Originally Posted by dimitri
So I charged my phone all night and took it off the charger this morning and within 30 minutes the phone battery was at 78%. Is anyone else seeing this issue?
Originally Posted by TwoDawgs
I think Scott had mentioned something earlier that he thought B4 had a lower battery life than previous editions. I have also noticed that my data connection does not appear to go idle and has been having an adverse effect on battery life. After taking mine off the charger this morning I am currently at 92%. Took it off the charger about an hour ago.
Looking at the different conditions for which I posted the results, 80% left after 30 min was the norm. Some were with streaming video, some with nothing running. The only constant in thru all the tests was that I prefer my brightness setting at HIGH. I am runnng either 1.1 or Nav 3.0...I don't remember which.
Edit: I have seen on different threads where you can adjust the data connection "time to idle", and they claim better battery