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  #2991 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 12:32 PM
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Re: (April 26, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.3 CE OS 5.2.21043(Build 21043 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by Merdinh View Post
Then the theme your using does not have a default color on it, try selecting another theme in the today settings. And i mean just a regular reset.

Oh your not understanding which theme I mean, not 6.5 home screen, IM talking about the Mobile SHell theme. The color stays blue.
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  #2992 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 12:42 PM
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Talking Re: (April 26, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.3 CE OS 5.2.21043(Build 21043 MerdinH)UC

I know that most of you have seen the error message below before, it's the old start up error bug that's in the Merdin's Windows mobile Pro 6.5 Beta 4, 4-13-09 and I know all of you recall the "Red Screen wallpaper error bug that would stop you from installing wallpaper to your TP.....

I now have a 100% over the counter cure {FIX} for both of these error bugs and a lot of you already have the software need for this fix... I soft reset my TP about 50 times already, still no sign of this error bug returning on the start up.. The red screen is gone period, let me say this, the red screen wallpaper error bug and the start up error bug are related....

Now that these two error bugs have been fixed in the Merdins Windows Mobile Pro 6.5 beta 4, 4- 13-09, then that makes this 6.5 ROM version the PERFECT ROM, without a doubt, hands down, even the FDA would approve this....{LOL}

On the real side, I will continue to test things for a few more day, before giving you the fix, just to be sure, but I almost sure this is the real deal fix.....{LOL}

Yet To Be Technology....!
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  #2993 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: (April 26, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.3 CE OS 5.2.21043(Build 21043 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
I know that most of you have seen the error message below before, it's the old start up error bug that's in the Merdin's Windows mobile Pro 6.5 Beta 4, 4-13-09 and I know all of you recall the "Red Screen wallpaper error bug that would stop you from installing wallpaper to your TP.....

I now have a 100% over the counter cure {FIX} for both of these error bugs and a lot of you already have the software need for this fix... I soft reset my TP about 50 times already, still no sign of this error bug returning on the start up.. The red screen is gone period, let me say this, the red screen wallpaper error bug and the start up error bug are related....

Now that these two error bugs have been fixed in the Merdins Windows Mobile Pro 6.5 beta 4, 4- 13-09, then that makes this 6.5 ROM version the PERFECT ROM, without a doubt, hands down, even the FDA would approve this....{LOL}

On the real side, I will continue to test things for a few more day, before giving you the fix, just to be sure, but I almost sure this is the real deal fix.....{LOL}

So...... whats the fix?
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  #2994 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: (April 26, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.3 CE OS 5.2.21043(Build 21043 MerdinH)UC

Merdin thanks for the updated Rom looks great so far.
6700-treo 700WX-Touch-Touch Pro-Touch Pro2-Epic4G
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  #2995 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 01:02 PM
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Re: (April 26, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.3 CE OS 5.2.21043(Build 21043 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
I know that most of you have seen the error message below before, it's the old start up error bug that's in the Merdin's Windows mobile Pro 6.5 Beta 4, 4-13-09 and I know all of you recall the "Red Screen wallpaper error bug that would stop you from installing wallpaper to your TP.....

I now have a 100% over the counter cure {FIX} for both of these error bugs and a lot of you already have the software need for this fix... I soft reset my TP about 50 times already, still no sign of this error bug returning on the start up.. The red screen is gone period, let me say this, the red screen wallpaper error bug and the start up error bug are related....

Now that these two error bugs have been fixed in the Merdins Windows Mobile Pro 6.5 beta 4, 4- 13-09, then that makes this 6.5 ROM version the PERFECT ROM, without a doubt, hands down, even the FDA would approve this....{LOL}

On the real side, I will continue to test things for a few more day, before giving you the fix, just to be sure, but I almost sure this is the real deal fix.....{LOL}

this problem was caused by the manila, i had a bad dll file in there which was causing the false error.
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  #2996 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 01:04 PM
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Re: (April 26, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.3 CE OS 5.2.21043(Build 21043 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by aaron130 View Post
Oh your not understanding which theme I mean, not 6.5 home screen, IM talking about the Mobile SHell theme. The color stays blue.
Im using the wm6.5 rom, and as soon as i change my regular color theme, the one on spb also changes, check out my screenshots it changes black, once i change my theme in today to black and red one.
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  #2997 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 01:07 PM
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Re: (April 26, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.3 CE OS 5.2.21043(Build 21043 MerdinH)UC

Ohhhh ok so your saying I need to go to settings/today first and change the theme there?
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  #2998 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 01:16 PM
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Re: (April 26, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.3 CE OS 5.2.21043(Build 21043 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by aaron130 View Post
Ohhhh ok so your saying I need to go to settings/today first and change the theme there?
yes sir.
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  #2999 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 01:27 PM
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Re: (April 26, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.3 CE OS 5.2.21043(Build 21043 MerdinH)UC

Trying to install the Manilla 2 on the 4/26 6.5 rom fails on a permissions issue. Is there a fix?
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  #3000 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 01:38 PM
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Re: (April 26, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.3 CE OS 5.2.21043(Build 21043 MerdinH)UC

I was JUST gonna ask the same thing, Im trying to install the rhodium manilla and it keeps failing, why?
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