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  #281 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 09:33 AM
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Re: Inc Root!! 8-15-10 update: full NAND unlock is here!!!

Originally Posted by charleskincade View Post
Can someone please help me. I put evrevoke forever as well as the 2.2 OTA on my storage card but when I tried to load from recovery mode I keep getting an error. I keep getting E: can't mount sdcard...... can someone or anyone please help me!
If you're already rooted and s-off'd, it should load. That error message is caused by possibly a bad micro SD card. Assuming you're using ClockWorkMod's recovery, in recovery go to the menu to mount, and mount the storage card, yeah I know, it should do that for you. Then try and install the update from a zip on the storage card. If that doesn't work, post the last few lines of the /cache/recovery/log file, it'll tell us what the error is. I'm not sure if that log survives a reboot, so you may have to 'adb pull' it, or use Droid Explorer while still in recovery.


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  #282 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 12:34 PM
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Re: Inc Root!! 8-15-10 update: full NAND unlock is here!!!

Great explanation ziggy!!

I have been having a lot of issues with my Inc lately (thought I bricked it at one point), but with a lot of support from the forums and a lot of time, I got it up + running again, so hopefully I can start testing out all these great ROMs + kernels coming out!!!

Anyway.....unrevoked has released the stock 2.2 rooting tool!!!! There seems to have been a couple EVO people reporting problems so they pulled it temporarily, but it works for the Incredible and should be available again soon for all those people that either did the OTA before/breaking root, or people just purchasing the Inc or getting replacements with 2.2 already installed.

Here is the XDA thread for anyone interested, I will update the OP as soon as I see it made available again:


and the Unrevoked link:


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  #283 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 05:06 PM
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Re: Inc Root!! 8-15-10 update: full NAND unlock is here!!!

I just unrevoke 3.2'd a day or so ago, here's what I did if it helps anyone:

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  #284 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 08:15 PM
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Re: Inc Root!! 8-15-10 update: full NAND unlock is here!!!

Originally Posted by oldpueblo View Post
I just unrevoke 3.2'd a day or so ago, here's what I did if it helps anyone:

Good wording on that post. I'm just not posting the app-site here until it is official. The only 'reported' problems have been with the Eris, the Inc has been fine so far, but until it is official people just need to be extra careful.
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  #285 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 07:41 AM
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Re: Inc Root!! 8-15-10 update: full NAND unlock is here!!!

Did UnRevoked 3.2 a week ago and have not had the first problem . I was rooted in less than five minutes and the process was so easy you wouldn't believe it !
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  #286 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 10:02 PM
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Re: Inc Root!! 9-19-10 update: Full root even with Froyo!!

First post updated!!!! Tool for full root on Incredibles already loaded with Froyo now officially available!!!
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  #287 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2010, 01:30 PM
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Re: Inc Root!! 9-19-10 update: Full root even with Froyo!!

For those of us who have Froyo (2.2), are rooted, and have S-OFF, will running Unrevoked 3.21 let us replace Clockworkmod that we now have on our phones with the new version ( that is in Unrevoked 3.21?

Just wondering.
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  #288 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2010, 09:35 PM
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Re: Inc Root!! 9-19-10 update: Full root even with Froyo!!

Originally Posted by syrguy1969 View Post
First post updated!!!! Tool for full root on Incredibles already loaded with Froyo now officially available!!!
thanks for all the work putting this thread together

btw.. long time no type friend lol.... I just lucked into an Incredible and it feels like I'm learing all over again... kinda like back in the Treo days...i think i'm gonna hold off on rooting for the time being but as the past has shown, it wont be long before the addicition overcomes me and I end up rooting it and producing a ROM for my use

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  #289 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 03:13 PM
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Re: Inc Root!! 9-19-10 update: Full root even with Froyo!!

Awesome! I'm rooted and WiFi tethering (using Android WiFi Tether).
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  #290 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2010, 06:26 PM
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Re: Inc Root!! 9-19-10 update: Full root even with Froyo!!

I have tried running this several times. when it get to the point where it says "waiting for root".... it just hangs and never completes. has anyone else had this issue? any way around it?

Last edited by dgraves; 11-20-2010 at 06:56 PM.
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