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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2010, 07:18 PM
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Re: $10 fee confirmed...(obviously)

Originally Posted by derfnoslen View Post
I guess. I mean like you said it's still cheaper. And I love Sprint so I'm not leaving anyway but if you don't have 4g in your area how would you use more data, what if you don't travel. Anyway I'm still going to pay it so I guess it doesn't matter.
Verizon doesn't have 4g coverage at all, yet they speculate that their higher end phones are going to be using 5x more data. These phones will utilizes full flash shortly, instead of showing mobile optimized web sites they will soon be showing you full audio/video embedded links. Froyo will bring wireless tethering built-in if Sprint doesn't find a way to cripple it. How will this NOT be grabbing more data? I'm not thrilled about paying more then I need to but it's better then anything Verizon/AT&T is offering metered. If the fee is too much to handle, buy a android 1.x device that won't be utilizing such media intensive bandwidth.

My biggest complaint to Sprint is their ineffective method of explaining the fee, I figured it out but they made the announcement prior to informing their employees, but this doesn't surprise me in the least. Call 5 different reps with a question and you'll get 6 different answers, and no that wasn't a typo...
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2010, 07:47 PM
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Re: $10 fee confirmed...(obviously)

The best way to explain the 10$ fee is by using the info where they told us people with SERO will be able to use an EVO for 20$ more..and an android for $10 more..

so here is how it goes...

Low End - regular
Medium End - $10
High End - 20$

so the $10 fee is nothing more then a High end fee..this fee is what they use to lower the costs of the device to be competitive with verizon and AT&T on device costs..similar how a TP2 on sprint cost 350$ while on Verizon it cost 200$ and ppl were complaining to sprint of it being unfair..in a way we reaped what we sough...
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 10:58 PM
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Re: $10 fee confirmed...(obviously)

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
The best way to explain the 10$ fee is by using the info where they told us people with SERO will be able to use an EVO for 20$ more..and an android for $10 more..

so here is how it goes...

Low End - regular
Medium End - $10
High End - 20$

so the $10 fee is nothing more then a High end fee..this fee is what they use to lower the costs of the device to be competitive with verizon and AT&T on device costs..similar how a TP2 on sprint cost 350$ while on Verizon it cost 200$ and ppl were complaining to sprint of it being unfair..in a way we reaped what we sough...
No, this fee is not for that. They are not using that fee to lower the costs of the device. This fee will continue long after the difference has been made up. If you'd had the phone for 3 years your still going to be paying the $10 fee. That's not right.

I don't care about $10 dollars but Jesus, tell us what the charge is for.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 11:04 PM
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Re: $10 fee confirmed...(obviously)

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
Verizon doesn't have 4g coverage at all, yet they speculate that their higher end phones are going to be using 5x more data. These phones will utilizes full flash shortly, instead of showing mobile optimized web sites they will soon be showing you full audio/video embedded links. Froyo will bring wireless tethering built-in if Sprint doesn't find a way to cripple it. How will this NOT be grabbing more data? I'm not thrilled about paying more then I need to but it's better then anything Verizon/AT&T is offering metered. If the fee is too much to handle, buy a android 1.x device that won't be utilizing such media intensive bandwidth.

My biggest complaint to Sprint is their ineffective method of explaining the fee, I figured it out but they made the announcement prior to informing their employees, but this doesn't surprise me in the least. Call 5 different reps with a question and you'll get 6 different answers, and no that wasn't a typo...
We all know Sprint prices are great, that's not an issue. It's the lack of detail concerning the fee, it's bullcrap! Again, I could care less about $10 bucks if it's valid. But there are some holes in Sprints fee plan here.

Everyone just seems to buy the "well, go to verizon or at&t" or get a lower end device... that's not the point. what the hell is the fee for? why am i being charged for 4g when it will not hit my market for late NEXT year. Why do I need to pay for that?
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 11:29 PM
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Re: $10 fee confirmed...(obviously)

Originally Posted by derfnoslen View Post
No, this fee is not for that. They are not using that fee to lower the costs of the device. This fee will continue long after the difference has been made up. If you'd had the phone for 3 years your still going to be paying the $10 fee. That's not right.

I don't care about $10 dollars but Jesus, tell us what the charge is for.
It is for that..your looking at it from a perspective of "Cutting even"..aka your expecting sprint to stop after 2 years...in reality it has never been like that..let me explain...

Every device that was on Verizon was always cheaper then on Sprint..mostly high end devices...on sprint a TP2 cost 350$..on verizon 200$.and ppl called up threatening to switch to Verizon if sprint does not lower theirs to match Verizon's price...now does Verizon take away and match sprint monthly price once you pay out the item?

You have to look at ti from both sides....over 2 years the price ends up 240$ extra...

now lets assume the device costs 440$ based on 200 + 240....

sure over 3 years you would loose out..but who uses a phone for 3 years?

they are not targeting the smart buyer, they are targeting the average consumer who likes to see cheaper devices even if it is more monthly fees...

If your expecting sprint to make a policy around ppl paying full price or buying on ebay or using their device more then 2 years would make it more complicated for sprint with no gain...

Also, the system can still be exploited by buying an EVO at 200$ and then not using it and switch back to an old phone..now sprint just lost 200$ :/

Last edited by gTen; 07-26-2010 at 11:32 PM.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2010, 12:09 PM
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Question Re: $10 fee confirmed...(obviously)

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
It is for that..your looking at it from a perspective of "Cutting even"..aka your expecting sprint to stop after 2 years...in reality it has never been like that..let me explain...

Every device that was on Verizon was always cheaper then on Sprint..mostly high end devices...on sprint a TP2 cost 350$..on verizon 200$.and ppl called up threatening to switch to Verizon if sprint does not lower theirs to match Verizon's price...now does Verizon take away and match sprint monthly price once you pay out the item?

You have to look at ti from both sides....over 2 years the price ends up 240$ extra...

now lets assume the device costs 440$ based on 200 + 240....

sure over 3 years you would loose out..but who uses a phone for 3 years?

they are not targeting the smart buyer, they are targeting the average consumer who likes to see cheaper devices even if it is more monthly fees...

If your expecting sprint to make a policy around ppl paying full price or buying on ebay or using their device more then 2 years would make it more complicated for sprint with no gain...

Also, the system can still be exploited by buying an EVO at 200$ and then not using it and switch back to an old phone..now sprint just lost 200$ :/
Where did you get that information from? I"m not trying to be a ballbuster, I just wanted to see where you sourced your information from so I can better educate myself.

I thought the $10 fee was for all you can eat "shrimp and crab"?

Over on explainthefee.com a Sprint executive said that the fee was for how much data they expected this phone to use overall compared to less sophisticated devices, not the higher rated speed of the phone or to recoup how cheaply they sold it to you.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 09:53 AM
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Re: $10 fee confirmed...(obviously)

Originally Posted by hookahzorr View Post
I understand y they charge it even if its not in your area.

Its because if u just so happen to goto a place or move there u dont get the extra 4g for free.

Thats my logic.
IMO they should allow people to pick what they want 3g or 3g + unlimited 4G where available. I'm fine with 3G and I find ridiculous that I have to pay for something I don't get.

Just my 2 cents.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 06:48 PM
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Re: $10 fee confirmed...(obviously)

Guest writer Airen posted a great article about the Epic 4G - http://explainthefee.com/2010/07/28/...e-odd-man-out/
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 10:40 PM
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Re: $10 fee confirmed...(obviously)

Originally Posted by explainthefee View Post
Guest writer Airen posted a great article about the Epic 4G - http://explainthefee.com/2010/07/28/...e-odd-man-out/

Yeah, that is a very good point. The fee is bull crap!
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2010, 02:23 PM
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Normally, the 3G data for Sprint has a cap at 5 gigabytes, but with the $10 add-on, you will have unlimited 3G and 4G. Confirmed this yesterday at work.

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