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  #6691 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 07:15 PM
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Re: [ 11-10 ][ v4.2 ][ 6.5.x / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual VGA Kitchen & ROMs

When I use that I also choose a phone call log and also a phone dialer package.
I use all three and it works well for me.

Say if I want a Rhodium dialer I would have the phone canvas you have used and also "Phone Call Log Black" or White and "Phone Dialer - PhoneCanvas -White-Green" or one of those.
Try that and see if it helps.
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  #6692 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 07:19 PM
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Re: [ 11-10 ][ v4.2 ][ 6.5.x / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual VGA Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by TMartin View Post
lol...yea from the EXT\Shared\Packages you need Manila - 2.1 - Sense 2.1.1920.2517.0, Manila Engine - 2.1 - Sense 2.1.1920.2517.0, and Album 3.0.1918.1428.0. That should be the only actual packages you need to copy over to your kitchen.
And, damn, those 3 pkgs work well!
I never knew I could really have the best of both worlds: the nuances of Manila Sense partnered with my favorite TF3D.
Basically.... It's runnin' smooth as silk.
Kitchen:Calkulin's VK for WVGA (Updated with Touch Pro 2 Collaboration)
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  #6693 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 07:22 PM
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Re: [ 11-10 ][ v4.2 ][ 6.5.x / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual VGA Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by sc00b4s7eve View Post
And, damn, those 3 pkgs work well!
I never knew I could really have the best of both worlds: the nuances of Manila Sense partnered with my favorite TF3D.
Basically.... It's runnin' smooth as silk.
I figured I must have something cooking in that is causing my issues.
My older test versions did not have the issues I am having tonight.
But I am rushing through it and need to slow down. LOL

Great stuff.
Maybe I will get time later or after Christmas to iron my kitchen out for this.

Thanks again.
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  #6694 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 07:30 PM
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Re: [ 11-10 ][ v4.2 ][ 6.5.x / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual VGA Kitchen & ROMs

I have:

Phone - Rhodium PhoneCanvas 3.40.35284.0
Phone Dialer - Rhodium PhoneCanvas - White-Grey

could it be that I dont have a call log selected when I cooked ROM? Could that have been my issue the whole time?
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  #6695 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 09:20 PM
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Re: [ 11-10 ][ v4.2 ][ 6.5.x / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual VGA Kitchen & ROMs

Cook it in and see if that fixes the problem.
I use that and have no issues.
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  #6696 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 09:40 PM
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Re: [ 11-10 ][ v4.2 ][ 6.5.x / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual VGA Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
It works but the home tab is not working right.
Clock is not readable and no weather.
If I scroll up it just moves the small clock behind the big clock.

Will test more when I have time.
Gotta run.
One thing you gotta make sure you don't do is use any regular 2.1 options at all. That can really mess things up. I'll bring my Touch Pro to work tomorrow and build something to test.
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  #6697 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 09:53 PM
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Re: [ 11-10 ][ v4.2 ][ 6.5.x / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual VGA Kitchen & ROMs

I did have my panoramic walls from 2.1 working perfectly on my Sense 2.1 test builds last night.
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  #6698 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 09:56 PM
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Re: [ 11-10 ][ v4.2 ][ 6.5.x / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual VGA Kitchen & ROMs


I've tested and pretty much everything works fine for me. I do get one small issue on start up though. For some reason, Opera opens up automatically and I get this...

I checked in the windows/startup folder and don't see anything unusual. Not that big of an issue just wanted to see if anyone else gets this.

Also, I found a fix for the crazy flipping clock. Whenever you come back to home screen, it would go back one hour and one minute and then flip back to the correct time. The attached file fixed it.

I had already added Sense 2.1 to my kitchen and had it working before you posted your link, but I'd have to say I like your version better. Nice and clean. Thank you very much.
Attached Files
File Type: zip 2a0ac464_manila.zip (5.5 KB, 6 views) Click for barcode!
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  #6699 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 10:01 PM
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Re: [ 11-10 ][ v4.2 ][ 6.5.x / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual VGA Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
I did have my panoramic walls from 2.1 working perfectly on my Sense 2.1 test builds last night.
I had it slightly working today. The image was ending before it got all the way over. Leaving about 3/4" of blank image over by settings tab. I was going to mess with it tomorrow. Let me know if you actually get it going.
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  #6700 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 10:49 PM
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Re: [ 11-10 ][ v4.2 ][ 6.5.x / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual VGA Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by Triscuit View Post

I've tested and pretty much everything works fine for me. I do get one small issue on start up though. For some reason, Opera opens up automatically and I get this...

I checked in the windows/startup folder and don't see anything unusual. Not that big of an issue just wanted to see if anyone else gets this.

Also, I found a fix for the crazy flipping clock. Whenever you come back to home screen, it would go back one hour and one minute and then flip back to the correct time. The attached file fixed it.

I had already added Sense 2.1 to my kitchen and had it working before you posted your link, but I'd have to say I like your version better. Nice and clean. Thank you very much.
Somehow PushInternet is Enabled. Try this
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