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  #1151 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 01:10 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by phattooth View Post
OK, this is really strange... my SSK1.2 with the original XIP it came with started doing the exact same thing last night!

I was having some issues with TF3D, it was starting to lag big time. OK, let's soft reset... TF3D would not start back up, i must have soft reset 15+ times. But what i did notice (and still notice this morning) is that recent progs are not being cleared.

How could that happen to both of us at the same time with different builds?

Just thinking out laud here....

Your both high on crack?

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  #1152 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 01:12 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by dimitri View Post
Make sure you look at the E3 well tonight. I just tried it with your 1.2 and found some weird things like when soft reseting your phone it isn't removing the recent programs in the Start menu and when I installed Resco Explorer and tried to update the program it could find a location to save the files. All options were greyed out.
Hmmm... Thats nto good but ont he same note I woudl not recomend running e3 on the 1.2 base. Thats just me.

20764 is a differnt breed of CE OS, or so it seems. I cant explain it I just know with a well tuned XIP its really fast and stable.

I will look at E3 again tonight now that I know what files I REALLY need to replace ;cP
  #1153 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 01:19 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

I can confirm that the registry setting listed above fixed my ability to ignore/reject calls. My wife was not happy about being the guinea pig
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  #1154 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 01:20 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post

Your both high on crack?

Thanks for the laugh this morning!
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  #1155 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 01:28 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by bast525 View Post
I can confirm that the registry setting listed above fixed my ability to ignore/reject calls. My wife was not happy about being the guinea pig
Just let your wife know that she wasn't the guinea pig. I took that position last night.
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  #1156 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 01:40 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by dimitri View Post
Just let your wife know that she wasn't the guinea pig. I took that position last night.
Originally Posted by bast525 View Post
I can confirm that the registry setting listed above fixed my ability to ignore/reject calls. My wife was not happy about being the guinea pig
I'll look at this tonight when I start rebuilding.
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  #1157 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 01:45 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by dimitri View Post
So I charged my phone all night and took it off the charger this morning and within 30 minutes the phone battery was at 78%. Is anyone else seeing this issue?
Originally Posted by TwoDawgs View Post
I think Scott had mentioned something earlier that he thought B4 had a lower battery life than previous editions. I have also noticed that my data connection does not appear to go idle and has been having an adverse effect on battery life. After taking mine off the charger this morning I am currently at 92%. Took it off the charger about an hour ago.
Looking at the different conditions for which I posted the results, 80% left after 30 min was the norm. Some were with streaming video, some with nothing running. The only constant in thru all the tests was that I prefer my brightness setting at HIGH. I am runnng either 1.1 or Nav 3.0...I don't remember which.

Edit: I have seen on different threads where you can adjust the data connection "time to idle", and they claim better battery


Last edited by oldman; 02-03-2009 at 01:47 PM.
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  #1158 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 01:49 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

I have also noticed tat the album tab in TF3D isn't showing all of my camera shots. Previous versions did even if they were in differnt albums. And yes Scott I know you don't use the Album. LOL
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  #1159 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 03:12 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by oldman View Post
Looking at the different conditions for which I posted the results, 80% left after 30 min was the norm. Some were with streaming video, some with nothing running. The only constant in thru all the tests was that I prefer my brightness setting at HIGH. I am runnng either 1.1 or Nav 3.0...I don't remember which.

Edit: I have seen on different threads where you can adjust the data connection "time to idle", and they claim better battery

So Bob,

I have been reading everything you are saying about battery on and off. Cant keep up with everything... Can you just suammarize your thoughts on battery depletion vs different ROM's and differnt Radio's? If you have done this already can you link me the post?

I value all the research you are saving me in the long run!
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  #1160 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 03:49 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Seems to me that having the data connection on all the time vs. having it off or having it time out doesn't seem to effect battery at all. The data may be on, but I don't think it's pulling anything. I used to worry about that and turn it off but now I just leave it on all the time.
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