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  #1481 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 09:28 AM
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Re: [ROM] 01/10/11 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.70.651.1 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

just rooted yesterday and tried out your rom. so good so far... however nova full edition still force closes... Any ideas? Also usb Tethering speeds any idea on stock i was getting like 56kb with pdanet
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  #1482 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 11:34 AM
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Re: [ROM] 01/10/11 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.70.651.1 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by caleb02 View Post
just rooted yesterday and tried out your rom. so good so far... however nova full edition still force closes... Any ideas? Also usb Tethering speeds any idea on stock i was getting like 56kb with pdanet
56 kb is dial up speed, are you in a 3g area or are you roaming on Verizon. That number seems awful low. I usually get 1000-2000kbps down and 600-1000 kbps up on 3g here in Memphis.
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  #1483 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 11:35 AM
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Re: [ROM] 01/10/11 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.70.651.1 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by Fredrick2011 View Post
This post is only directed at the Sprint Lovers Rom Developer

Im new here so i am sorry if i put this in the wrong place

i currently have the stock rom of 3.70.651.3 on my evo and used the unrevoked software to disable the Hboot 2.10 security but due to a Validation Error: of CID is missing somewhere in the process i have been unable to confirm if i have a total complete full control root.

However with the S-Off i was able to flash the clockworks mod recovery and flashed the superuser account on to my device giving me the much needed WIFI teether but i am unable to uninstall the stock apps such as blockbuster.

can you please post the files that i can flash or install from the SD card that will give me the rest of the root access?

i have superuser root but not a total root i need a complete root without having to completely override the stock software is this possible?
Being fully rooted doesn't mean that you can delete "every" single application. There are two places you run programs from. One is /system which is a locked location (although you can still delete them from here with apps such as root explorer, etc.) and the other location is in /data. Some applications are intentionally left in system memory on my rom so that users don't accidentally delete an app that is needed for other processes within the ROM. While you may think one particualr app only served one function, most system apps are called on by various processes and removing a system app would cause problems elsewhere in other applications.

There are plenty of resources on the site to read up on which are safe to remove and which aren't. For the most part I have made everything I have deemed as safe to remove uninstallable from within the Applications menu.
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  #1484 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 11:35 AM
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Re: [ROM] 01/10/11 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.70.651.1 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by Fredrick2011 View Post
This post is only directed at the Sprint Lovers Rom Developer

Im new here so i am sorry if i put this in the wrong place

i currently have the stock rom of 3.70.651.3 on my evo and used the unrevoked software to disable the Hboot 2.10 security but due to a Validation Error: of CID is missing somewhere in the process i have been unable to confirm if i have a total complete full control root.

However with the S-Off i was able to flash the clockworks mod recovery and flashed the superuser account on to my device giving me the much needed WIFI teether but i am unable to uninstall the stock apps such as blockbuster.

can you please post the files that i can flash or install from the SD card that will give me the rest of the root access?

i have superuser root but not a total root i need a complete root without having to completely override the stock software is this possible?
I would have helped, but you only want Chris's help, sorry.
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  #1485 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 03:56 PM
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Re: [ROM] 01/10/11 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.70.651.1 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by saibot View Post
First off, love this ROM. Been using Sprint Lovers since the Touch Pro 2.

Today, however, something odd happened. It's the first time so I'm not worried about it yet, but wanted to see if this has happened to anyone else. My battery life up until now has been great, but last night I took the phone off the car charger (66%) and didn't use the phone for the rest of the night. This morning I was surprised to hear the low battery beep. Usually I only lose ~10% overnight. I looked at the Battery usage and it was 50% Phone Idle and 50% Cell Phone Standby. Always good reception in my room. I have 2 batteries that I swap and this did happen on the battery that drains a little more quickly, but never that fast on idle.

Any tips? I'll see how the better battery does tonight and hope I don't need another spare.

Edit: on the 12/21 version
Happened again. The battery now drains very quickly on idle, faster than it used to with heavy usage. What happened? Whould clearing battery stats help? I might try recalibrating batteries since swapping them may have affected something. Or maybe updating to the newest rom.

BTW, if you don't run SystemPanel for trouble shooting battery drain issues ... the freebie is great, and the $3 version is priceless.
I'll give it a shot. Thanks.
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  #1486 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 08:08 PM
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Re: [ROM] 01/10/11 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.70.651.1 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by saibot View Post
Happened again. The battery now drains very quickly on idle, faster than it used to with heavy usage. What happened? Whould clearing battery stats help? I might try recalibrating batteries since swapping them may have affected something. Or maybe updating to the newest rom.

I'll give it a shot. Thanks.
You may have a software, radio, kernel, PRI mismatch. When 3.70 was released and new radios and PRI came out alot of people had high unexplained battery drain. This was caused by some phones not liking the PRI 1.90 so alot of people reverted back to 1.77 and that solved the problem. Others had the problem because they were running software ver 3.30 with the new radios and kernel and pri. Make sure that you have the latest radios, 3.70 installed, HTC kernel #15, and either 1.77 or 1.90 pri and see how you battery behaves.
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  #1487 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 11:49 PM
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Re: [ROM] 01/10/11 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.70.651.1 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Is anyone else having issues with the time zone? Mine keeps switching to Africa for some reason when I leave it on automatic.
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  #1488 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2011, 01:06 AM
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Hey Chris,

Sprint Zone says there is a profile and PRL update. Are these safe to do or will it be in your next update? Or has it already been updated in the last ROM but Sprint just isn't recognizing?

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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  #1489 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2011, 03:43 AM
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Re: [ROM] 01/10/11 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.70.651.1 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by cruise350 View Post
You may have a software, radio, kernel, PRI mismatch. When 3.70 was released and new radios and PRI came out alot of people had high unexplained battery drain. This was caused by some phones not liking the PRI 1.90 so alot of people reverted back to 1.77 and that solved the problem. Others had the problem because they were running software ver 3.30 with the new radios and kernel and pri. Make sure that you have the latest radios, 3.70 installed, HTC kernel #15, and either 1.77 or 1.90 pri and see how you battery behaves.
The problem started a couple nights ago. I've been on the 12/21 rom since 12/29. Radio is PRI is 1.90_003 and PRL is 60674. Software is 3.70.651.1, kernel is

Seems like everything should be fine, but I may try updating to the newest version. Right now I have my GPS, data, bluetooth, wi-fi, etc off. Sometimes the drain is quicker than others while idle, but it seems to be hanging in there. It's late so I'm off to bed withe the phone at 77% and I'll see how it does this time.
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  #1490 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2011, 07:07 AM
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Re: [ROM] 01/10/11 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.70.651.1 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by cruise350 View Post
56 kb is dial up speed, are you in a 3g area or are you roaming on Verizon. That number seems awful low. I usually get 1000-2000kbps down and 600-1000 kbps up on 3g here in Memphis.
on sprint 3g network. When not connected to the pc i only get 658kbps down and 702 kbps up

I also rooted and placed a custom rom sprint lovers on it... still slow...
see below... i am using usb. only down one bar...

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