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  #1481 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 03:37 PM
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Re: [ROM] SKI-ROM Build 012510 CE OS 5.2.23518 M2.5/M2.1 - Sashimi Compliant

Home from work, today. Kids down for naps. Time to FlashDance!!!

*Unlocked, SKI-ROM Flashed
*Rooted, DamageControl
-Forever thankful to those responsible-
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  #1482 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 03:51 PM
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Re: [ROM] SKI-ROM Build 012510 CE OS 5.2.23518 M2.5/M2.1 - Sashimi Compliant

Very nice ROM as usual. One issue: Microsoft Tag Reader is not working, when you click on it, it seems that it wants to start but it locks up.
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  #1483 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: [ROM] SKI-ROM Build 012510 CE OS 5.2.23518 M2.5/M2.1 - Sashimi Compliant

OK. Great to see there is a new update.

I'm still on Standard 011010. I have a problem when I want to change the keyboard. I long press the keyboard icon in the bottom bar. Normally doing this shows the screen where I can change the keyboard, but what it actually does is show the screen and hide it immediately. Is this a bug? Any other experiencing this problem?

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  #1484 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: [ROM] SKI-ROM Build 012510 CE OS 5.2.23518 M2.5/M2.1 - Sashimi Compliant

How can I change the skin of the dialer? When I dial I press the first letters of the name and with this black screen I cannot see the letters. Or if you have any other suggestions I would really appreciate it.

Thank you.
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  #1485 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 04:58 PM
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Re: [ROM] SKI-ROM Build 012510 CE OS 5.2.23518 M2.5/M2.1 - Sashimi Compliant

Did you remove Mobile Marketplace? I can't find it in the apps.
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  #1486 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 05:42 PM
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Re: [ROM] SKI-ROM Build 012510 CE OS 5.2.23518 M2.5/M2.1 - Sashimi Compliant

I upgraded from 12/30 to 1/25 and as before everything looks beautiful! Two problems that I have found, also concur with the post above mine about Marketplace being missing.

1. Most importantly, I just had something happen to me that has only happened once before, when upgrading from one of Psyki's ROMs to his final one. What happened was that I was going along and doing this and that when I went to set up my GMail account. After hitting the finish button things seemed to freeze up. I hit the reset button with my stylus and then it seemed to stick at the boot screen. Finally, I removed the battery and then reinserted and powered on and next thing I know I'm going through initial setup again as if the device had been hard-reset. I've read of others having this problem in other threads over time, anybody have any suggestions beyond the old flash dance?

2. With PocketRAR, how does one use it on these 6.5.x ROMs? I believe that something about the new bottom bar messes it's initial configuration routine up so that you can never get through the associations. Anbody have any tricks there?

Thanks for the help, and thanks to AHuskins for the sweet ROM.
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  #1487 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 05:50 PM
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Re: [ROM] SKI-ROM Build 012510 CE OS 5.2.23518 M2.5/M2.1 - Sashimi Compliant

Originally Posted by dacib View Post
Very nice ROM as usual. One issue: Microsoft Tag Reader is not working, when you click on it, it seems that it wants to start but it locks up.
Same here, wouldnt go for me either. I'm sure it'll be taken care of.

Originally Posted by gorocket1981 View Post
OK. Great to see there is a new update.

I'm still on Standard 011010. I have a problem when I want to change the keyboard. I long press the keyboard icon in the bottom bar. Normally doing this shows the screen where I can change the keyboard, but what it actually does is show the screen and hide it immediately. Is this a bug? Any other experiencing this problem?

Dont remember seeing that on 0110, but it's working fine on 0125. C'mon up to the latest!

Originally Posted by dacib View Post
How can I change the skin of the dialer? When I dial I press the first letters of the name and with this black screen I cannot see the letters. Or if you have any other suggestions I would really appreciate it.

Thank you.
Yeah it is dark...but that's why it looks so niiiiice. I can see it enough and I know what keys are what so I'm fine. If it really limits your function you *might* be able to install another VGA dialer. I say might because the Dusk Dialer is a mod itself. Unless someone beats me to it I'll test some out I have at home. I think cmylxgo has a black dialer which may still go with the Dusk theme.

Originally Posted by M3shuggah View Post
Did you remove Mobile Marketplace? I can't find it in the apps.
I searched Windows and didnt see it. Should be able to DL it from microsoft for now.
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  #1488 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 05:53 PM
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Re: [ROM] SKI-ROM Build 012510 CE OS 5.2.23518 M2.5/M2.1 - Sashimi Compliant

flashed this morning the 012510 Sense2.1 Rom. Working good, just a little odd thing with the icon position in the slider. its been this way since flashing, anyone else got it going on as well?

edit: i installed a cab file i had for transparent slider for sense2.1 & it seems to have fixed the position yay!
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Last edited by drdrewdown; 01-26-2010 at 06:07 PM.
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  #1489 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 05:57 PM
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Re: [ROM] SKI-ROM Build 012510 CE OS 5.2.23518 M2.5/M2.1 - Sashimi Compliant

Originally Posted by kkryter View Post
I upgraded from 12/30 to 1/25 and as before everything looks beautiful! Two problems that I have found, also concur with the post above mine about Marketplace being missing.

1. Most importantly, I just had something happen to me that has only happened once before, when upgrading from one of Psyki's ROMs to his final one. What happened was that I was going along and doing this and that when I went to set up my GMail account. After hitting the finish button things seemed to freeze up. I hit the reset button with my stylus and then it seemed to stick at the boot screen. Finally, I removed the battery and then reinserted and powered on and next thing I know I'm going through initial setup again as if the device had been hard-reset. I've read of others having this problem in other threads over time, anybody have any suggestions beyond the old flash dance?

2. With PocketRAR, how does one use it on these 6.5.x ROMs? I believe that something about the new bottom bar messes it's initial configuration routine up so that you can never get through the associations. Anbody have any tricks there?

Thanks for the help, and thanks to AHuskins for the sweet ROM.
For the first one, i've had this problem on a couple other roms. I always just reflashed the rom. For the second one, just hit the hard key back button to get passed the association screen.
|PHONE|HTC Thunderbolt 4G LTE
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  #1490 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 05:57 PM
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Re: [ROM] SKI-ROM Build 012510 CE OS 5.2.23518 M2.5/M2.1 - Sashimi Compliant

Originally Posted by kkryter View Post
I upgraded from 12/30 to 1/25 and as before everything looks beautiful! Two problems that I have found, also concur with the post above mine about Marketplace being missing.

1. Most importantly, I just had something happen to me that has only happened once before, when upgrading from one of Psyki's ROMs to his final one. What happened was that I was going along and doing this and that when I went to set up my GMail account. After hitting the finish button things seemed to freeze up. I hit the reset button with my stylus and then it seemed to stick at the boot screen. Finally, I removed the battery and then reinserted and powered on and next thing I know I'm going through initial setup again as if the device had been hard-reset. I've read of others having this problem in other threads over time, anybody have any suggestions beyond the old flash dance?

2. With PocketRAR, how does one use it on these 6.5.x ROMs? I believe that something about the new bottom bar messes it's initial configuration routine up so that you can never get through the associations. Anbody have any tricks there?

Thanks for the help, and thanks to AHuskins for the sweet ROM.
1. Sorry Bro, best cure for random hard resets is The Dance.
2. No issue here Pocketrar looks/works just fine. Upon initial launch it'll ask what file types you want to associate with it-rar and/or zip. Make your selection then hit the hard back key to see your files.
Hope that helps.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro > CDMA TP Development

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