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  #4281 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 07:49 PM
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Re: [ROM](July 13, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.0 CE OS 5.2.23004(Build 23004 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by awitt View Post
Hello did you ever get the cab for the internet sharing fix I can not seem to get it to work
Originally Posted by Tilde88 View Post
Merdin, I noticed by default, when you plug in to USB, when it asks the 3 options of connectivity, if you select Internet Sharing, it will link to IntShr.exe which does not exist (real file name is IntShrUI.exe) so if you could update the link that would be great. Also, since I could not use that option for tethering, I went and opened up IntShrUI.exe from the \Windows dir, to find that the version you used is for some unknown reason incompatible ['Connect' button is greyed out... Even after REG tweaks, and ICS Fix cab. I HardReset a few times through the Bootloader, through Clear Storage. ICS is not working in this build. However I installed this attached cab [fresh ICS installer] which does indeed work, but you have to manually open it from your start menu. Again, if you change the address of the file it links to it should work.

Other than ICS, it is a fire ROM just like every other thing this chef has served us up. But if I may make a recommendation... I find build 23001 (as opposed to current 23004) is much more stable and quicker also. Definately a keeper ROM!!!

Originally Posted by grt8neaphew View Post
2 things...when u first install the rom how come the customization bar at first start up just keeps going? it keeps going until i soft restart and also ive had to reinstall this rom 3 times because it gets frozen then i soft restart and it does the unbootable cycle.....but any way i love this rom.....any reasons why it does that for both???
it just takes a little while to install all the things he has. Merdin, maybe you could modulate a few things and make some of the first customizations apps OEM?

Originally Posted by therave39 View Post
I downloaded and flashed this on yesterday, and I've been getting a whole bunch of 'Cannot open _____. A critical component is either missing or cannot start' errors.
Read above, it takes a long while for initial customization just let it finish and do NOT reset or turn the screen off. It will finish and reset itself...
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  #4282 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 07:54 PM
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Re: [ROM](July 13, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.0 CE OS 5.2.23004(Build 23004 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by Tilde88 View Post
it just takes a little while to install all the things he has. Merdin, maybe you could modulate a few things and make some of the first customizations apps OEM?

Read above, it takes a long while for initial customization just let it finish and do NOT reset or turn the screen off. It will finish and reset itself...
can you post the cab that you used to get internet sharing working please?
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  #4283 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 08:47 PM
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Re: [ROM](July 13, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.0 CE OS 5.2.23004(Build 23004 MerdinH)UC

I Need Help Downloading The Program For Verizon Phone And What To Download It On
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  #4284 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2009, 02:09 AM
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Re: [ROM](July 13, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.0 CE OS 5.2.23004(Build 23004 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by jonnny View Post
I Need Help Downloading The Program For Verizon Phone And What To Download It On
if this is the first time your ever flashing a rom then first go hear to unlock your phonehttp://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=42503

then download one of my roms whichever 6.1 or 6.5, and then do the same thing you did to unlock your phone just with my files.
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  #4285 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2009, 02:10 AM
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Re: [ROM](July 13, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.0 CE OS 5.2.23004(Build 23004 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by awitt View Post
can you post the cab that you used to get internet sharing working please?
cab is located in the first post under know issues section
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  #4286 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2009, 02:12 AM
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Re: [ROM](July 13, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.0 CE OS 5.2.23004(Build 23004 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by Tilde88 View Post
it just takes a little while to install all the things he has. Merdin, maybe you could modulate a few things and make some of the first customizations apps OEM?

Read above, it takes a long while for initial customization just let it finish and do NOT reset or turn the screen off. It will finish and reset itself...
i actually dont have alot of stuff installing during custimizations just a few things, the thing thats causing the long wait is the User Custimization interface thats on there which isntalls users cabs from their sd card if they have it setup.
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  #4287 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2009, 04:44 AM
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Re: [ROM](July 13, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.0 CE OS 5.2.23004(Build 23004 MerdinH)UC

Nice rom Merdinh but I had a problem with the keyboard alignment. If I wanted to type something and on the bottom bar it would have the left soft key "ok" the center would have the keyboard icon and the right soft key would say "cancel". Well everytime I would tap the keyboard to bring it up the left soft key "ok" acted like it was tapped and it would end everything like I was done typing but I never got to type one letter. Anyone else run into this?
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  #4288 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2009, 06:54 AM
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Re: [ROM](July 13, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.0 CE OS 5.2.23004(Build 23004 MerdinH)UC

I installed the 6.5 ROM and I like it quite a bit. This is actually my first time on 6.5 and I think I actually prefer it.

I only have one quick issue. The intergrated locking application, I cant seem to get it to work properly to actually lock the phone when it comes out of standby. It appears then when you turn the screen back on, the app comes up. However if you click anywhere on the screen the application goes to the background and your device is left completely unlocked and you can click anything on the screen. Anyone else have that problem?

Other than my issue with the locking application (which I would LOVE to be able to get working properly) I am quite happy with the ROM so far!

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  #4289 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2009, 12:49 PM
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Re: [ROM](July 13, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.0 CE OS 5.2.23004(Build 23004 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by Sayajin View Post
The intergrated locking application, I cant seem to get it to work properly to actually lock the phone when it comes out of standby. It appears then when you turn the screen back on, the app comes up. However if you click anywhere on the screen the application goes to the background and your device is left completely unlocked
I don't use that lock as I much prefer PocketShield but I just tried it & it works fine for me.

I locked it with the stock app, let it go into standy & then woke it up. Clicking the screen did absolutely nothing until I unlocked it with the slide first.

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  #4290 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2009, 02:50 PM
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Re: [ROM](July 13, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.0 CE OS 5.2.23004(Build 23004 MerdinH)UC

how come i have to keep flashing the rom? It keeps freezing and then i soft reset it then it stays on the screen where it says touch pro and the radio and rom info and stuff. i love the rom otherwise
Rom: MHWMPro4.5
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