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  #2181 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 07:13 PM
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Re: [ Jun 4 \ 21051 & 21728 v1.8 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Is that Opera build the beta that was released a couple of days ago?

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  #2182 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 09:05 PM
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Re: [ Jun 4 \ 21051 & 21728 v1.8 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Hey guys,

In light of the new opera mobile beta I thought I would modify the tit. weather 4.2 oem to work with the new beta instead of the older one.

Here it is..
Attached Files
File Type: rar Showaco_TitaniumWeather_v4_2.rar (1.10 MB, 14 views) Click for barcode!
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  #2183 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 10:23 PM
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Re: [ May 17 \ 21046 & 21232 v1.7 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Originally Posted by m_reyna_16 View Post
ive got something going on with "Calkulin's Touch Pro 21232 Kitchen v1.7"....

i downloaded the kitchen and got an error with a .dll file, that made my rom not to boot and had something to do with the grelock.exe file. so i decided to redownload the kitchen and the same thing happens with the kitchen..... here are my steps:

1. downloaded and extracted the .rar file to the desktop/
2. opened up the kitchen folder and clicked on the .cmd file to start the kitchen menu.
3. then i selected the oems that i wanted in the kitchen and built my rom, then i closed build os.
4. (this is when the problem occurs) after closing build os, it says reallocating files and then i get a pop up saying "Cannot open file C:\Users\OWNER\Desktop\Calkulin's Touch Pro 21232 Kitchen v1.7\temp\dump\corsecproviders.dll\tmp."

and then, i havent gone further after that, as a matter of fact, i still have the pop-up up, i wouldnt be surprised if i continue i get the same error with grelock! anybody has anything the same?

EDIT: After i close the pop up, i get another pop up named G'reloc v1 beta, and it has some rectangles to input some sort of values of some sort, and has a "Doit!" button. i press the x button and then it continues to build my rom. even though it says successfully made, it doesnt boot!
ive got the same thing going on with the 21728 kitchen. calk or anybody that knows what i should do.....i cant build a bootable rom when this same error happens with the latest 6.5 kitchen, therefore, cant be able to use calk's roms....i need an answer for this please!
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  #2184 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 10:59 PM
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Re: [ Jun 4 \ 21051 & 21728 v1.8 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Put calcu's OEM,SYS and ROM folders into the kitchen I linked (which is basically his with a few minor differences) and try to build. If the G'Reloc error goes away it's because there is a WMreloc file missing that is just for wm6.5 dll's. Credit goes to Erice on my discovery of this and Calcu for an awesome kitchen to tweak to my liking.

Beware I could be wrong but it's worth a try. You really have nothing to loose.


Accepted NOT Expected

Last edited by lllboredlll; 06-09-2009 at 11:02 PM.
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  #2185 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 11:39 PM
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Re: [ Jun 4 \ 21051 & 21728 v1.8 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Originally Posted by lllboredlll View Post
Put calcu's OEM,SYS and ROM folders into the kitchen I linked (which is basically his with a few minor differences) and try to build. If the G'Reloc error goes away it's because there is a WMreloc file missing that is just for wm6.5 dll's. Credit goes to Erice on my discovery of this and Calcu for an awesome kitchen to tweak to my liking.

Beware I could be wrong but it's worth a try. You really have nothing to loose.

thanks bored!

EDIT: YES!!! I think it worked, even though it did say at the end "could not find......lllboredlll-ROM.nbh PagePool Changer"....

all i did was what bored said, didnt select anything (since i didnt want to waste my time selecting what i wanted if it wasnt gonna work) and it built! im kinda lazy to flash today so ill probably try this tommorow!

Last edited by m_reyna_16; 06-10-2009 at 12:42 AM.
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  #2186 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 11:38 AM
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Re: [ Jun 4 \ 21051 & 21728 v1.8 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

hmm, i'm gonna give that kitchen a try b0red, i'm trying to keep my mind off anticipation of Calk posting the 21806 kitchen! I'm trying to basically integrate that SYS into his current 1.8 kitchen, no boot.... something is whacked in the XIP i'm assuming. I haven't mastered the xip/sys aspect completely yet. a bit of ADHD and tiredness is hindering my abilities Anyways, i've been happier than ever using Calks kitchen, once he posts the 21806 kitchen and it runs excellent, I will be urged to make a donation for the work! Anyways, how are you guys crashing your systems!? I've been building roms in Windows 7 Ultimate, but am thinking of using a virtual machine to download and what not...
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  #2187 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 01:39 PM
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Re: [ Jun 4 \ 21051 & 21728 v1.8 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Originally Posted by neurotek View Post
*snip* Anyways, how are you guys crashing your systems!? I've been building roms in Windows 7 Ultimate, but am thinking of using a virtual machine to download and what not...
i have no idea...i bought a new cpu about a month ago, and i think the OS disks they gave me were corrupt....because i was running Vista and Linux just fine, but now my my cpu is slow, windows explorer crashes about twice a day, its laggy and just does not work like it first did when i got the cpu.....ive called dell and they deny that it could be the disks, yet when i put the Vista restore disk in the drive, it says that it is not a valid copy of windows....but im putting Win 7 up tonight and ill hopefully be able to get stuff workin

on a similar note...ill be able to get my ROM back up and running once i get my cpu issues resolved...
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  #2188 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 01:46 PM
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Re: [ Jun 4 \ 21051 & 21728 v1.8 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Can anyone fix the No cam flash problem on 1.7 6.1v Please!!!!!
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  #2189 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 02:47 PM
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Re: [ Jun 4 \ 21051 & 21728 v1.8 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

use a camera oem from a previous kitchen

If I have helped you out or you enjoy my work please feel free to donate.

Helpful ROM cooking Info

How To: Registry edit to .cab
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  #2190 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 03:22 PM
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Re: [ Jun 4 \ 21051 & 21728 v1.8 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Originally Posted by piranah View Post
i have no idea...i bought a new cpu about a month ago, and i think the OS disks they gave me were corrupt....because i was running Vista and Linux just fine, but now my my cpu is slow, windows explorer crashes about twice a day, its laggy and just does not work like it first did when i got the cpu.....ive called dell and they deny that it could be the disks, yet when i put the Vista restore disk in the drive, it says that it is not a valid copy of windows....but im putting Win 7 up tonight and ill hopefully be able to get stuff workin

on a similar note...ill be able to get my ROM back up and running once i get my cpu issues resolved...
I'd have to agree with Dell, doesn't sound like the discs are the problem.
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