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  #1691 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2009, 09:49 PM
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Re: [ May 4 \ 21043(6.1) & 21502(6.5) v1.7 RC ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
You are correct, I forgot to modify the xip to disable that. Merdin probably did a better job on the port anyway lol.

Merdin, were you able to get rid of the 'windows default' theme?
hear try it out, and i had no problem having a custom theme install during custimizations.

www.jballer.com/21046 sys, and xip.zip
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  #1692 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2009, 09:54 PM
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Re: [ May 4 \ 21043(6.1) & 21502(6.5) v1.7 RC ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Originally Posted by Merdinh View Post
hear try it out, and i had no problem having a custom theme install during custimizations.

www.jballer.com/21046 sys, and xip.zip
I could install custom themes during install as well, but on my port if you go to settings->today you still see 'Windows Default' there, even though there is no .tsk file anywhere in the SYS folder. Weird.

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  #1693 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2009, 11:16 PM
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Re: [ May 4 \ 21043(6.1) & 21502(6.5) v1.7 RC ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Originally Posted by Merdinh View Post
hear try it out, and i had no problem having a custom theme install during custimizations.

www.jballer.com/21046 sys, and xip.zip
When I replaced the sys & ROM folders in calc's 6.1 1.7 kitchen. During build there were several duplicates I saw that the dups were coming from the sys having redundant folders like Adobe flash and Flash lite 3, .net & .net3.5 etc etc. Did you remove the dups when you built? After building successfully everything flashed as normal but looking in my programs folder i cant find file explorer so I cant install any cabs. Does this make any sense?
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  #1694 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 01:38 AM
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Re: [ May 4 \ 21043(6.1) & 21502(6.5) v1.7 RC ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Originally Posted by bruceo View Post
When I replaced the sys & ROM folders in calc's 6.1 1.7 kitchen. During build there were several duplicates I saw that the dups were coming from the sys having redundant folders like Adobe flash and Flash lite 3, .net & .net3.5 etc etc. Did you remove the dups when you built? After building successfully everything flashed as normal but looking in my programs folder i cant find file explorer so I cant install any cabs. Does this make any sense?
Redundant folders are fine, I don't use the files from calk's kitchen so I can't speak for what he includes vs what merdin's sys includes but most SYS's have flash and .net in the SYS folder. It sounds like calk has his kitchen set up rather specifically for a certain SYS that might not be 100% portable, but fexplore.exe (file explorer) should be in the \windows root.
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  #1695 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 10:30 AM
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Re: [ May 17 \ 21046 & 21232 v1.7 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

New kitchen and ROMs are uploading now......
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  #1696 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 11:35 AM
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Re: [ May 17 \ 21046 & 21232 v1.7 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

In V6 of the 6.5 kitchen the today plugin had a translucent gray look to the bar that highlighted your selection, in v7 its blue and looks terrible with my theme... How can I change the color of that bar? ... Let me know if this post makes no sense at all...

<- do want <- doesnt look so good
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Last edited by morganlowe; 05-17-2009 at 12:08 PM.
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  #1697 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 12:05 PM
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Re: [ May 4 \ 21043(6.1) & 21502(6.5) v1.7 RC ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
Redundant folders are fine, I don't use the files from calk's kitchen so I can't speak for what he includes vs what merdin's sys includes but most SYS's have flash and .net in the SYS folder. It sounds like calk has his kitchen set up rather specifically for a certain SYS that might not be 100% portable, but fexplore.exe (file explorer) should be in the \windows root.
But the duplicates were coming out of Merdins sys where there were two folders with similar names with the same programs. No big deal as I am on another working config now and now Calk's new kitchen is out. Thanks for the feedback.
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  #1698 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 12:36 PM
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Re: [ May 17 \ 21046 & 21232 v1.7 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Hey Calk,

does your new 1.7 ROM have one of those enlarged tabs for Opera in that WM& theme look?

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  #1699 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 01:19 PM
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Exclamation Re: [ May 17 \ 21046 & 21232 v1.7 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Originally Posted by morganlowe View Post
In V6 of the 6.5 kitchen the today plugin had a translucent gray look to the bar that highlighted your selection, in v7 its blue and looks terrible with my theme... How can I change the color of that bar? ... Let me know if this post makes no sense at all...

<- do want <- doesnt look so good
I had the same "aesthetic" issue awhile back, and after heavy research, I discovered the following solution. You must replace the "bronzeres.dll" in Windows folder to change the Titanium slider:

1) Disable Titanium using Settings/Today/Items: Uncheck Windows Default

2) Download the file I posted below; there are two sliders, one is "ClearGlass" which is the "translucent gray" look you mentioned: the other is "TotalClear" which is an "invisible" slider (my fav!):


3) UnRAR, rename TiTSlider choice to "bronzeres.dll"

4) Backup original bronzeres.dll and overrite with new TiTSlider.

5) Soft reset and enable Titanium.

6) Enjoy new TiTSlider!

There are many sliders out there: a good place to start (hint: where I found some of this stuff) is here:


BTW, do you have a cab for the "HTC Start Icon" it's sweet!

If my post helps you, please hit the "Thanks" button... it's free and I need the rep!

Last edited by DigitalAttic; 05-17-2009 at 02:54 PM.
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  #1700 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 02:26 PM
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Re: [ May 17 \ 21046 & 21232 v1.7 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Originally Posted by DigitalAttic View Post
I had the same "aesthetic" issue awhile back, and after heavy research, I discovered the following solution. You must replace the "bronzeres.dll" in Windows folder to change the Titanium slider:

1) Disable Titanium using Settings/Today/Items: Uncheck Windows Default

2) Download the file I posted below; there are two sliders, one is "ClearGlass" which is the "translucent gray" look you mentioned: the other is "TotalClear" which is an "invisible" slider (my fav!):

http://www.mediafire.com/file/1mtmjwdn2wf/Titanium Slider.rar

3) UnRAR, rename TiTSlider choice to "bronzeres.dll"

4) Backup original bronzeres.dll and overrite with new TiTSlider.

5) Soft reset and enable Titanium.

6) Enjoy new TiTSlider!

There are many sliders out there: a good place to start (hint: where I found some of this stuff) is here:


BTW, do you have a cab for the "HTC Start Icon" it's sweet!
Thanks!! that's perfect! The icon comes from this kitchen, I am not into it quite deep enough to cab that, besides this PC doesnt have all the tools.

Again, Thanks!
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