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  #591 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 05:28 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
Look at an oem called _Skip Welcome.... There is a enabling key in there that sets the type of Welcome center set up.....

Also, is this after a flash with 21015 or ALL OS. Secondly, do you use UC autorun? Thirdly, is it WAY OFF like NOTHING works or is it just a little off not to your liking?

The reason I ask... Bob noted and I noted that with certain apps launching during UC it KNOCKS out the calibration that I encoded on 21015. Just wondering exactly what is wrong....
Yes I am running UC in 21015 from the kitchen. It is not way off but enough that if I tap on a file in file explorer it taps the file above the one I am trying to tap.
  #592 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 05:31 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
R4R better than B2B? really? Hmmpppphhhhhh Ok ;c(

Honestly I have tried the R4R and B2B and I liked both of them but I have a bit of OCD with my phone.

I don't like the 6.5 OK/X button. it looks like it was drawn in a smaller png file and then stretched to fit the space it resides in. I also read some issues were discovered with regards to GPS and although I use my GPS (TT 7) rarely, I want it to work flawlessly as it did on R4R.

Speed was absolutely there but I would take that ability to use all functions over speed anyday.

I have not tried cooking with 20954 but I think I will try that the next chance I get. Right now I am researching OEMizer, UC Autorun and Sashimi. I am so sick of re-entering all my settings and CAB files everytime I flash and am truly afraid to use SPB or Resco backup due to OS differences between versions.

Scott, you are a god amongst men and I must say that all your hardwork is greatly appreciated (not by my wife though) and your reputation meter does not do your efforts justice.

The same is true of OLDMAN and PHATOOTH as well as all the other contributors to this amazing resource for the VZW GIMPED!
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  #593 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 05:37 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by chaotik View Post
scrosler how did you get that background to show up on all tabs?
Very carefully! I tried about 10 diff cabs and got one that worked so I just cooked it into the manilla. All the other ones I tried were screwey.... The would change this or change that... I just wanted the background to be the same without affecting the rest. That was fustrating.

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  #594 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 05:39 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by xb1az3x View Post
Has anyone been able to successfully cook Sashimi Compliance into this?

I have been trying a whole bunch but can't get it to work.
You don't want to cook Sas into a ROM, it can run from the 2577 folder off your SD, or once installed you simply run it from your SD manually after flash... it's all in the manual, and BenG did a great job putting it together: I've read it beginning to end.

Here's an excerpt from the manual:


Although starting SASHIMI in Auto Install mode takes only a few quick seconds, there have been questions on how to further automated SASHIMI following a clean install.

Due to these requests to automate SASHIMI to run without additional manual intervention, the following methods were developed:

Autorun - Autorun allows SASHIMI to run automatically when a Storage Card containing SASHIMI is placed into a device. This option is best suited for a brand new device or when provisioning many devices (such as in a corporate usage). To use Autorun, simple move/copy the \SASHIMI\Program\2577 directory to the root of the Storage Card. When the Storage Card is next inserted into a device, SASHIMI will automatically execute in Auto Install Phase.

TIP: Autorun.exe can be run manually from \SASHIMI\Program\2577 to do a quick launch in AutoRun mode following a clean flash!

NOTE 1: Some other applications may also use a \2577 directory in the Storage Card root for Autorun functionality (e.g. TomTom). If this is the case then you must remove or rename the other application's \2577 directory to use SASHIMI's \2577 directory. Only one \2577 directory with its corresponding Autorun.exe file can be active on a device at any time.

UC Initiated - UCInitiated functionality is provided by a set of files in the \SASHIMI\Program\UCINIT directory. Simply copy the SDCONFIG.TXT file from this directory to the \SASHIMI\Program\INI directory. When UC runs it will read this SDCONFIG.TXT file and automatically configure SASHIMI to perform an Autorun following UC's reboot.

NOTE 2: You will need to manually edit the provided SDCONFIG.TXT file if you are using something other than "Storage Card"

TIP 1: A registry key will be set to prevent multiple Autoruns of SASHIMI in both of the above scenarios. See the SASHIMI REGISTRY ENTRIES for more information.


If my post helps you, please hit the "Thanks" button... it's free and I need the rep!
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  #595 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 05:41 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by RONMAC View Post
Honestly I have tried the R4R and B2B and I liked both of them but I have a bit of OCD with my phone.

I don't like the 6.5 OK/X button. it looks like it was drawn in a smaller png file and then stretched to fit the space it resides in. I also read some issues were discovered with regards to GPS and although I use my GPS (TT 7) rarely, I want it to work flawlessly as it did on R4R.

Speed was absolutely there but I would take that ability to use all functions over speed anyday.

I have not tried cooking with 20954 but I think I will try that the next chance I get. Right now I am researching OEMizer, UC Autorun and Sashimi. I am so sick of re-entering all my settings and CAB files everytime I flash and am truly afraid to use SPB or Resco backup due to OS differences between versions.

Scott, you are a god amongst men and I must say that all your hardwork is greatly appreciated (not by my wife though) and your reputation meter does not do your efforts justice.

The same is true of OLDMAN and PHATOOTH as well as all the other contributors to this amazing resource for the VZW GIMPED!
Thanks RON! Much appreciated!

My wife used to have issues so I linked my paypal donations to her account. You guys are not donating directly to me... You are donating to her so she wont kill me or my phone or my PC!!!!!!

If you need help withg OEMizer or UC just ask... I know this fairly well...

OT: Yet another good topic for my board... an OEMizer thread!

A UC thread.....

WOW! This could get huge fast!
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  #596 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 05:44 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
Very carefully! I tried about 10 diff cabs and got one that worked so I just cooked it into the manilla. All the other ones I tried were screwey.... The would change this or change that... I just wanted the background to be the same without affecting the rest. That was fustrating.
you got the cab? cause nothings working for me

  #597 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 05:47 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by chaotik View Post
you got the cab? cause nothings working for me
What exactly are you trying to do? Its already cooked into my ROM's and kitchen. IM aty work now but can find it when I get home.
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  #598 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 05:49 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
What exactly are you trying to do? Its already cooked into my ROM's and kitchen. IM aty work now but can find it when I get home.
Really? Then how do you change the wallpaper cause ive been looking everyhwere and can't seem to find it.
  #599 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 05:50 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

I read there is an update from HTC that changes some things with touchflo, but more importantly it improves the camera. Have you or anyone else had a chance to check this out and is this something that would have to be cooked into the ROM?

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  #600 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 05:51 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by chaotik View Post
Really? Then how do you change the wallpaper cause ive been looking everyhwere and can't seem to find it.
Slide the TF3D slider to Settings and pick......... You guessed it...... background
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