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View Poll Results: What rom are you running
RootRom Standard Sense 2.5 81 23.55%
RootRom Sense 2.1 46 13.37%
DarkRoot Sense 2.5 32 9.30%
MaxDarkRoot Sense 2.5 33 9.59%
MaxDarkRootCombo Sense 2.5 117 34.01%
Titanuim Root 38 11.05%
Ninja Rom TF3D 2.1 13 3.78%
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  #5271 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2010, 06:41 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 04/18/20

It does effect the custom roms if you have random issues.
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  #5272 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2010, 08:27 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 04/18/20

Originally Posted by drdrewdown View Post
are you doing the flash dance?

stock shipped rom --> custom rom

Exsqueeze me? Could you speak into my GOOD ear?
You're not suggesting...that it was...a BAD FLASH?!

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  #5273 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2010, 09:13 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 04/18/20

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post

exsqueeze me? Could you speak into my good ear?
You're not suggesting...that it was...a bad flash?!

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  #5274 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 12:46 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 04/18/20

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post

Exsqueeze me? Could you speak into my GOOD ear?
You're not suggesting...that it was...a BAD FLASH?!

you didn't see me type "bad flash", as always i suggest the flash dance because a lot of people dont know to do it if they have issues. a "bad flash" would suggest the flash was incomplete or failed at some point thru the process like i tried to explain last time its all irrelevant anyway & primarily just a debate topic we can have fun with. nice try tho, lets play again soon =] hehe
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  #5275 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 01:06 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 04/18/20

i always thought the idea of a "bad flash" was odd. from the point of downloading the rom to unzipping it to flashing it to being done flashing it, its basically an all or nothing type of deal it would seem to me.

When downloading it you'll either get all of it or none. if the download doesnt complete successfullly then the .zip/.rar file will be corrupt. When unzipping it will either complete it or corrupt it. When flashing it, it will either do it, or it wont. If the flash completes youre phone will work correctly, unless the rom you had on it before hand had radio data that conflicts with the new rom (which can be fixed by flashing stock) I think that is the most common thing called a "bad flash" and actually has nothing to do with the Custom rom flash the person just did. Also, IMO, most of these "bad flashes" are after people have installed CABS that mess with the rom in a negative way and cause it to not work correctly. When you flash a rom from your computer, to your phone (or SD card to phone), the data is there, on your phone. otherwise the little bar would never reach 100%. you can reflash and reflash and reflash, its just going to put the same data on the phone again. Now if a custom Rom had some weird radio data it flashed to your phone, then you flash straight to another custom rom thats expecting the normal stock radio info, you might have a problem. i really dont agree with the whole "bad flash" thing either drew.
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  #5276 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 09:45 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 04/18/20

Originally Posted by botnryan View Post
i always thought the idea of a "bad flash" was odd. from the point of downloading the rom to unzipping it to flashing it to being done flashing it, its basically an all or nothing type of deal it would seem to me.

When downloading it you'll either get all of it or none. if the download doesnt complete successfullly then the .zip/.rar file will be corrupt. When unzipping it will either complete it or corrupt it. When flashing it, it will either do it, or it wont. If the flash completes youre phone will work correctly, unless the rom you had on it before hand had radio data that conflicts with the new rom (which can be fixed by flashing stock) I think that is the most common thing called a "bad flash" and actually has nothing to do with the Custom rom flash the person just did. Also, IMO, most of these "bad flashes" are after people have installed CABS that mess with the rom in a negative way and cause it to not work correctly. When you flash a rom from your computer, to your phone (or SD card to phone), the data is there, on your phone. otherwise the little bar would never reach 100%. you can reflash and reflash and reflash, its just going to put the same data on the phone again. Now if a custom Rom had some weird radio data it flashed to your phone, then you flash straight to another custom rom thats expecting the normal stock radio info, you might have a problem. i really dont agree with the whole "bad flash" thing either drew.

wow amen brotha. tried to but couldn't say it as good as you well done

Last edited by drdrewdown; 05-07-2010 at 10:02 AM.
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  #5277 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 11:25 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 04/18/20

Originally Posted by botnryan View Post
i always thought the idea of a "bad flash" was odd. from the point of downloading the rom to unzipping it to flashing it to being done flashing it, its basically an all or nothing type of deal it would seem to me.

When downloading it you'll either get all of it or none. if the download doesnt complete successfullly then the .zip/.rar file will be corrupt. When unzipping it will either complete it or corrupt it. When flashing it, it will either do it, or it wont. If the flash completes youre phone will work correctly, unless the rom you had on it before hand had radio data that conflicts with the new rom (which can be fixed by flashing stock) I think that is the most common thing called a "bad flash" and actually has nothing to do with the Custom rom flash the person just did. Also, IMO, most of these "bad flashes" are after people have installed CABS that mess with the rom in a negative way and cause it to not work correctly. When you flash a rom from your computer, to your phone (or SD card to phone), the data is there, on your phone. otherwise the little bar would never reach 100%. you can reflash and reflash and reflash, its just going to put the same data on the phone again. Now if a custom Rom had some weird radio data it flashed to your phone, then you flash straight to another custom rom thats expecting the normal stock radio info, you might have a problem. i really dont agree with the whole "bad flash" thing either drew.
You know I thought the same thing till I had a series of bad flashes. No matter what ROM I installed (over 5 roms kept trying to find the "non-buggy" rom) it would constantly lock up, a soft reset would turn into a hard reset this was all with the Rom no extra CABs. I nearly tossed my TP until I flashed a stock rom and went back to custom roms I haven't had an issue since.
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  #5278 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 11:38 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 04/18/20

Originally Posted by em1davis View Post
You know I thought the same thing till I had a series of bad flashes. No matter what ROM I installed (over 5 roms kept trying to find the "non-buggy" rom) it would constantly lock up, a soft reset would turn into a hard reset this was all with the Rom no extra CABs. I nearly tossed my TP until I flashed a stock rom and went back to custom roms I haven't had an issue since.
a series of bad flashes lol. then you flashed the stock rom, hrrm.. so wonder why that wasn't a so-called "bad flash" lol. c'mon now. its like most people are saying, the stock rom overwrites something the custom roms are doing. but it has nothing to do with a bad flash. u need the stock rom to do its thing, & then flash the custom rom. why would you think its a series of bad flashes & then it amazingly works fine after a stock flash.
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  #5279 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 02:12 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 04/18/20

the flash of the custom rom was not bad. it flashed just fine. the rom you had on it BEFORE you flashed obviously didnt mesh well with something on the new rom and cause malfuntioning of the device. thats why when you flashed to stock and then to the new custom it worked correctly. theres no "bad flash" there at all. Just "bad following-of-directions" Although in some instances i realize it still works to flash from a custom rom directly to another, just in some cases it doesnt work and going to stock, im willing to say, will ALWAYS fix that problem. has nothing to do with the flash you just did, it has to do with the rom on the phone before the flash. THAT is what causes the problems.
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  #5280 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 02:17 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 04/18/20

Originally Posted by botnryan View Post
the flash of the custom rom was not bad. it flashed just fine. the rom you had on it BEFORE you flashed obviously didnt mesh well with something on the new rom and cause malfuntioning of the device. thats why when you flashed to stock and then to the new custom it worked correctly. theres no "bad flash" there at all. Just "bad following-of-directions" Although in some instances i realize it still works to flash from a custom rom directly to another, just in some cases it doesnt work and going to stock, im willing to say, will ALWAYS fix that problem. has nothing to do with the flash you just did, it has to do with the rom on the phone before the flash. THAT is what causes the problems.
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