Originally Posted by amw1972
Flashed pre7 couple of days ago...
WiMax radio working fine...while driving thru known 4G area (L.A.)...I got 512.4kB/s down and 118.5kB/s up. Wondering if those are "good" 4G speeds? I was going about 65-75 mph on the freeway if that has anything to do with it.
Have been on an extended battery (3500ma) for about 30 plus hours...had to give it that full charge and discharge...but have NOT charged against since...I'm looking forward to longer uptime for the phone.
Am using the "stock" kernel for pre7...and have not experienced ANY unusually hot battery conditions.
Deck- wondering if and when you'll might be able to get 720p video recording in the ROM...IF its even considered at any point in time. Its a VERY nice feature that I'm sure most would love. I understand that you don't want a lot of bloat in your ROM...but its something to think about.
i can say it is actively being worked on.
Originally Posted by mattsm
You guys better be glad Deck is building roms and NOT giving dance lessons.

youll be hearing from me on irc soon...
Originally Posted by joojoobee666
as you too!
Originally Posted by LoCoBoi187
Hey deck, can you make sound damping work for Sprint Navigation, or even Google Nav? The sound only damps for 2 secs while the navigation lady speaks for about 10. EDIT: this is so my music wont get mumbled in with navigation instructions. thanks man
once i get 1.0 out, i will definitely start looking into cosmetics and little fixes whatnot. please hold tite.
Originally Posted by rushco
Not deck but I've been following this 720p thing. CM7 does not have 720p video recording and the Nexus S does not have 720p recording. I don't think it is something easily done or else someone would have done it by now. It looks like the Nexus S 4g won't have 720p recording either so it might be a little while still.
well, i dont think it will be as long as some think. it is definitely being worked on. hopefully soon.
there are so many fixes for 1.0, i cant even begin to list them. but i will soon. i am still aiming for may 1st, but it may be sooner. i will keep you all updated.