Originally Posted by derfnoslen
No, this fee is not for that. They are not using that fee to lower the costs of the device. This fee will continue long after the difference has been made up. If you'd had the phone for 3 years your still going to be paying the $10 fee. That's not right.
I don't care about $10 dollars but Jesus, tell us what the charge is for.
It is for that..your looking at it from a perspective of "Cutting even"..aka your expecting sprint to stop after 2 years...in reality it has never been like that..let me explain...
Every device that was on Verizon was always cheaper then on Sprint..mostly high end devices...on sprint a TP2 cost 350$..on verizon 200$.and ppl called up threatening to switch to Verizon if sprint does not lower theirs to match Verizon's price...now does Verizon take away and match sprint monthly price once you pay out the item?
You have to look at ti from both sides....over 2 years the price ends up 240$ extra...
now lets assume the device costs 440$ based on 200 + 240....
sure over 3 years you would loose out..but who uses a phone for 3 years?
they are not targeting the smart buyer, they are targeting the average consumer who likes to see cheaper devices even if it is more monthly fees...
If your expecting sprint to make a policy around ppl paying full price or buying on ebay or using their device more then 2 years would make it more complicated for sprint with no gain...
Also, the system can still be exploited by buying an EVO at 200$ and then not using it and switch back to an old phone..now sprint just lost 200$ :/