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Old 10-28-2010, 03:28 PM
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[Rom] Redemptive rEVOlution 1.9 *UPDATE* 10/27/10 NEW EVO FRAMEWORK!!!

This ROM is from HeyitsLou. he is a great dev.....

Sexy Sense Screenies coming soon...

*Version 1.9 Released 10-27-10*

Redemptive rEVOlution 1.9 will be the introduction of my first theme "Sexy Sense". I'm one of the individuals who truly like Sense's look, feel and functionality however there's always been certain elements of the Sense UI that I wasn't happy with which is where "Sexy Sense" was birthed from.

Everything about this theme has been done from scratch except for the icon set I'm using which is Smooth Sense.

My goal with "Sexy Sense" was not to drastically alter the look of stock Sense but enhance it. I've taken a lot of little things that I don't like and introduced subtle changes that I feel have really added a certain "Sexiness" to Sense. This is a WIP but some of these changes include:
  1. 100% Transparent App Drawer
  2. 100% Transparent "Add to Home" Menu
  3. Semi-Transparent Black Power Control Widget
  4. Semi-Transparent Black Notification Tray
  5. Semi-Transparent Notification Bars (Solid white = Super ugly)
  6. Semi-Transparent Black background placed behind dialer keys in Phone.apk (This really makes the keys "Pop"
  7. Custom "Black Glass" Lockscreen Bar (Matches the Status Bar and has a touch of transparency)
  8. "Redemptive" App Drawer title bar
  9. No Location mod by default
  10. Custom Themed Desire HD Flip Clock (Transparent)
  11. Included Custom themed apps: Pandora and Smooth Calendar (more to come)
  12. Includes Smooth Sense icons by Jercik Ported to Evo by faster3200 - http://bit.ly/aGNuNv (This is the only part of the theme not done from scratch by me)
Included Sexy Sense Mods: Animations found in Evo forum
  1. Sexy Sense Bounce Animations
  2. Sexy Sense Flip Animations
  3. Sexy Sense Fly Animations
  4. Sexy Sense Fold Animations
  5. Sexy Sense Stock Animations
  6. Sexy Sense No Location No Clock Mod
  7. Sexy Sense No Location No Alarm
  8. Sexy Sense No Location No Alarm Clock No Clock Mod
  9. Sexy Sense Status Icons Revert to Default
  • Framework based off of New EVO Leak 3.30.651.2 which dropped on 10-26-10
  • Added some EVO libs and etc files
  • Added EVO Browser
  • Updated: Google Voice, Google Search, YouTube and Smooth Calendar (themed it as well)
I would like to thank deficitism for helping me navigate through all the XML's in the Rosie as well as rujelus22 from the EVO forums whose given me some pointers helped me a ton on getting started with theming.
Theme: Matted Blues: Version 1.8 Users
Due to popular request I took the liberty of porting over one of the most polished EVO themes in my opinion Matted Blues to work on Redemptive rEVOlution.

EVO Thread & Credit:

jabbawalkee: Authorhttp://bit.ly/a9Vdad

I've included both the MMS fix and Flip Transitions into this theme and internal storage works and mounts 100%.

Only downside to this theme is the themed HTC Music app & widget do not see the internal storage. Fix: Download and flash the provided Music Fix after the theme. These are not themed but will read your internal storage.


Redemptive Matted Blues w/Flip Transitions: MD5= b45b13ba3b1b05aad1e1da4bacabab76
http://www.multiupload.com/NYIHBPULPC - Working Link
Music Fix:

How to make EVO themes work on Redemptive rEVOlution:
If you want to make EVO themes work on Redemptive rEVOlution there's only a few things to do...
  • If the theme includes framework-res.apk (most do) you will lose all the transitions from the Rom because this is where the files for the transitions exist this isn't a flaw in the Rom it's part of the theme. You can flash a theme with this file and it will work but if you lose your transitions that's why.
  • MMS: If you flash an EVO theme which includes framework-res.apk you will also lose the ability to send picture messages. I'v included this fix in the themed and un-themed versions of Redemptive rEVOlution version 1.8.
    Fix for this download this app: http://bit.ly/cDzln9
    Use this to delete the current apns.xml file and install a new one this will fix the MMS problem.
  • If the theme contains the HTC Music app or widget these will work but they won't recognize your internal storage. This is just something you'll have to live with if you want to have the themed versions or you can port the theme over to the compatible Incredible versions.
  • If the theme includes the PCSII.apk use 7zip if you're on windows or Ark Manager if you're on linux to delete this out of the theme's zip file. This method won't require you to have to resign the theme's zip file before you flash it. PSCII.apk is what keeps Internal storage from mounting.
These few adjustments will allow you to flash almost any EVO theme without breaking anything else.
Use the included 'Spare Parts" app to speed up the window transitions & animations and make them snappier this really makes the Rom feel like it flies!
Alternate Theme: zBurstAlphaStar by _Burst_ from the EVO Forums: http://bit.ly/c2WfGO Credit also to manup456 a portion of the widgets in this Rom are from some of his themes.
Due to the popularity of the EVO the user base is enormous and as a result so is the development. Incorporating many Evo elements allows us to have the best of both worlds both EVO and Incredible options in the Rom.
  • Rom Fully de-odexed & Zip aligned based on the official Froyo leak
  • Internal storage bug when using EVO framework DOES NOT exist here internal storage mounts just Fine.
  • What would be considered the standard bloat has been removed
  • Added Rom Manager, ESFIleExplorer, Wireless Tether, gscript, DSP EQ etc...
  • EVO Framework used in place of Incredible framework which means theoretically any SENSE Evo theme can be used on this Rom
  • zBurstAlphaStar Theme - By _Burst_ http://bit.ly/c2WfGO
  • Working 6 bar signal icon
  • EVO Camera & MMS
  • Animated notification bar/phone dialer (this is amazing!) bravo to themer
  • Much Much More....
FULL wipe both data/cache and especially Dalvik-Cache this is Mandatory
  • Flash Redemptive rEVOlution via Rom Manager or by using Clockwork Mod Recovery.
  • All Optional Content is in the "Redemptive" folder which is pushed to your SD card during install. This folder contains various Mods that can be flashed just like a Rom using Rom Manager or by using Clockwork Mod Recovery.
As with any Rom or Mod flash you are taking matters into your own hands I will not be held responsible for any bricked devices or be held responsible for the injuries you may inflict on others if this were to happen.
Restoring Apps/Data:
This install will format your system. If you want to back up your apps with titanium fine but just do the apps not the data. This is my recommendation if you back up data and then have problems don't say I didn't warn you. Also please don't argue with me about the Rom wiping the system I'm the developer and this is the way I feel will provide the best non glitchy experience. As a result I can spend less time trouble shooting and more time working on the next release....Thanks guys for everything...Lou
ATTENTION: Redemptive Users
The Magic if you will in Redemptive rEVOlution is in the EVO elements mainly the framework. Per change log above version 1.9 is based off of the recently leaked 3.30.651.2 framework. If you intend on flashing a theme that's not based on this framework and you're running version 1.8 then you may not want to upgrade. Then why update you may ask? If you're looking for a better performing system faster, smoother, better on battery life and the experience of the new Sexy Sense theme by me then you will definately find it worth while to upgrade to version 1.9.

A word to the wise on the topic of themes. There's themes floating around these forums still based on the leaked Froyo Rom from back in August. HTC has released multiple framework revisions since then with fixes and enhancements. It's important to know what framework the theme is based on before you flash because you could potentially be downgrading in terms of performance and stability for the sake of something a little flashier

I will be porting the Alpha Burst theme to this framework I'm half way through already so sit tight that's on the way.
Redemptive rEVOlution 1.9 MD5=5e461d378b5c7f582b738ac5daa91d03

Redemptive rEVOlution 1.8 MD5= c145275926377429b00cb06df21c7160


Follow me on Twitter@LouisRizzo

Click to buy Lou a Coffee, Thanks!

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Old 10-28-2010, 03:32 PM
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Re: [Rom] Redemptive rEVOlution 1.9 *UPDATE* 10/27/10 NEW EVO FRAMEWORK!!!

Change Logs

*Version 1.8 Released 10-18-10*
  • Picture Messaging fixed and fully functional
  • *New* 4 in 1 Power Button Reboot Added "Hot Restart" (Reboots in less than half the normal time)
  • Using Libs from the newest Incredible Sense Release on 10/13
  • Using Kernel from the newest Incredible Sense Release on 10/13
  • Updated the following Apps from the newest Incredible Sense Release on 10/13
    1. HTC Camera
    2. MMS & MMS Widget
    3. Mail & Mail Widget
    4. Visual Voicemail (Now included by default)
    5. Calendar Provider, Calendar & Widget (should fix memory leak)
    6. HTC Music & Widget
  • Removed Barcode Scanner and BusyBox Installer
  • Updated Googe Quick Search & Voice Search
  • Speed Improvements
Version 1.7.1: (Maintenance Release)
  • Update-Script completely re-written to hopefully address a very small number of users failing install due to /data/app and permissions.
  • Fixed MMS bottom row icon issue
  • Fixed MMS widget
  • Fixed VVM
  • Fixed HTC Music App and Widget not reading Internal Storage
  • Updated to new Wireless Tether Pre 11 (Thanks somekid13 for the heads up)
  • Updated to new Redemptive rEVOlution boot animation from dimebagedan65
Redemptive rEVOlution Previous Release Change Logs:

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Old 11-01-2010, 03:26 PM
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Re: [Rom] Redemptive rEVOlution 1.9 *UPDATE* 10/27/10 NEW EVO FRAMEWORK!!!


2.0 Redemptive rEVOlution will be dropping within the hour!

Lou has made several changes to the ROM all around and it looks HOT. The OP @ XDA linked in the OP of this thread has the new screenies up already to gander at.
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Old 11-01-2010, 03:50 PM
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Re: [Rom] Redemptive rEVOlution 1.9 *UPDATE* 10/27/10 NEW EVO FRAMEWORK!!!

Originally Posted by Whotahn View Post

2.0 Redemptive rEVOlution will be dropping within the hour!

Lou has made several changes to the ROM all around and it looks HOT. The OP @ XDA linked in the OP of this thread has the new screenies up already to gander at.
Alright Lou has dropped the new release. while waiting for bored's new release I will give The new RR 2.0 a ride.
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