our prayers...
  #1990 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 03:21 AM
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Re: -+22 Mar 09+- UPD #18: SSK 1.6 Final Beta (20764.1.4.3) - See OP for details!

Scott, I'm not a prayer, but if I were, I'd ask for Moses to stop by Fargo. Good luck, and most importantly stay safe. I know you elected to stay for the good of the community, and I admire you for that. Empty towns don't build dikes.
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